Jaeger, Jean-Jacques, Thein, Tin, Benammi, Mouloud, Chaimanee, Yaowalak, Soe, Aung Naing, Lwin, Thit, Tun, Than, Wai, San & Ducrocq, Stéphane, 1999, A new primate from the Middle Eocene of Myanmar and the Asian early origin of anthropoids

Jaeger, Jean-Jacques, Thein, Tin, Benammi, Mouloud, Chaimanee, Yaowalak, Soe, Aung Naing, Lwin, Thit, Tun, Than, Wai, San & Ducrocq, Stéphane, 1999, A new primate from the Middle Eocene of Myanmar and the Asian early origin of anthropoids, Science 286, No. 5439, pp. 528-530

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