Utricularia hirtella Saint-Hilaire & Girard (1838: 869)

Baleeiro, Paulo C., Gonella, Paulo M., Sano, Paulo T. & Jobson, Richard W., 2022, Unveiling Utricularia amethystina’s true colours: a taxonomic revision of one of the largest species complexes (U. sect. Foliosa, Lentibulariaceae), Phytotaxa 576 (1), pp. 29-54 : 42-44

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Utricularia hirtella Saint-Hilaire & Girard (1838: 869)


6. Utricularia hirtella Saint-Hilaire & Girard (1838: 869) View in CoL — Fig. 4A–D View FIGURE 4

Type: — BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: in terra humida propè urbem S . Joao del Rei; Saint Hilaire B2-2392 (Holotype: P image! (photo, M)) .

= Utricularia genliseoides Benjamin (1847:250)

Type:— BRAZIL: Minas Gerais, Tejuco ; Martius s.n. (Holotype: M image!) .

= Utricularia spatulata Splitg. ex de Vriese (1848: 324) View in CoL

Type:— SURINAM: Pará; Splitgerber 674 (Holotype: L image!) .

= Utricularia adenantha Standley (1936: 366) View in CoL

Type:— BELIZE: All Pines , in swampy places, at sea level, growing in sandy soil; 2 Sept, W. A . Schipp S-89 (Holotype: F!; Isotype: BM!, BRH, G image!, K!, MICH, MO!, NY!, S image!, Z) .

= Utricularia kaieteurensis Steyermark (1948: 658) View in CoL

Type:— GUYANA: Kaieteur Savanna, Maguire & Fanshawe 23204 (Holotype: F!; Isotype: K!, NY!, VEN) .

= Utricularia bolivarana Steyermark (1953: 538) View in CoL

Type:— VENEZUELA: Bolivar: Gran Sabana, Steyermark 59191 (Holotype: F!; Isotype: VEN) .

Illustrations: — Baleeiro et al. (2016), fig 2 L, N.

Description:—Terrestrial. Small to medium sized annual herb. Rhizoids absent or 2–4, simple ramification, 3–7 mm long. Stolons few to numerous (10) up to 6 mm long. Leaves absent or up to 7, from peduncle base, lamina obovate, reniform to almost circular, multinerved; 2 mm long; traps on stolons, globose, 0.5–2.0 mm long, stalked 0.5–3.0 mm long. Inflorescence simple or loosely branched, 30–150 mm long, peduncle glabrous 0.19–0.42 mm thick; scales basifix, glabrous, ovate, margin entire 0.5–0.7 mm long, bract and bracteoles basifixed, connate at about the middle, glabrous, without or 1-nerved, bract ovate apex acuminate obtuse, 0.6–1.0 mm long, bracteoles narrowly ovate, shorter or the same level than the bracts. Flowers 1–3 pedicel erect, filiform, glabrous or glandular trichomes next to calyx, 1–9 mm long; calyx lobes unequal, chartaceous, concave, glandular trichomes present, with inconspicuous simple nerves, upper lobe ovate or ovate-elliptic, apex rounded, margin hyaline, entire 1.1–2.1 mm long; lower lobe ovateoblong, margin not hyaline, apex crenate or emarginate, 0.8–1.6 mm long; corolla white, cream, or light pink, with yellow spot at base of lower lip, surfaces hirsute (densely covered by trichomes); upper lip oblong towards the base, ovate towards the rounded apex; lower lip transversally elliptic, base slightly gibbous, apex slightly 3-lobed, lateral and middle lobes rounded; spur conical, apex obtuse, x2> the length of lower lip, trichomes cover much surface 2.2–5.1 mm long; filaments slightly curved, anther thecae same width as filaments; ovary globose, surface covered with glandular or simple trichomes. Capsule globose 1.0– 1.5 mm long., not embracing the style lips. Seeds obliquely ovoid to narrowly cylindrical, 0.2–0.5 × 0.15 mm.

