Haplophragmoides pervagatus
Besen, Richard M., Struck, Ulrich & Seibertz, Ekbert, 2021, Albian to Turonian agglutinated foraminiferal assemblages of the Lower Saxony Cretaceous sub-basins - implications for sequence stratigraphy and paleoenvironmental interpretation, Fossil Record 24 (2), pp. 395-441
: 412
412 |
Hessebius pervagatus
Dyachkov, Yurii V., Farzalieva, Gyulli Sh. & Tuf, Ivan H., 2022, An annotated checklist of centipedes (Chilopoda) of Middle Asian countries, part 1. Lithobiomorpha, Zootaxa 5100 (2), pp. 151-188
: 167
167 |
Hessebius pervagatus
Dyachkov, Yurii V., 2023, On the Chilopoda fauna of the Pamir Mts, Tajikistan, with notes on the highest records of chilopod species in Middle Asia, Ecologica Montenegrina 65, pp. 67-75
: 69-70
69-70 |
Phelister pervagatus
sp. nov.
Caterino, Michael S. & Tishechkin, Alexey K., 2020, Recognition and revision of the Phelister blairi group (Histeridae, Histerinae, Exosternini), ZooKeys 1001, pp. 1-154
: 1
1 |