Santos, Quinton Marco Dos, Maina, John Ndegwa & Avenant-Oldewage, Annemariè, 2019, Gyrodactylus magadiensis n. sp. (Monogenea, Gyrodactylidae) parasitising the gills of Alcolapia grahami (Perciformes, Cichlidae), a fish inhabiting the extreme environment of Lake Magadi, Kenya

Santos, Quinton Marco Dos, Maina, John Ndegwa & Avenant-Oldewage, Annemariè, 2019, Gyrodactylus magadiensis n. sp. (Monogenea, Gyrodactylidae) parasitising the gills of Alcolapia grahami (Perciformes, Cichlidae), a fish inhabiting the extreme environment of Lake Magadi, Kenya, Parasite (Paris, France) 26 (76), pp. 1-13

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