Mendoza-Franco, Edgar F., Hern, Raúl E., andez-Gomez & Caspeta-Mandujano, Juan M., 2023, New and previously known ectoparasitic monogenoids (Platyhelminthes) on native and non-native fishes from tributaries of the Usumacinta River basin (southern Mexico), a Neotropical transition zone

Mendoza-Franco, Edgar F., Hern, Raúl E., andez-Gomez & Caspeta-Mandujano, Juan M., 2023, New and previously known ectoparasitic monogenoids (Platyhelminthes) on native and non-native fishes from tributaries of the Usumacinta River basin (southern Mexico), a Neotropical transition zone, International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 22, pp. 92-100

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