Tynanthus croatianus Gentry (1971: 93)

Medeiros, Maria Cláudia Melo Pacheco De & Lohmann, Lúcia G., 2015, Taxonomic Revision of Tynanthus (Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae), Phytotaxa 216 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.216.1.1

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Tynanthus croatianus Gentry (1971: 93)


2. Tynanthus croatianus Gentry (1971: 93) View in CoL (as “ Tynnanthus ”). Type:— PANAMA. Panama: Shoreline of broadmouthed cove NE of Drayton House on Barro Colorado Island , 28 August 1970, T.B. Croat 11927 (holotype MO! (2016962); isotypes F! (1697804), GH! (barcode 93264) photo, K! (barcode 449552), MO! (2039180, 2042197, 2042198), NY! (barcode 328978), SCZ! (barcode 4087) photo, STRI! (759) photo, US! (barcode 125784)).

Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 : F–N

Lianas. Branchlets tetragonal to terete, without ritidome, finely striated, lenticeled to densely lenticeled, pubescent to glabrescent, with simple and peltate trichomes; interpetiolar ridge absent (sometimes present); interpetiolar patelliform glands absent; prophylls of the axillary buds 1.3–2.5 mm long, 1–2.5 mm wide, minute, shallowly triangular, pubescent or puberulent to glabrescent throughout, with simple and peltate trichomes. Leaves 2–3 foliolated (more commonly 2); terminal leaflets often modified into trifid tendrils, without adhesive-disks on tip; petioles and petiolules pubescent throughout surface or only at the upper canalicule, with simple, peltate and patelliform trichomes; petioles (1.4–) 1.8–7.5 cm long; petiolules (0.5–) 1.1–3.8 cm long; leaflets (3.5–) 5–11.4 cm long, (1.4–) 3–9 cm wide, membranous to chartaceous (sometimes subcoriaceous), discolor, ovate to elliptic; apex acuminate or caudate, mucronate; base cuneate, obtuse, truncate or subcordate, symmetrical or asymmetrical; margin entire (rarely dentate); the abaxial surface pubescent to glabrescent on and near the veins (sometimes throughout), with simple, peltate and patelliform trichomes; the adaxial surface pubescent to glabrescent throughout or only on and near the veins, with simple, peltate and patelliform trichomes; glandular trichomes evenly distributed throughout both surfaces; second venation weak brochidodromous; pocket domatia without trichomes. Inflorescence axilar or terminal, a thyrse, dense, with corymbose or subcorymbose aspect, (2.3–) 3.3–6.5 cm long; axis densely pubescent to pubescent, with simple, peltate and patelliform trichomes; bracts of the inflorescence predominantly caducous, densely pubescent to pubescent throughout, 0.5–1.5 mm long; floral bracts 0.4–0.6 mm long; floral pedicels 1–5 mm long. Calyx green, 3–4 mm long, 3–4 mm wide, with transversal aperture, minutely 5-denticulate (sometimes truncate), densely pubescent to puberulent throughout outside, with patelliform glands; lobes 0.1–0.3 mm long. Corolla white, 1.2–2 cm long, 4–7 mm wide at the tube opening; tube 5–9 mm long, internally tomentose at the base, with simple and long and short stipitate trichomes; nectar guides present, yellow; lobes densely pubescent to pubescent throughout lower ones and at the margin of upper ones; upper ones 1–3 mm long, 1–4 mm wide, acute to obtuse; lower ones 3–7 mm long, 3–5.5 mm wide, obtuse to

12 • Phytotaxa 216 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press

MEDEIROS & LOHMANN rounded. Androecium with fertile stamens inserted ca. 2 mm from the base of the corolla; shorter ones 7–9(–10) mm long; longer ones 8–10(–12) mm long; anthers thecae 1.4–1.9 mm long, obovate to elliptic, subexserted; connective extending 0.2–0.3 mm beyond anther attachment; staminode 4–5 mm long, glabrous. Gynoecium 13–15(–17) mm long; ovary 1.5–2 mm long, 0.8–1.1 mm wide, conical, densely pubescent; style 11–13 mm long, tomentose to pubescent at the base. Fruit a linear flattened capsule, 16–37 cm long, 0.7–1.2 cm wide, coriaceous to woody, smooth to granular near the midvein and granular near the margins, without lenticels to densely lenticeled, densely pubescent to pubescent, with simple and peltate trichomes; central ridge single, slightly or not prominent; margins slightly raised (unwinged), 0.1–0.3 cm wide. Seeds body 1.1–1.9 cm long, 0.4–0.8 cm wide; wings 0.6–1.1 cm long.

