Pérez-Peris, Francesc, Laibl, Lukáš, Vidal, Muriel & Daley, Allison C., 2021, Systematics, morphology, and appendages of an Early Ordovician pilekiine trilobite Anacheirurus from Fezouata Shale and the early diversification of Cheiruridae

Pérez-Peris, Francesc, Laibl, Lukáš, Vidal, Muriel & Daley, Allison C., 2021, Systematics, morphology, and appendages of an Early Ordovician pilekiine trilobite Anacheirurus from Fezouata Shale and the early diversification of Cheiruridae, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 66 (4), pp. 857-877

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