Videna planorbis (Lesson, 1831)

Hyman, Isabel T. & Ponder, Winston F., 2010, A morphological phylogenetic analysis and generic revision of Australian Helicarionidae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Stylommatophora), and an assessment of the relationships of the family 2462, Zootaxa 2462 (1), pp. 1-148 : 118-119

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Videna planorbis (Lesson, 1831)


Videna planorbis (Lesson, 1831) View in CoL

Figures 33J View FIGURE 33 , 35E View FIGURE 35 , 41C View FIGURE 41 , 42D–F View FIGURE 42

Material examined. Indonesia: FMNH 160957 About FMNH (two specimens dissected, one radula examined), Wasi, Ambon, A.M. Wegner .

Description. External morphology: Shell 5.5 whorls, light golden brown, glossy, spire and apex slightly raised. Protoconch and teleoconch smooth. Whorl profile rounded above and below keeled periphery. Internal walls of early whorls complete; umbilicus open, moderately wide. Animal ( Figure 35E View FIGURE 35 ) grey with white sole. Mantle laps and lobes absent. Sole of foot undivided; caudal apparatus with sole longer than foot ( Muratov’s 1999 zonitid type).

Mantle cavity: As for family. Pigmentation of black and white spots, mantle gland absent.

Digestive system: Oesophageal crop absent.

Genital system ( Figures 33J View FIGURE 33 , 41C View FIGURE 41 ): As for family. Carrefour and talon both not embedded in albumen gland. Free oviduct long; capsular gland present; internal longitudinal pilasters absent. Bursa copulatrix inserted at junction of penis and free oviduct, very short, shorter than the free oviduct; duct of bursa copulatrix moderately wide, distinguishable from bursa copulatrix, internally with longitudinal pilasters. Vagina absent. Penis short; epiphallus enters penis through simple pore; penis internally smooth, at least ten longitudinal penis pilasters present, penial diverticulum absent. Penial sheath present, enclosing only penis; penis retractor muscle attached to junction of penis and epiphallus. Epiphallus shorter than penis, simple internally. Epiphallic retractor caecum absent, Flagellum and lime-sac absent. Spermatophore not present in dissected specimens.

Radula ( Figure 42D–F View FIGURE 42 ): Relatively long and narrow. Central tooth with no ectocones; mesocone triangular, much longer than tooth base. Lateral and marginal tooth fields distinguishable. Lateral teeth with endocone absent; ectocone much smaller than those on central tooth; mesocone much longer than tooth base. Marginal teeth with endocones absent; ectocones slightly shorter and narrower than the mesocone, not subdivided into extra teeth. Radular formula ( × 95 rows.

Remarks. The assignment of this species to Videna should be regarded as tentative. The anatomy of V. planorbis does not closely match that of the type species, V.metcalfei (Pfeiffer, 1845) , as described by Semper (1870) and Schileyko (2002a). Given the strong similarities between V. planorbis and T. rubens it is possible that this species belongs in Trochomorpha ; however, further examination of more members of Trochomorphidae is required to ascertain the relationships of V. planorbis .

There are at least ten species ( Schileyko 2002a) of Videna distributed throughout Japan, the Philippines, the Malay Peninsula and parts of Indonesia.

Videna planorbis consistently grouped with Trochomorpha rubens (Trochomorphidae) in the phylogenetic analysis ( Figures 1–3 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 ). In the molecular phylogenetic analysis of Wade et al. (2006), the genera Trochomorpha and Videna grouped together as well ( Figure 44B View FIGURE 44 ). The molecular analysis of Hyman et al. (2007) showed Videna planorbis grouping with Orpiella concavum ( Figure 44A View FIGURE 44 ). Trochomorpha was not included in the latter analysis.

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