Phenology: —Flowers from July to September and fruits from October to March.

Distribution and habitat: —Occurs in moist broadleaf forests from Colombia (Chocó), Costa Rica (Puntarenas) and Panama (Colón, Darién and Panamá) ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ).

Additional specimens examined: — COLOMBIA. Chocó: Trail from Unguia along Rio Tigre toward base of Serrania del Darién , 200–300 m, 16 July 1975, A. H . Gentry & L. E . Aguirre 15209 ( MO) . COSTA RICA. Puntarenas: Buenos Aires, Rey Curré, Camino a Sabana Mamey , 200–400 m, 16 October 1992, S . Rojas & L. M . Rojas 102 ( F, MO) . PANAMA. Colón: Ca. 2–3 miles on Pipeline road, north of Gamboa , 0–10 m, 1 September 1981, S . Knapp 1053 ( NY, MO). Darién: Rio Balsa , between Manene and Tusijuanda, 26 July 1967, J. A . Ducke 13544 (3) ( MO); 26 July 1967, J. A . Ducke 13579 (3) ( MO). El Real, 3 March 1972, A. H . Gentry 4538 ( BM, MO). Rio Tuira between Boca de Cupe and mouth of Rio Pucro , 12 January 1975, A. H . Gentry & S . Mori 13527 ( F, MO). Santa Fe , s.d., J. A . Ducke 8396 (1) ( MO). Panamá: Barro Colorado Island, Gigant Bay , 2 August 1934, O . Shattuck 1108 ( F, MO, US) ; Shore, east side of Barrunga Peninsula , 27 July 1969, R . Foster 1178 ( F, MO); Drayton House Clearing, 23 November 1970, T. B . Croat 12681 ( F photo, MO, NY); North shore of Gigant Bay , 8 March 1971, T. B . Croat 13975 ( F, MO, NY); Gigant Bay , 5 April 1971, A. H . Gentry 708 ( MO); Vicinity of Laboratory Clearing , fairchild ridge above boatman's house, 19 October 1973, G . Montgomery 195 ( MO); Ibid., near butterfly cage on east bank of Allee Stream in treefall, 24 October 1973, G . Montgomery 199 ( MO). Alhajuela, July 1961, J . D. Dwyer 1144 ( MO). Madden Forest Road at entrance to Boy Scout Road Vine , 27 December 1970, T. B . Croat 12904 ( MO). Boy Scout Camp Road near Madden Lake , 13 October 1971, A. H . Gentry 2058 ( F, MO); 12 July


Phytotaxa 216 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press • 13 1972, A. H . Gentry 5502 ( F photo, MO); 100 m, 19 December 1972, A. H . Gentry 6696 ( MO, NY). Mouth of Rio Pasiga near coast in cutover forest, 26 October 1971, A. H . Gentry 2203 ( F, MO). Rio Pasiga to above waterfall on second main fork, 29 October 1971, A. H . Gentry 2271 ( F, MO). First bend of Rio Pasiga, edges of clearing around Indian’s house, 1 November 1971, A. H . Gentry 2365 ( MO, NY). 0 to 4 km from Río Bayano crossing on road to Santa Fé, 26 January 1972, A. H . Gentry 3875 ( MO). Near archeological site at edge of Madden Lake, 9 April 1972, A. H . Gentry 5024 ( MO). Along stream ca. 3 miles E of Transisthmian highway on road to Salamanca, 100 m, 19 December 1972, A. H . Gentry 6723 ( MO). Bordeando el Majé, campamento del G. M. I . isla Bayano, 22 August 1976, C . Garibaldi 225 ( MO) .

Taxonomic notes: — Tynanthus croatianus can be recognized by its ovate to elliptic leaflets and dense inflorescences. These features are also found in T. densiflorus , but the occurrence of interpetiolar patelliform glands (versus absent in T. croatianus ) differentiate these species. Tynanthus croatianus is morphologically very distinct from its sister species, T. guatemalensis , another species from Central America ( Medeiros & Lohmann 2015). Both species share pubescent to glabrescent leaflets but T. croatianus can be easily separated by the trifid tendril (versus simple in T. guatemalensis ), minute prophylls of the axillary buds (versus foliaceous in T. guatemalensis ), corolla 1.2–2 cm long, 4–7 mm wide (versus 0.5–0.9 cm long, 1.9–3.5 mm wide in T. guatemalensis ), and unwinged fruit margins (versus winged in T. guatemalensis ).


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