Berlov, O. E. & Kuberskaya, O. V., 2023, Insecta: Diptera, Culicidae: Additions and corrections to Mosquitoes of the World by Wilkerson et al. (2021)

Berlov, O. E. & Kuberskaya, O. V., 2023, Insecta: Diptera, Culicidae: Additions and corrections to Mosquitoes of the World by Wilkerson et al. (2021), Amurian Zoological Journal XV (1), pp. 110-118

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Culex     111-112
Culex     112
Culex     112-113
Culiseta     113
Aedes     113
Aedes     113
Aedes (Ochlerotatus) grandilarva     113
Anopheles     113-114