Mikhailyuk, Tatiana, Vinogradova, Oksana, Holzinger, Andreas, Glaser, Karin, Samolov, Elena & Karsten, Ulf, 2019, New record of the rare genus Crinalium Crow (Oscillatoriales, Cyanobacteria) from sand dunes of the Baltic Sea, Germany: epitypification and emendation of Crinalium magnum Fritsch et John based on an integrative approach

Mikhailyuk, Tatiana, Vinogradova, Oksana, Holzinger, Andreas, Glaser, Karin, Samolov, Elena & Karsten, Ulf, 2019, New record of the rare genus Crinalium Crow (Oscillatoriales, Cyanobacteria) from sand dunes of the Baltic Sea, Germany: epitypification and emendation of Crinalium magnum Fritsch et John based on an integrative approach, Phytotaxa 400 (3), pp. 165-179

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