Blastobasis aciformis, Teng & Wang, 2019

Teng, Kaijian & Wang, Shuxia, 2019, Taxonomic study of the genus Blastobasis Zeller, 1855 (Lepidoptera: Blastobasidae) from China, with descriptions of six new species, Zootaxa 4679 (1), pp. 25-46 : 40-41

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Plazi (2019-10-01 06:15:17, last updated 2024-11-29 13:09:19)

scientific name

Blastobasis aciformis

sp. nov.

Blastobasis aciformis View in CoL , sp. nov.

( Figs. 11 View FIGURES 4−13 , 21 View FIGURES 21−23 , 29 View FIGURES 27−30 )

Type material. China: Zhejiang Province: Holotype ♂, Laofoyan Village (28.37°N, 118.67°E), Shuangxikou Town, Xianxialing , Jiangshan City , 400 m, 28.V.2017, coll. Shuonan Qian and Ga-Eun Lee, genitalia slide No. TKJ17135. GoogleMaps

Paratypes (42♂, 80♀): 1♂, 6♀, Wangdongyang Wetland, Jingning County, 1301 m, 12.VIII.2016, coll. Qingyun Wang, Meiqing Yang and Ping Liu, genitalia slide No. TKJ17240 ♂, TKJ17241 ♀, TKJ17242 ♀, TKJ17243 ♀. Fujian Province : 2♂, 4♀, Xianfengling, Mt. Wuyi, 1000 m, 26.V.2004, coll. Haili Yu, genitalia slide No. TKJ17608 ♂. Guangdong Province : 1♂, Nanling, Shaoguan , 7.V.2009, coll. Min Wang et al., genitalia slide No. TKJ17624 . Hainan Province: 1♂, Lizudadian, Shuiman Town, Wuzhishan City , 766 m, 7.VII.2015, coll. Qingyun Wang, Suran Li and Mengting Chen, genitalia slide No. TKJ17523 . Yunnan Province: 1♀, Taiyanghe, Puer City , 1600 m, 11.VII.2013, coll. Zhenguo Zhang, genitalia slide No. TKJ17267 ; 33♂, 58♀, Taiyanghe , 1450 m, 21.V‒2.IX.2014, coll. Zhenguo Zhang, genitalia slide No. TKJ17301 ♂, TKJ17302 ♂, TKJ17307 ♀; 2♀, Yuyingtang, Taiyanghe Na- tional Forest Park , Puer City , 1450 m, 7‒24.IV.2015, coll. Kaijian Teng, genitalia slide No. TKJ17332 ; 4♂, 6♀, Nankang Administration, Baoshan City , 2009 m, 9‒17.VIII.2014, coll. Kaijian Teng, Shurong Liu and Hua Rong, genitalia slide No. TKJ17420 ♂, TKJ17425 ♀; 1♀, Linjiapu, Tengchong City , 2144 m, 14.VIII.2014, coll. Kaijian Teng, Shurong Liu and Hua Rong ; 2♀, Xiaodifang New Village, Tengchong City , 2116 m, 11.VIII.2014, coll. Kai- jian Teng, Shurong Liu and Hua Rong, genitalia slide No. TKJ17419 .

Diagnosis. This new species is similar to B. edentula in the male genitalia, but it can be separated from the latter by the uncus with the distal 3/4 aciform and pointed apically, the gnathos with two small denticles medially on the posterior margin, and the anellus bearing one to two pairs of long spine-like setae apically. In B. edentula the uncus is narrowed from the base to a rounded apex except, parallel-sided medially, the gnathos lacks denticles on the posterior margin, and the anellus lacks setae apically.

Description. Adult ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 4−13 ) forewing length 5.5–8.5 mm. Head: Brown or dark brown, scales tipped with grayish white. Antenna with scape brown on dorsal surface, scales tipped with grayish white, yellowish white on ventral surface; pecten dark brown; flagellum dark brown, ciliated on ventral surface in male, first flagellomere dilated and notched in male. Labial palpus in male dark brown except some scales tipped with grayish yellow on outer surface, grayish yellow and flattened on inner surface; second segment grayish yellow apically, gradually broadened from base to middle, distal half almost uniformly slender, inner surface with an oval grayish white spot preapically; third segment about half length of second, gradually narrowed to pointed apex. Labial palpus in female distinctly narrower than in male, dark brown on outer surface, scales tipped with grayish white, grayish white on inner surface, with scattered brown scales tipped with grayish white; second segment grayish white apically; third segment slightly shorter than second. Haustellum dark brown.

