Kouchinsky, Artem, Bengtson, Stefan, Clausen, Sébastien & Vendrasco, Michael J., 2015, An early Cambrian fauna of skeletal fossils from the Emyaksin Formation, northern Siberia

Kouchinsky, Artem, Bengtson, Stefan, Clausen, Sébastien & Vendrasco, Michael J., 2015, An early Cambrian fauna of skeletal fossils from the Emyaksin Formation, northern Siberia, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 60 (2), pp. 421-512

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Helcionellidae     425
Parailsanella undefined-1     425-427
Yochelcionella     425
Yochelcionellidae     425
<View Treatment>     425
Bemella     425
Mackinnonia anabarica     427-431
Figurina     427
Leptostega hyperborea     431-433
Leptostega     431
Pararaconus     433
Pararaconus undetermined     433-434
Stenothecidae     435
Mellopegma uslonicum     435-436
Enigmaconus     436
Enigmaconidae     436
Pelagiella undefined-1     436-438
Pelagiellida     436
Pelagiella undefined-2     438-439
Fordilla     439
<View Treatment>     439
Fordilla     440-441
Majatheca     441
Orthothecida     441
Majatheca tumefacta     441-443
Allatheca     443-445
Allatheca     443
Conotheca     445
Conotheca     445
Conotheca undetermined     445
Conotheca circumflexa     445
Loculitheca     445-447
Loculitheca     445
Tetratheca clinisepta     447
Tetratheca     447
Lenatheca     448-451
Orthothecida     451
Triplicatella     451
Orthothecida     451
Triplicatella papilio   sp. nov.  452-453
Microcornus     453
Triplicatella sinuosa     453
Triplicatella     453
Hyolithida     453
Microcornus     453-454
Linevitus minutus     454-455
Parkula     455
Parkula     455
Hyolithida     455
Chancelloria undetermined     456-457
Chancelloriida     456
Halkieria undetermined     456
Sachitida     456
Hyolithida     456
Tommotiida     457
Camenella garbowskae     457-465
Lapworthella     465
Lapworthella dentata     465-466
Rhombocorniculum cancellatum     467-471
Rhombocorniculum insolutum     471-476
Amphigeisina     476
Hagionella     477
Amphigeisina danica     477
Hagionella cultrata     477
Gapparodus bisulcatus     477
Gapparodus     477
Fengzuella zhejiangensis     479
Microdictyon     481
Scleronychophora     481
Microdictyon undetermined     481-483
Hadimopanella     483
Hadimopanella knappologica     483-485
Mongolitubulus     485
Mongolitubulus spinosus     486
<View Treatment>     489
Judomia     494
Torellella     497
Hyolithellus     497
Hyolithelminthida     497
Torellella     497-499
Anabarites     499-501
Anabarites     499
Anabarites trisulcatus     499
Anabaritidae     499
Delgadella anabara     501
Heteractinida     505-506
Aetholicopalla     506