Zasmidium citri-griseum (F.E. Fisher) U. Braun & Crous, IMA Fungus 5 (2): 337 (2014)

An, Yuan-Yan, Zeng, Xiang-Yu, Geng, Kun, Hyde, Kevin David & Wang, Yong, 2021, One new species and one new record of Zasmidium in China, Biodiversity Data Journal 9, pp. 59001-59001 : 59001

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Zasmidium citri-griseum (F.E. Fisher) U. Braun & Crous, IMA Fungus 5 (2): 337 (2014)


Zasmidium citri-griseum (F.E. Fisher) U. Braun & Crous, IMA Fungus 5 (2): 337 (2014)


Type status: Other material. Occurrence: catalogNumber: HGUP 1507.3 ; recordedBy: An Yuan-Yan; occurrenceID: living culture GUCC 1507.3 and MFLUCC 20-0138; Taxon: scientificName: Zasmidiumcitri-griseum; kingdom: Fungi; class: Dothideomycetes; order: Capnodiales; family: Mycosphaerellaceae; genus: Zasmidium; Location: country: China; stateProvince: YunNan; locality: Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture ; Identification: identifiedBy: Yuan-Yan An; dateIdentified: 2020; Record Level: language: en


Pathogenic on leaf spot of Cremastra appendiculata ( Asparagales , Orchidaceae ). Lesions on the upper leaf surface, scattered to confluent, distinct, angular, spots elliptic to suborbicular, reddish-brown to dark brown, 2-5 mm, on the lower leaf surface similar. Colonies on PDA 10-15 mm diam. in 2 weeks, with an even, dark-brown margin. Surface fold, with gully shape. Conidiophores arising singly as lateral branches of superficial hyphae, semi-macronematous to macronematous, mononematous, erect to flexuous, sometimes curved, unbranched, thick-walled, non-smooth surface, 1-3-septate, cylindrical, geniculate, brown, 35-135 × 5-7 µm. Conidiogenous cells integrated, terminal, 5-10 µm long, sympodial, polyblastic, cylindrical, geniculate, scars slightly thickened and darkened, 0.5-1.5 µm in diam. Conidia solitary in simple or occasionally branched chains, short to long cylindrical, some ends swollen straight to somewhat curved, 8-41 × 2-5 µm, unseptate, light brown, thin-walled, verruculose, 2-3.5 µm wide. (Fig. 2 View Figure 2 )