Harpke, Dörte, Kerndorff, Helmut, Pasche, Erich & Peruzzi, Lorenzo, 2016, Neotypification of the name Crocus biflorus Mill. (Iridaceae) and its consequences in the taxonomy of the genus

Harpke, Dörte, Kerndorff, Helmut, Pasche, Erich & Peruzzi, Lorenzo, 2016, Neotypification of the name Crocus biflorus Mill. (Iridaceae) and its consequences in the taxonomy of the genus, Phytotaxa 260 (2), pp. 131-143

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Crocus bif     133-134
Crocus leucostylosus   stat. nov.  137
Crocus ionopharynx   stat. nov.  137
Crocus melantherus   comb. nov.  137
Crocus caelestis   stat. nov.  137
Crocus fibroannulatus   stat. nov.  137
Crocus caricus   stat. nov.  137
Crocus albocoronatus   stat. nov.  137
Crocus isauricus     138
Crocus crewei     138
Crocus punctatus   stat. nov.  138
Crocus pseudonubigena   stat. nov.  138
Crocus adamii     138
Crocus yataganensis   stat. nov.  138
Crocus artvinensis     138
Crocus atrospermus     138
Crocus alexandri     138
Crocus nubigena     139
Crocus tauri     139
Crocus weldenii     139
Crocus pulchricolor     139
Crocus wattiorum     139
Crocus stridii     139