Trigonopterus athertonensis Riedel

Riedel, Alexander & Taenzler, Rene, 2016, Revision of the Australian species of the weevil genus Trigonopterus Fauvel, ZooKeys 556, pp. 97-162 : 104-105

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scientific name

Trigonopterus athertonensis Riedel

sp. n.

Taxon classification Animalia Coleoptera Curculionidae

4. Trigonopterus athertonensis Riedel sp. n.

Diagnostic description.

Holotype (Fig. 4a). Length 2.45 mm. Color black; antenna and tarsi ferruginous. Body elongate, with distinct constriction between pronotum and elytron; in profile convex. Rostrum with median costa and pair of submedian costae ending in apical third; intervening furrows with rows of coarse punctures each containing one mesad directed narrow seta; base dorsally protruding, projecting from profile subangularly; epistome posteriorly with transverse ridge. Forehead coarsely punctate-rugose. Pronotum with subapical constriction; disk coarsely punctate; with median costa; punctures each containing one seta, few with white scale. Elytra with striae deeply incised, containing few coarse punctures; intervals costate, sparsely punctate, in basal third partly transversely confluent; with indistinct transverse bands of sparse white scales; base markedly bisinuate. Legs. Femora densely punctate, with transverse band of sparse white scales. Profemur with subbasal callus anteriorly projecting. Tibiae subbasally with dorsal angulation; metatibia with suprauncal denticle. Abdominal ventrites 1 medially concave; abdominal ventrite 2 swollen, especially laterally; ventrite 5 in basal half concave, coarsely punctate. Penis (Fig. 4b) with sides of body weakly diverging to subtruncate apex; transfer apparatus compact, subrotund; ductus ejaculatorius without bulbus. Intraspecific variation. Length 2.45-2.68 mm.

Material examined.

Holotype (ANIC): ARC4041 (PCR failed), Queensland, Mt. Fisher, 7 km SW Millaa Millaa, S17°34', E145°34', 1100 m, rainforest, litter, Q.M. Berlesate No. 409, 27-IV-1982. Paratypes (ANIC, QMBA, SMNK): Queensland: 1 ex, same data as holotype; 2 exx, Mt. Fisher, 7 km SW Millaa Millaa, S17°34', E145°34', 1050 m, rainforest, litter, Q.M. Berlesate No. 412, 27-IV-1982; 1 ex, Mt Fisher, summit, 17°34'S, 145°33'E, rainforest, 1360 m, sieved litter, Berlesate 991, 08-II-1999.


Queensland: Mt. Fisher.


Sifted from leaf litter in primary forest.


This epithet is an adjective based on the name of the Atherton Tablelands, where the species occurs.