Zygothuria candelabri ( Hérouard, 1923 )

Gebruk, Andrey V., Solis-Marin, Francisco A., Billett, David S. M., Rogacheva, Antonina V. & Tyler, Paul A., 2012, Review of the genus Zygothuria Perrier, 1898 and the Atlantic group of species of the genus Mesothuria Ludwig, 1894 (Synallactidae: Holothuroidea) with description of the new species Mesothuria milleri sp. nov., Journal of Natural History 46, pp. 265-348 : 322-325

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Felipe (2021-08-14 18:18:22, last updated 2024-01-20 00:07:27)

scientific name

Zygothuria candelabri ( Hérouard, 1923 )


Zygothuria candelabri ( Hérouard, 1923) View in CoL

( Figure 16 View Figure 16 )

Mesothuria candelabri View in CoL – Hérouard, 1923: 17–19, pl. 1, figs. 1–10; Madsen, 1953: 153. Non Mesothuria (Allantis) candelabri View in CoL – Heding, 1940: 334–335, textfig. 3 [= Mesothuria (Penichrothuria) cathedralis View in CoL ].

Zygothuria candelabri ( Hérouard, 1923) View in CoL – Deichmann, 1930: 111.

Material examined

See Table 12.

Type material

Syntype (fragments), MOM, Princesse-Alice, St. 2986, 17 August 1910, 45 ◦ 7 ′ 30" N, 7 ◦ 6 ′ W, 4870 m GoogleMaps .

Type locality

Atlantic Ocean, Bay of Biscay, 4870 m.


Body ovoid, flattened, but with a well-differentiated sole; integument often wrinkled. Tubefeet arranged exclusively in single or double row along ventrolateral ambulacra, placed on sole margin, which often forms a fringe. Twenty tentacles. Calcareous ring well developed, with squarish radial pieces.

Ossicles tables with spire of three (rarely four) columns; arms of spire three rarely four, arms spinous or slightly spinous, longer than stem ( Figure 16 View Figure 16 ); arm length 0.08–0.14 mm. Disks with seven or eight holes; several holes in outer circle may develop; disk diameter from 0.1 mm to 0.2 mm.


The original description of Z. candelabri was based on fragments. It is a deep-living form recorded from 3757 to 4870 m in the north-east Atlantic ( Billett 1991). Ossicles similar to those in Z. candelabri occur in Mesothuria (Zygothuria) lactea var. spinosa ( Heding 1940) , size unknown, recorded from 5108 m in the south-east Atlantic ( Figure 6 View Figure 6 ). The latter species is likely to be age variation of Z. thomsoni : the arms of the spire are shorter in this species. There is also a similarity between these forms and Z. connectens , 60 mm long, recorded off north-west Africa from 1975 to 2518 m. A difference occurs, however in that the arms of spire in the former are spinous, whereas they are smooth in the latter. Confusion is added by the variety Z. thomsoni var. hyalina (Théel, 1886) , 68 mm long, known from the Southern Ocean (off southern Australia) from 3294 m ( Figure 6 View Figure 6 ), which differs from the type in the arms of the spire being less spinous. All these forms are closely related and they require further study. Records of


Z. candelabri from the Kermadec Trench (south-west Pacific) by Hansen (1975) need to be confirmed as well.


North-east Atlantic, Bay of Biscay; off Morocco ( Figure 6 View Figure 6 ).

Bathymetric range

Depth 3890–4870 m ( Hérouard 1923; Madsen 1953).

Billett DSM. 1991. Deep-sea holothurians. Oceanogr Mar Biol Annu Rev. 29: 259 - 317.

Deichmann E. 1930. The holothurians of the western part of the Atlantic Ocean. Mem Mus Comp Zool Harv. 71: 41 - 226.

Hansen B. 1975. Systematics and biology of the deep-sea holothurians. Gal Rep. 13: 1 - 262.

Heding S. 1940. Die Holothurien der Tiefsee-Expedition II. Aspidochirote und Elasipode Formen. Wiss Erg Deutsch Tiefsee-Exped Damp Valdivia 1898 - 1899. 24: 317 - 395.

Herouard E. 1923. Holothuries provenant des campagnes des yachts Princesse-Alice et Hirondelle II (1898 - 1915). Res Camp Sci Prince Monaco. 66: 1 - 163.

Madsen FJ. 1953. Holothurioidea. Rep Swed Deep-sea Exped 1947 - 1948 Zool. II: 149 - 173.

Gallery Image

Figure 6. Distribution of a group of Mesothuria and Zygothuria species.

Gallery Image

Figure 16. Zygothuria candelabri (Hérouard, 1923). Ossicles from Hérouard (1923), redrawn.


Musee Oceanographique Monaco











