Bauret, Lucie, Grall, Aurelie, Senterre, Bruno, Rouhan, Germinal, Hennequin, Sabine, Ebihara, Atsushi & Dubuisson, Jean-Yves, 2015, New circumscription of Trichomanes cupressoides Desvaux (Hymenophyllaceae), an endemic filmy fern from the Seychelles (Indian Ocean), and new insights into the genus Abrodictyum C. Presl in the western Indian Ocean

Bauret, Lucie, Grall, Aurelie, Senterre, Bruno, Rouhan, Germinal, Hennequin, Sabine, Ebihara, Atsushi & Dubuisson, Jean-Yves, 2015, New circumscription of Trichomanes cupressoides Desvaux (Hymenophyllaceae), an endemic filmy fern from the Seychelles (Indian Ocean), and new insights into the genus Abrodictyum C. Presl in the western Indian Ocean, Phytotaxa 202 (1), pp. 1-14

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