Distribution and ecology: —This group is found in Belize, Brazil, British Guyana, French Guyana, Honduras, Guatemala, Venezuela and Surinam. In Brazil, in the states of Bahia, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Roraima, and Tocantins. Although its distribution ranges from Central to South America and across many biogeographical barriers ( Fig. 1A–C View FIGURE 1 ), it is mostly hard to measure population size, and the number of specimens is low, similar nature found in U.trinervia . Specimens grow in sandy, wet, poor soils of mostly high in elevation rocky outcrops and grasslands in the Brazilian and Guiana Shield Savannas and close to sea level savannas of the Amazon so-called campinaranas. Flowers from March to September.

Etymology: —The species epithet refers to the indumentum of simple and glandular trichomes covering the surface of the calyx and corolla.

Conservation status: —Least Concern. Utricularia hirtella s.l. ( Fig.4A–D View FIGURE 4 ) as here defined, is considered to be a species complex with a widespread distribution (EOO = 7,237,840 km 2; AOO = 160 km 2), found within several protected areas. If this complex taxon is further delimited in the future, the additional taxa may require reevaluation of threat status.

Notes: —Although an attempt was made to sample populations representing each of the currently accepted taxa or synonyms of published names ( Baleeiro et al. 2019), none of the accessions in the U. hirtella clade represents the type locality so instead morphologically similar specimens were included ( Fig.4A,B View FIGURE 4 ). The closest or possibly the type location is presented in the study of da Silva et al., (2011) of Serra de Sao Jose and a photo is provided ( Fig. 3A View FIGURE 3 , Silva et al. 2011). In addition, access to populations across many northern regions of South America is limited (i.e., the Tepuis, Venezuela), and further collections are required to examine this species complex of species. In summary, U. hirtella is differentiated from other related taxa by the presence of papillae and/or trichomes on its calyx, and a usually white corolla. At the same time, Baleeiro et al. (2019) study showed U. hirtell a is a multi-lineage independent from U. amethystina s.str. it also revealed a morphological diversity that requires further investigation.

