Turvey, Samuel T., Crees, Jennifer J., Hansford, James, Jeffree, Timothy E., Crumpton, Nick, Kurniawan, Iwan, Setiyabudi, Erick, Guillerme, Thomas, Paranggarimu, Umbu, Dosseto, Anthony & van den Bergh, Gerrit D., 2017, Quaternary vertebrate faunas from Sumba, Indonesia: implications for Wallacean biogeography and evolution

Turvey, Samuel T., Crees, Jennifer J., Hansford, James, Jeffree, Timothy E., Crumpton, Nick, Kurniawan, Iwan, Setiyabudi, Erick, Guillerme, Thomas, Paranggarimu, Umbu, Dosseto, Anthony & van den Bergh, Gerrit D., 2017, Quaternary vertebrate faunas from Sumba, Indonesia: implications for Wallacean biogeography and evolution, Proceedings of the Royal Society, B: Biological Sciences 284, No. 20171278

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