Francis, S V, Purushothaman, J, Siddique, A, Bhowal, A & Prasad, H, 2023, Taxonomic description of the male Tortanus (Atortus) murrayi Scott A., 1909 (Copepoda, Calanoida, Tortanidae) from the Great Nicobar Island, Indian Ocean

Francis, S V, Purushothaman, J, Siddique, A, Bhowal, A & Prasad, H, 2023, Taxonomic description of the male Tortanus (Atortus) murrayi Scott A., 1909 (Copepoda, Calanoida, Tortanidae) from the Great Nicobar Island, Indian Ocean, Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences 52 (6), pp. 307-311

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