Typhlops cuneirostris Peters

Broadley, Donald G. & Wallach, Van, 2009, 2255, Zootaxa 2255, pp. 1-100 : 23-24

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scientific name

Typhlops cuneirostris Peters


Typhlops cuneirostris Peters

( Fig. 3A)

Wedge-snouted blind-snake

Typhlops cuneirostris Peters, 1879 , Monatsb. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1879(8): 775, pl. fig. 4. Type locality: “Barawa im Somalilande” [= Brava, Lower Shebelli Province, Somalia] (01°06’N, 44°03’E, elevation NSL), holotype ZMB 9531, collected by G.A. Fischer; Boulenger, 1893: 32, 1897b: 279 (part), 1909b: 309, 1915c: 642 (part); Boettger, 1893: 193; Lepri, 1911: 319; Werner, 1921: 306 (part); Schmidt, 1923: 32 (part); Calabresi, 1927: 50 (part); Scortecci, 1939: 264; Parker, 1949: 25 (part); Roux-Estève, 1974: 153 (part), 1975a: 495, fig. 30 (part); Hahn, 1977: 37, 1980: 55 (part); Elter, 1982: 104; Lanza, 1983: 219 (part), 1990: 430 (part); Borgioli & Lanza, 1986: 353; Meirte, 1992: 22, 23 (part); Wallach, 1993a: 217, 1998a: 182 (part), 1998b: 370 (part); Bauer et al., 1995: 78, 2002: 163; Frank & Ramus, 1995: 253 (part); Mattison, 1999: 147 (part); McDiarmid et al., 1999: 98 (part); Murphy, 2003: 552 (part).

Typhlops cuneirostris cuneirostris — Gans & Laurent, 1965: 54; Hahn, 1980: 55; McDiarmid et al., 1999: 98.

Description. Snout prominent, wedge-shaped in lateral view, tip rounded; eye-snout length/interocular head width less than 0.80, ventral rostral length/inteocular head width less than 0.48. Rostral narrow, parallel and elongate, rounded posteriorly; frontal subtriangular, the nasals sometimes meeting at a point in front of it; supraocular oblique, its lateral apex between preocular and ocular; eye distinct, under the ocular; nasal suture arising from near sulcus between first and second labials; SIP T-V-P+O (N2, N2/P, P/O, O); MSR 22 (very rarely 20 or 24); MD 216–257 (mean 235.4, n = 28); vertebrae 115–126 (mean 119.2, n = 9); MD/V ratio 1.83–2.03 (mean 1.93, n = 9); L/D ratio 21–40 (mean 26.1, n = 28). Red-brown above, the pigment concentrated on the bases and lateral edges of the scales, forming dark lines, white below. Largest specimen (NHCL 1817—Afmadu, Somalia) has a total length of 158 mm.

Distribution. Southern Somalia, NSL- 200 m ( Fig. 11).

Localities. SOMALIA. No precise locality MZUF 5785 View Materials , 5787 View Materials , 5790 View Materials , 5792 View Materials , 5794 View Materials , 5796 View Materials , 5798 View Materials , 5812 View Materials , 5814 View Materials , 6888 View Materials , 6891 View Materials , 6911 View Materials , 21976 View Materials , 6890 View Materials , 24676 View Materials , 30098 View Materials ; MZUT 1754 View Materials , 1766 View Materials ; 6 km E Afgoi MZUF 24203–04 View Materials ; 10 km S Afgoi MCZ 74463–64 About MCZ ; Afmadu MZUF 5786 View Materials , 5793 View Materials , 5801–05 View Materials , 5953–54 View Materials , NHCL 1817–18 ; Balad MZUF 3970–71 View Materials , 5953–54 View Materials ; Belet Amin ( Scortecci, 1939); Brava ZMB 9531 View Materials (holotype of Typhlops cuneirostris Peters ) ; Chisimaio MZUF 5784 View Materials , 5788 View Materials , 5791 View Materials , 5793 View Materials , 5795 View Materials , 5797 View Materials , 5799 View Materials , 6889 View Materials , 6891–94 View Materials , 6896 View Materials , 6898 View Materials , 6900–05 View Materials , 6907–15 View Materials , 6917–19 View Materials ; Dinsor MZUF 5806–10 View Materials , 5813 View Materials ; Duduble NHCL 2405–09 , 2422–23 ; Eggi NHCL 2326 ; Jumbo (Boulenger, 1909); Mogadiscio MCZ 74466–67 About MCZ , 74451–54 About MCZ ; Sidi Choiama ( Scortecci, 1939); Uebi Scebeh NHCL 2326 , 2405–08 , MZUF 21976 View Materials , 30098 View Materials ; Web ( Boulenger, 1896d) .














Typhlops cuneirostris Peters

Broadley, Donald G. & Wallach, Van 2009

Typhlops cuneirostris cuneirostris

McDiarmid, R. W. & Campbell, J. A. & Toure, T. A. 1999: 98
Hahn, D. E. 1980: 55
Gans, C. & Laurent, R. F. 1965: 54

Typhlops cuneirostris

Murphy, J. B. 2003: 552
Mattison, C. 1999: 147
McDiarmid, R. W. & Campbell, J. A. & Toure, T. A. 1999: 98
Wallach, V. 1998: 182
Bauer, A. M. & Gunther, R. & Klipfel, M. 1995: 78
Frank, N. & Ramus, E. 1995: 253
Wallach, V. 1993: 217
Meirte, D. 1992: 22
Borgioli, G. & Lanza, B. 1986: 353
Lanza, B. 1983: 219
Elter, O. 1982: 104
Hahn, D. E. 1980: 55
Hahn, D. E. 1977: 37
Roux-Esteve, R. 1974: 153
Parker, H. W. 1949: 25
Scortecci, G. 1939: 264
Calabresi, E. 1927: 50
Schmidt, K. P. 1923: 32
Werner, F. 1921: 306
Lepri, G. 1911: 319
Boulenger, G. A. 1897: 279
Boulenger, G. A. 1893: 32
Boettger, O. 1893: 193
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