Rafael, José Albertino, Pimentel, Therezinha De Jesus, Godoi, Fabio Siqueira P. & Machado, Renato Jose Pires, 2009, The enigmatic genus Ctenostylum Macquart with the description of a new species from the Brazilian Amazon Basin and a checklist of world Ctenostylidae species (Diptera)

Rafael, José Albertino, Pimentel, Therezinha De Jesus, Godoi, Fabio Siqueira P. & Machado, Renato Jose Pires, 2009, The enigmatic genus Ctenostylum Macquart with the description of a new species from the Brazilian Amazon Basin and a checklist of world Ctenostylidae species (Diptera), Zootaxa 2026, pp. 63-68

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