Additional specimens examined: — BRAZIL. AMAZONAS: Manaus-Caracaraí, km 130, Igarapé Lages, 9 Mai. 1974, Prance et al. 21041 ( NY) . GOIÁS, Alto Paraiso de Goiás, campo gallery forest and adjacent wet campo (brejo), c. 20km N. of Alto Paraiso , 19 Mar. 1971, Irwin et al. 32716 ( NY) ; ibid, Parque Nacional Veadeiros, entrando +- no km 190 da estrada Brasília-Alto Paraíso , 11 Abr. 1995, Rivadavia & Ogassavara 370 ( SPF) ; ibid, 14 Abr. 1995, Rivadavia & Ogassavara 379 ( SPF) ; ibid, Parque Nacional Veadeiros, campo úmido inclinado próximo ao córrego dos Ingleses , 2 Jun. 2009, Baleeiro et al. 13 ( R) ; ibid, estrada, entre Alto Paraíso de Goiás e Teresina de Goiás (GO-118), km 196, 5 Jun. 2009, Baleeiro et al. 43 ( R) ; ibid, 20 Mar. 2012, caminho pelo morro Cauda da Baleia em direç„o à Teta de Moça, Baleeiro et al. 119 ( R); ibid, 11 km de Alto Paraíso de Goiás em direç„o a S „o Jorge , lado esquerdo da pista, ambiente com gramíneas beirando córrego pequeno, 23 Mar. 2012, Baleeiro et al. 149 ( SPF) ; ibid, 24 Mar 2012, campo rupestre 27.8 km de Alto Paraíso em direç„o a Teresina, Baleeiro et al. 158 ( SPF). Cavalcante , ponto a 20 km de Cavalcante, estrada em direç„o ao povoado de Kalunga, 23 Mar. 2012, Baleeiro et al. 141 ( SPF) . Mineiros, encosta brejosa de morro à direita do km11 da estrada para o Parque Nacional das Emas, 3 Mai. 1999, Rivadavia & Sato 1050 ( SPF) . Pirenópolis, nascente brejosa com buritis à direita da estrada para Três Picos , 22 Abr. 1999, Rivadavia & Sato 919 ( SPF) . Posse , campo limpo úmido envolta de um buritizal, 30 Jul 2012, Baleeiro et al. 208 ( SPF) . Santo Antônio do Descoberto , nascente brejosa com buritis à esquerda da BR-070 pouco antes da divisa com o DF, 23 Abr. 1999, Rivadavia & Sato 933 ( SPF) . MATO GROSSO: Barra do Garças, próximo a Cachoeira da Bateia, no complexo do Roncador , aproximadamente 40km a leste da cidade, 9 Nov. 2007, Cardoso 105 ( SPF) . Chapada dos Guimar „es, Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Guimar„es, campo antes da entrada da cidade de Chapada dos Guimar„es à esquerda, 11 Jun. 2011, Baleeiro & Cardoso 99 ( SPF). MINAS GERAIS: Buenópolis, estrada que sobe ao sul da cidade para alto da Serra do Cabral em direç„o ao Brejo Grande, 3 Jul. 2003, Rivadavia & Menezes 1647 ( SPF) . Diamantina, em campos rupestres próximos a cachoeira da Toca , 25 Fev. 1992, Rivadavia 78 ( SPF) ; ibid, em campos rupestres ca. 4km ao sudeste da cidade pela estrada para a Gruta do Salitre , 13 Mai. 2007, Rivadavia 2548 ( SPF) ; ibid, Biribiri, córrego/cachoeira Sentinela , 9 Jun. 2012, Baleeiro et al. 184 ( SPF) ; ibid, Parque Nacional Sempre Vivas , 8 Mar 2013, Baleeiro et al. 304 ( SPF) ; ibid, Parque Estadual do Biribiri, cachoeira Sentinela , lado esquerdo sentido contrário das águas, na beira da trilha, 9 Mar. 2013, Baleeiro et al. 315 ( SPF) . Gr „o Mogol, Trilha da tropa, 2 Jun. 1994, Rivadavia 280 ( SPF) . Jaboticatubas, campos rupestres dentro da Fazenda da Serra do Cipó , 26 Fev. 1992, Rivadavia 95 ( SPF) . S „o Gonçalo do Rio Preto, Parque Estadual do Rio Preto, descendo o Ribeir„o das Águas pela margem esquerda, entre as cachoeiras Deitada e Sempre-Viva , 28 Jun. 2003, Rivadavia & Deco 1627 ( SPF) . Serro, Distrito de milho verde, 5 Abr. 2003, Rivadavia & Neves 1551 ( SPF) ; ibid, campos rupestres à esquerda da estrada de Milho Verde para Diamantina, Km 22.5, 6 Abr. 2003, Rivadavia 1573 ( SPF) . SÃO PAULO: Botucatu, Distrito de Vitoriana, Porto Said , estrada Marciano Zacarias , em nascente brejosa na encosta de morro descendo da estrada, 20 Mar. 1999, Rivadavia et al. 853 ( SPF) . TOCANTINS: Mateiros, Cachoeira das Velhas, APA do Jalap „o, 14 Jun. 2006, Rivadavia 2220 ( SPF). Ponte Alta, Cachoeira da fumaça, estrada entre Rio da Conceiç„o e Ponte Alta, 17 Jul. 2006, Rivadavia 2257 ( SPF) . RORAIMA: Tepequém Pré-Tepui, regi„o da Cachoeira do Barata, área de campo aberto entre a casa do Norton e a mata, 9 Set. 2012, Baleeiro 275 ( SPF) .

VENEZUELA. BOLIVAR: Gran Sabana, beira da estrada, lado esquerdo sentido Caracas , 11 Set. 2012, Baleeiro 282 ( SPF) .


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


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Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


Bristol Museum


Ministry of Natural Resources, Local Government, and the Environment


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Royal Botanic Gardens


University of Michigan


Missouri Botanical Garden


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


Universität Zürich


Fundación Instituto Botánico de Venezuela


Nanjing University


Universidade de São Paulo


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile














Utricularia hirtella Saint-Hilaire & Girard (1838: 869)

Baleeiro, Paulo C., Gonella, Paulo M., Sano, Paulo T. & Jobson, Richard W. 2022

Utricularia bolivarana

Steyermark, J. A. 1953: )

Utricularia kaieteurensis

Steyermark, J. A. 1948: )

Utricularia adenantha

Standley, P. C. 1936: )

Utricularia spatulata Splitg. ex

de Vriese, W. H. 1848: )
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