Torymus papularis Martínez-Romero, Janšta & Pujade-Villar, 2024

Martínez-Romero, Aitor, Vera-Ortiz, Alexis, Equihua-Martínez, Armando, Estrada-Venegas, Edith G., Tovar, David Cibrián, Janšta, Petr & Pujade-Villar, Juli, 2024, Description of two new species of the Torymus advenus species group (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) from Mexico, Zootaxa 5507 (1), pp. 153-166 : 160-165

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5507.1.7

publication LSID


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scientific name

Torymus papularis Martínez-Romero, Janšta & Pujade-Villar

sp. nov.

Torymus papularis Martínez-Romero, Janšta & Pujade-Villar sp. nov.

Figs 5‒7 View FIGURE 5 View FIGURE 6 View FIGURE 7

Type material. Holotype female deposited in UB (coll. JP-V) with the following labels: “P002: Joya la Barreta (Querétaro, QRO), 230.4000 N 338.000 E, 2496 msnm”, (white label); “ Q. diversifolia (25.xi.2011) 16.ii.2012 (E. Estrada & A. Equihua leg.); “Holotype Torymus papularis Martínez-Romero, Janšta & JP-V n. sp., desig. Martínez-Romero” (red label).

Paratypes 4 ♀♀. MEXICO: P003: Joya la Barreta (Querétaro, QRO), 230.4000 N 338.000 E, 2496 msnm, Q. rugosa , (25.xi.2011), E. Estrada & A. Equihua leg. (1♀ CUPC, 1♀ UB); GoogleMaps P156 : Camotepec (Zacatlán, PUE), 19°54’35.74” N 97°57’37.01” W, 2087 msnm, Q. obtusata , (16.i.2012) 23.i.2012, A. Pérez-García leg. (2♀♀ UB) GoogleMaps .

Holotype condition. Air dried and glued with gum arabic on its right side on a white rectangular cardboard.

Etymology. The name of the species refers to the Latin ‘papula’, reflecting to the shape of the oak galls they emerged from.

Diagnosis. Females of this new species are characterised by very dark colour with reddish, purple and bluish metallic reflections ( Fig. 5a‒e View FIGURE 5 ); Gt 1–4 with medial shallow incision dorsally ( Figs 5e View FIGURE 5 , 7c View FIGURE 7 ); F 1 ‒ 2 slightly longer than wide ( Fig. 6c View FIGURE 6 ); frenum one quarter as long as mesoscutellum ( Fig. 6d View FIGURE 6 ); mesoscutellar disc with sparse piliferous punctures anteriorly and laterally the distance between the punctures greater than their diameter, but posteromedially lacking punctures within small circular region anterior to frenal line ( Fig. 6d,f View FIGURE 6 ); propodeum without median and prespiracular carina with only two weak submedian carinae ( Fig. 6f View FIGURE 6 ); fore wing with tri-radiating veins inconspicuous ( Fig. 5f View FIGURE 5 ); ovipositor 1.0× as long as metasoma (OI = 1.4).

Description. FEMALE (N = 3). Body length excluding ovipositor 2.0– 2.7 mm, length of ovipositor 1.9 mm.

Colour ( Fig. 5a‒e View FIGURE 5 ). Head dark with mostly metallic blue and violet reflection, except for green around eyes.Antenna with scape yellowish brown; pedicel and funicle dark brown and clava light brown; all sensilla light yellow.Mesosoma dark with predominantly metallic reddish, purple and coppery reflections dorsally on pronotum, mesoscutum and mesoscutellum, and with blue-green reflections laterally, mesepimeron with green and purple reflection; propodeum metallic dark green. Legs, except metacoxa and tarsi dark with metallic blue and/or purple reflections; metacoxa with golden to light green reflections laterally on outer side; all tarsi light brown except apical tarsomeres dark brown. Wings hyaline, venation light brown and pubescence brown ( Fig. 5f View FIGURE 5 ). Metasoma dark with metallic blue-green reflection dorsally and blue laterally on Gt 1, rest of tergites with violet, blue and purple reflections. Ovipositor sheaths dark brown, with brown setae and light brown ovipositor. Body setation light yellow.

