Cyrnellus mammilatus Flint, 1971

de Souza, Wagner Rafael M., Lima, Lucas R. C., Pes, Ana M. O. & Pinheiro, Ulisses, 2013, Trichoptera (Insecta) from Pernambuco State, northeastern Brazil, Journal of Natural History 47 (45 - 46), pp. 2905-2914 : 2913

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scientific name

Cyrnellus mammilatus Flint, 1971


Cyrnellus mammilatus Flint, 1971

Previous distribution

BRAZIL: Amazon Basin ( AM, PA), Paraná Basin (PR), Atlântico Sudeste Basin ( RJ), Minas Gerais, São Paulo States. ARGENTINA, ECUADOR, PARAGUAY, PERU and URUGUAY.


PERNAMBUCO: Petrolina (Balneário Pedrinhas, Rio São Franscisco 8 ◦ 36 ′ 23.2 ′′ S, 38 ◦ 34 ′ 21.7 ′′ W), 5 ♂, 6 October 2011, L. R GoogleMaps .C. Lima G. Nicácio cols ( UFPE). Correntes ( Rio Mundaú 9 ◦ 07 ′ 57.4 ′′ S, 36 ◦ 19 ′ 01.0 ′′ W, 380 m), 30 ♂, 14 February 2012, L. R GoogleMaps .C. Lima, W. R . M. Souza cols ( UFPE). Amaraji ( Rio Amaraji , near alcohol plant 8 ◦ 21 ′ 48.9 ′′ S, 35 ◦ 28 ′ 49.0 ′′ W, 320 m), 3 ♂, 28 April 2012, L. R GoogleMaps .C. Lima, W. R . M. Souza cols ( UFPE) .


Australian Museum


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile

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