Trigonaptus longiscapus Fedorenko, 2020

Fedorenko, D. N., 2020, New taxa of Pterostichini (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Vietnam, Russian Entomological Journal 29 (1), pp. 38-52 : 50-52

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Trigonaptus longiscapus Fedorenko


Trigonaptus longiscapus Fedorenko View in CoL , sp.n.

Figs 32 View Figs 30–32 , 39–43, 49, 51.

MATERIAL. Holotype ♂ ( ZMMU) and paratype ♂ (SIEE), labelled: ‘ Vietnam, Gia Lai Province, ~ 50 km N of An Khe, Kon Chu Rang Nat [ure]. Reserv[e]., 14°30–31´N/108°32´E, h= 1000– 1040 m, 24.V–2.VI.2016, D. Fedorenko leg.’. GoogleMaps Paratypes 2♂♂, ♀ ( SIEE), ‘ Vietnam, Gia Lai Province, ~ 80 km N of Pleiku, Kon Chu Rang Nat.Res. , 14°29´15´´N / 108°34´15´´E, h~ 1010m, 28.III– 6.IV.2016, A.Abramov leg.’ (one male teneral) GoogleMaps .

DIAGNOSIS. Fairly large species; dorsum shiny, head and pronotum bright violaceous, elytra purple-red (rather violaceous in holotype only) and slightly iridescent; clypeus slightly V-shaped apically; head smooth, frontal sulci short; pronotal lateral edge even; elytral intervals subequal in width; metatrochanter apically rounded.

DESCRIPTION. As for previous species except as follows: BL 21.5–24.5 mm, body ( Fig. 32 View Figs 30–32 ) bright metallic. Legs and antennae black, protarsi reddish brown, antennomeres 8– 11 gradually paler apicad. Head and elytra impunctate, pronotal micropunctation just traceable, largely indistinct; head without meshed microsculpture, pronotal microsculpture indistinct in apical half, very superficial, consisting of moderately transverse meshes, in basal half; elytral microsculpture consisting of very dense transverse lines.

Head smaller, as long as pronotum, with a subtle neck constriction. Eyes lateral, less prominent. Clypeus apically emarginate in form of very wide ‘V’, frontoclypeal suture fine yet distinct. Frontal sulci similar yet short, vestigial behind the level of anterior supra-ocular setae, with only a vestige of inner fork. Surface smooth, sides of head dorsal to gular sutures finely rugulose. Antennae reaching basal 1/4 pronotum.

Labrum apically with a V-shaped emargination; setae subequally spaced. Mandibles with nearly straight ventral scrobal ridge. Mentum tooth slightly bifid, labial pits very deep, with small openings. Submentum basally with a shallow transverse groove. Terminal labial palpomere three fifths as wide at apex as long at inner margin.

Figs 39–52. Aedeagus of Trigonaptus gen.n.: 39–43, 49, 51 — T. longiscapus sp.n.; 44–48, 50, 52 — T. inaequalis sp.n.; 39–41, 44– 46 — median lobe; 42, 47 — inside of right paramere; 43, 48 — inside of left paramere; 49–52 — median lobe with everted and inflated internal sac; 39, 44, 49–50 — left lateral aspect; 40, 45 — right lateral aspect; 41, 46, 51–52 — dorsal aspect; bp — proximal bulb. Scale bars: 1 mm.

Рис. 39–52. Эдеагус Trigonaptus gen.n.: 39–43, 49, 51 — T. longiscapus sp.n.; 44–48, 50, 52 — T. inaequalis sp.n.; 39–41, 44–46 — среднЯЯ долЯ; 42, 47 — праваЯ парамера, иЗнутри; 43, 48 — левваЯ парамера, иЗнутри; 49–52 — среднЯЯ долЯ с вывернутым и раЗдутым внутренним меШком; 39, 44, 49–50 — слева; 40, 45 — справа; 41, 46, 51–52 — дорЗально; bp — проксимальный пуЗырь. МасШтаб: 1 мм.

Pronotum: PW / PL 1.21–1.26 (1.23, n=5), PW /HW 1.73– 1.81 (1.78), PLw/ PL 0.40–0.42 (0.41); sides rounded, straight in front of basal angles; lateral edge smooth. Base truncate, slightly wider than apex, PB/PA 1.05–1.12 (1.10). Apical angles subrectangular. Reflexed lateral margin slightly flattened in basal third. Basal sulci very smooth, outer one without forward extension.

Elytra fairly long and narrow, EW/EL 1.64–1.69 (1.67), EW/ PW 1.11–1.17 (1.13). Humeri distinct yet rounded. Basal ridge inwardly reaching stria 2, humeral angle obtuse. Striae deep, rather coarsely punctate, 1 st continuous basally, 6 th inside humeral angle. Intervals equal in width, convex or very so, mostly 3 rd and 7 th confluent before apex, 7 th narrow and subcarinate in apical fifth; 8 th very narrow only behind humerus and before apex. USS: 23–24.

Ventral punctation similar, except that punctures are coarser, punctate areas on propleura and mesepisternum less extensive, and sides of metaventrite additionally punctate. Mesoventrite toothed in front of mesocoxa. Metepisternum 0.9 times as long as wide. Abdominal transverse sulci entire.

Metatrochanter apically rounded and slightly separate from metafemur. Meso- and metatarsomeres 1/2/3 with 3–4/ 1–2/0–1 anterolateral setae, respectively.

Aedeagus (Figs 39–43): median lobe slightly arcuate, with apex widely rounded in dorsal view, lamellate and slightly upturned in lateral view; right paramere longer and pointed apically. Internal sac (Figs 49, 51) with proximal bulb long, bent to the left and then apicad.

NAME. Latin noun, referring to very long antennal scape.

DISTRIBUTION. Known from the type locality only.

HABITS AND HABITATS. All specimens were hand collected in monsoon broad-leaved forests.


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University


Paleontological Collections


Západoceské muzeum v Plzni















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