Thorax: Nota and tegula dark brown, scales tipped with grayish white. Forewing brown, with grayish white tipped pale brown scales from near base becoming denser to basal 1/3, forming a grayish white fascia extending from basal 1/3 below costa to dorsum, with a wide dark brown fascia along its outer margin, with dense grayish white tipped pale brown scales on distal 2/3; discocellular, tornal and marginal spots dark brown; fringe brown, intermixed with dark brown scales tipped with grayish white. Hindwing and fringe grayish brown. Legs with dorsal surface grayish white; ventral surface dark brown, part scales tipped with grayish white; tibiae of mid- and hindlegs as well as each tarsomere of all tarsi grayish white apically.

Abdomen: Male genitalia ( Fig. 21 View FIGURES 21−23 ) with basal 1/4 of uncus broad and sub-rectangular, distal 3/4 distinctly narrower, aciform, pointed apically, slightly curved ventrad, sparsely setose. Gnathos triangularly produced and with two small denticles medially on posterior margin. Dorsal part of valva with costal process gradually widened to rounded apex, from costa uniformly extending ventrad to proximal flange, with a sclerotized ridge from above costa extending ventrad to fuse with outer edge of proximal flange; proximal flange bearing long setae near base and subtriangularly concave before middle on ventral margin, membrane above proximal flange with dense microtrichiae and with dense spine-like setae on distal 3/4. Ventral part of valva with basal 4/7 broad, nearly parallel-sided, nar- rowed to basal 3/4; distal 1/4 produced to a spine-like process, curving inward, setose; sacculus gradually widened from base to basal 1/5, almost uniformly wide from basal 1/5 to basal 3/5, then gradually narrowed to terminal, setose on distal 4/5. Juxta a transverse band, membranous medially. Vinculum a wide band. Phallus approximately 1.5 times length of valva, curved ventrad at basal 1/3, slightly curved dorsad sub-apically, basal half almost uniform, distal half gradually narrowed, slightly dilated apically; internal sclerite curved ventrad at basal 1/3 and slightly curved dorsad before apex; anellus bearing two or three long spine-like setae at basal 1/3 ( Fig. 21b View FIGURES 21−23 ), with dense cone-like setae and sparse spine-like setae from distal 3/7 to 1/7, with one or two pairs of long spine-like setae apically ( Fig. 21a View FIGURES 21−23 ). Female genitalia ( Fig. 29 View FIGURES 27−30 ) with apophyses posteriores approximately 3 times length of apophyses anteriores. Eighth tergum with a darkly pigmented longitudinal median streak. Intersegmental membrane posterior to seventh segment with a sub-oval area of dense microtrichiae flanking ostium. Seventh tergum nearly straight on posterior margin, with 3-4 transverse, irregular rows of spine-like setae; sternum slightly concave triangularly at middle on posterior margin. Antrum weakly sclerotized, cylindrical, posterior 2/5 distinctly broadened. Ductus bursae approximately 2.5 times length of corpus bursae; internal wall with overlapping platelets on anterior 1/2, becoming denser toward corpus bursae; ductus seminalis arising from anterior end of antrum. Corpus bursae oval, with dense granules; signum arising from posterior 1/3 of corpus bursae, horn-shaped, with a sclerotized crescentshaped (from lateral view) basal plate.

Distribution. China (Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan, Yunnan, Zhejiang).

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the Latin aciformis (aciform), referring to the aciform uncus.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 4−13. Adults of Blastobasis spp. 4, B. sprotundalis, ♂; 5, B. parki, ♂; 6, B. drymosa, ♂; 7, B. spinisetosa sp. nov., holotype, ♂; 8, B. inouei; 9, B. adamskii sp. nov., holotype, ♂; 10, B. divulgata sp. nov., holotype, ♂; 11, B. aciformis sp. nov., holotype, ♂; 12, B. edentula sp. nov., holotype, ♂; 13, B. hamata sp. nov., holotype, ♂. (Scale bars = 2.0 mm)

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FIGURES 21−23. Male genitalia of Blastobasis spp. 21, B. aciformis sp. nov., holotype, slide No. TKJ17135 (enlarged anellus: a, slide No. TKJ17608; b, slide No. TKJ17302); 22, B. edentula sp. nov., holotype, slide No. TKJ17391; 23, B. hamata sp. nov., holotype, slide No. TKJ17449. (Scale bars: 21−23 = 0.2 mm; 21a−b = 0.1 mm)

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FIGURES 27−30. Female genitalia of Blastobasis spp. 27, B. adamskii sp. nov., paratype, slide No. TKJ17406; 28, B. divulgata sp. nov., paratype, slide No. TKJ17647; 29, B. aciformis sp. nov., paratype, slide No. TKJ17425; 30, B. edentula sp. nov., paratype, slide No. TKJ17407. (Scale bars = 0.5 mm)