Westracystis lissus ( Smith, 1894 ), 1982

Hyman, Isabel T. & Ponder, Winston F., 2010, A morphological phylogenetic analysis and generic revision of Australian Helicarionidae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Stylommatophora), and an assessment of the relationships of the family 2462, Zootaxa 2462 (1), pp. 1-148 : 70-71

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scientific name

Westracystis lissus ( Smith, 1894 )


Westracystis lissus ( Smith, 1894) View in CoL

Figures 24B View FIGURE 24 , 25D–F View FIGURE 25 , 26A–B View FIGURE 26 , 27A–B View FIGURE 27 , 28A–B View FIGURE 28

Lamprocystis lissa Smith, 1894: 86–7 , pl. vii, figs 22–23; Cox, 1909: 2.

Microcystis lissa: Hedley, 1916: 71 .

Westracystis lissus: Iredale, 1933: 56 View in CoL ; Iredale, 1937c: 6; Iredale, 1939: 44; Solem, 1982: 178–83, figs 1–5, 12–14, 16, 18; Solem, 1988: 554–555.

Westracystis tentus Iredale, 1939: 44 View in CoL , pl. iii, fig. 14.

Synonymy follows Solem (1982).

Material examined. Western Australia, Australia: Syntypes: BMNH–4 (one shell measured, photographed), Queen’s Islet, NW Australia .

Other material: FMNH 211717 About FMNH (two specimens dissected), N of Kununurra , Shakespeare Hill, Ord River Delta, S slopes (14º49'28'' S, 128º25'23'' E), 23 May 1984, A. Solem, L. Price, K. Emberton GoogleMaps ; AM C64901 ( W. tentus syntypes; one shell measured, photographed), Napier (Barrier) Ranges (17º23' S, 124º52' E), Jun. 1887, W.W. Froggatt GoogleMaps ; AM C438434 (one radula examined), Point Spring Nature Reserve , N of Kununurra (15º24' S, 128º53' E), under wood in damp vine thicket areas, 13 Jun. 2003, W.F. Ponder, J.C. Walker, L. Puslednik GoogleMaps .

Northern Territory, Australia: AM C205297 (one specimen dissected, radula examined), Dudlock Falls , 15 km NE of Barayili on Dook Creek, E of Katherine, in leaf litter, 25 Dec. 1978 , V. Kessner .

Description. External morphology: Shell ( Figures 26A–B View FIGURE 26 , 27A–B View FIGURE 27 , 28A–B View FIGURE 28 ) 4.8 whorls, orange-brown; shape and sculpture as for genus. Animal grey. Mantle laps and lobes as for genus. Caudal horn small; caudal foss vertical slit in tail.

Mantle cavity and digestive system: As for genus.

Genital system ( Figure 24B View FIGURE 24 ): As for genus. Penis moderately long, very thin; epiphallus enters penis through simple pore; penis internally covered in transverse ridges, two longitudinal penis pilasters present. Penial sheath present, very thick, enclosing only penis. Epiphallus slightly longer than penis; internally with longitudinal pilasters.

Radula ( Figure 25D–F View FIGURE 25 ): As for genus. Radular formula ( × 75 rows.

Range and habitat. Westracystis lissus is widely distributed in the Kimberly region, from Fitzroy Crossing (Western Australia) to Kulumburu in the north and eastwards to the Northern Territory border. It is found in leaf litter, usually associated with limestone ( Solem 1982).

Remarks. Two morphs have been observed in populations of Westracystis lissus ( Solem 1982) . The smaller morph was around 3.75–4.25 whorls and usually showed a thick ridge on the outer edge of the parietal callus and a noticeable sinuation of the upper palatal lip. The larger morph was around 4.5–5.25 whorls and usually had no parietal callus ridge and no palatal lip sinuation; in addition, these specimens showed evidence of a growth pause ( Solem 1982). Solem (1982) interpreted this dichotomy as indicating that W. lissus lives through at least two wet seasons, aestivating at the end of each one. The morphs cannot be separated anatomically. Solem (1982) also pointed out that W. tentus was described based on the smaller morph, so W. lissus and W. tentus should be synonymised, a decision followed here.


Australian Museum


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium














Westracystis lissus ( Smith, 1894 )

Hyman, Isabel T. & Ponder, Winston F. 2010

Westracystis tentus

Iredale, T. 1939: 44

Westracystis lissus: Iredale, 1933: 56

Solem, A. 1988: 554
Solem, A. 1982: 178
Iredale, T. 1939: 44
Iredale, T. 1937: 6
Iredale, T. 1933: 56

Microcystis lissa:

Hedley, C. 1916: 71

Lamprocystis lissa

Cox, J. C. 1909: 2
Smith, E. A. 1894: 7
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