Leuseriola bohoroki, Gorochov, 2022

Gorochov, Andrei V., 2022, New taxa of the cricket subfamily Pteroplistinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) from Indo-Malayan Region, Amurian Zoological Journal XIV (3), pp. 445-456 : 454-455

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.33910/2686-9519-2022-14-3-445-456

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scientific name

Leuseriola bohoroki

sp. nov.

Leuseriola bohoroki View in CoL Gorochov, sp. nov.

(Figs. 1: F–H; 3: A–E)

https://zoobank.org/ NomenclaturalActs/ 3BB21BEB-3115-4204-AFCF- 4B8F4036B343

Material. Holotype — ♂, Indonesia, Sumatra Island, North Sumatra Prov., ~ 80 km W of Medan, environs of Bukit Lawang vill. on the Bohorok River near Gunung Leuser National Park , 3 ° 32–33ʹN, 98 ° 6–7ʹE, 200–300 m, 6– 14.04.2018, A. Gorochov , M. Berezin, I. Kamskov, E. Tkatsheva ( ZIN).

Description. Male (holotype). Colouration dark brown with following pattern: eyes greyish brown; ocelli and antennae light brown with brown ring on apex of each scape and on each pedicel; mouthparts brown to light brown with almost yellowish apex of labrum and most part of each palpus (but maxillary palpus with brown area on apical segment as well as smaller and less distinct marks on other segments); tegmina brown with light brown to yellowish short basal part of dorsal field as well as spot and transverse stripe near plectrum, with greyish (almost transparent) membranes in regions of chords and oblique veins as well as in mirror and in ventroproximal part of lateral field, and with some light veins and veinlets in dorsal field and near it (Fig. 1: F); hind wings light greyish brown; legs light brown to yellowish with brown to dark brown spots; venter of prothorax yellowish, but that of pterothorax light brown to brown with yellowish lateral parts; abdomen with brown sternites, genital plate, paraprocts and posterior half of anal plate, as well as with light brown to yellowish transverse line on middle part of anal plate and large areas on basal part of each cercus and near it (Fig. 1: G). Rostrum of head almost rounded in profile; space between antennal cavities almost as wide as each scape; pronotum low and slightly widening to tegmina; tegmina not widened, insignificantly protruding beyond apical apex, with numerous Sc branches (crossveins between them absent), very narrow Sc-R area, widened R-M area (having sparse and oblique crossveins), rather short apical area of dorsal field, and venation of this field as in Fig. 1: F; hind wings slightly not reaching tegminal apices; armament of hind legs as in P. (E.) tarbinskyi sp. nov. but with 2 outer articulated dorsal spines on distal part of hind tibia (instead 3); anal and genital plates as in Figs. 1: G, H; cerci about 18.5 mm in length. Genitalia (Fig. 3: A–E): epiphallus with posterior lobes rather wide and located near each other (Fig. 3: D); ectoparameres stick-like with rath- er narrow distal parts curved upwards (Fig. 3: B, C); endoparameres practically articulated with rachis (Fig. 3: A, B); ventral part of rachis with widened subapical part as well as short semimembranous and spine-like apical part curved downwards (Fig. 3: B, C), but dorsal parts of rachis developed and visible as a pair of small semitransparent and elongate plates with slightly hooked apices (Fig. 3: E); anterior semisclerotised plates, located around formula, large (Fig. 3: A).

Length in mm. Body 9; body with wings 10.5; pronotum 2.3; tegmina 7; hind femora 7.4.

Female unknown.

Comparison. Differences of the new species from all species of the related genus Changiola and from other representatives of Pteroplistinae are given in the generic description.

Etymology. The new species is named after the Bohorok River near its type locality.

Leuseriola alasi Gorochov, sp. nov.

(Figs. 1: I–K; 3: F–J)

https://zoobank.org/ NomenclaturalActs/ 19FFE174-EF71-4B37-89D7- 5258412A8346

Material. Holotype — ♂, Indonesia, Sumatra Island, Aceh Prov. not far from border with North Sumatra Prov., environs of Ketambe vill. on the Alas River near Gunung Leuser National Park , 3 ° 41–42ʹN, 97 ° 38–39ʹE, 300– 500 m, 15– 24.04.2018, A. Gorochov , M. Berezin, I. Kamskov, E. Tkatsheva ( ZIN).

Description. Male (holotype). Colouration and structure of body very similar to those of L. bohoroki sp. nov. but with following differences: large darkened subapical spot on fore femur somewhat lighter, and tegminal mirror insignificantly less transverse (compare Figs. 1: F and 1: I); anal and genital plates as in Figs. 1: J, K; genitalia (Fig. 3: F–J) distinguished from those of L. bohoroki sp. nov. by epiphallus with slightly narrower posterior lobes and distinctly wider notch between them (edge of this notch with few smaller and somewhat asymmetrical lobules; Fig. 3: I), ectoparameres with clearly wider distal parts (Fig. 3: F, G), endoparameres isolated from rachis (Fig. 3: G), rachis lacking any distinct plate-like dorsal parts as well as with slightly narrower subapical part and with longer apical part directed mainly backwards (Fig. 3: H, J), and semisclerotised anterior plates around formula distinctly smaller (Fig. 3: F).

Length in mm. Body 8.5; body with wings 10; pronotum 2.3; tegmina 7; hind femora 7.5. Female unknown.

Comparison. Differences of the new species from L. bohoroki sp. nov. are given above, in its description.

Etymology. The new species is named after the Alas River near its type locality.


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum













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