Head ( Figs 5c View FIGURE 5 , 6a,b View FIGURE 6 ) coriaceous with inconspicuous setose punctations, the setae present on entire head, spatulate, and similar in length to diameter of torulus; clypeus coriaceous and setose, without punctations except for smooth stripe ventrally; supraclypeal area with some setose punctations; scrobal depression finely coriaceous, without setae. Head in frontal view 1.0–1.2× as broad as high, in dorsal view 2.1–2.2× as broad as long, and in dorsal view 1.2–1.3× as broad as mesonotum at its widest part; clypeus transverse, 0.6× as high as wide, ventral margin straight delimited laterally by inconspicuous lateral clypeal sulci; epistomal sulcus inconspicuous. Malar space 0.6–0.7× as long as width of oral fossa and 0.5× as long as eye height; malar sulcus present, more noticeable in second half of its length. Eye 2.2–2.4× as high as long. Ventral margin of torulus below middle of eye ( Fig. 6a View FIGURE 6 ). Transfacial line 0.8× as long as height of eye. Temple strongly converging, slightly shorter than diameter of a lateral ocellus. Ocelli large ( Fig. 5c View FIGURE 5 ), POL 2.4–2.5× OOL, OOL equal to LOD and 1.3–1.4× LOL. Occipital carina present; dorsally arched ( Fig. 6b View FIGURE 6 ).

Antenna ( Fig. 6c View FIGURE 6 ). Scape 6.0× as long as broad and pedicel slightly longer than broad; scape not reaching lower margin of anterior ocellus; combined length of pedicel and flagellum 1.2× as long as width of head. Flagellum with one anellus; F 1 and F 2 0.9–1.0× as long as wide, remaining funicle segments similar in size to each other, 1.2–1.3× as long as wide; all funicle segments with two rows of MPS, sensilla of second row shorter and located in distal third of segment; clava longer than F 6+7.

Mesosoma ( Figs 5c,d View FIGURE 5 , 6d‒f View FIGURE 6 ). Pronotum with anterior two thirds linearly striate, with few setae; pronotal collar coriaceous with inconspicuous setose punctations; mesoscutum coriaceous with irregular transverse stria and sparse setose punctations, which distance between them are longer than their diameter; notauli deeply impressed; mesoscutellum strongly coriaceous and with sparse piliferous punctures anteriorly and laterally but with a lack of them posteromedially in a small circular region anterior to frenal line; the distance between punctures greater than their diameter; setae of punctation as long as punctation diameter. Frenum demarcated from scutellar disc by frenal groove, one-quarter length of mesoscutellum; punctations in frenal area very sparse and present only in close proximity to frenal line; marginal rim complete, with short vertical carinae anteriorly. Dorsellum smooth ( Fig. 6f View FIGURE 6 ). Metanotal trough weakly differentiated, almost smooth ( Fig. 6f View FIGURE 6 ). Medial part of propodeum ( Fig. 6f View FIGURE 6 ) smooth, submedially with two weak submedian carinae, prespiracular carina absent, spiracle situated 2.0× own diameter from posterior edge of propodeum, propodeal callus laterally pubescent. Mesepimeron smooth ( Fig. 7a View FIGURE 7 ). Mesosoma 1.4–1.5× as long as broad; pronotum in dorsal view 0.5× as broad as mesoscutum; anterior distance of notauli about 0.4–0.6, posterior distance about 1.5–1.6; mesoscutellum 1.2–1.3× as long as broad.

Legs. Mesotibia 2.3–2.5× as long as mesobasitarsus. Metacoxa strongly reticulated, with distinct dorsal carina, 2.4–2.5× as long as broad; metafemur 4.3–4.5× as long as broad; metatibia 4.8–5.0× as long as broad; metabasitarsus 0.4–0.5× as long as metatibia.

Fore wing ( Fig. 5f View FIGURE 5 ). Relatively sparsely pubescent, 3.2× as long as wide; marginal vein 4.8× as long as postmarginal vein and 7.2× as long as stigmal vein; speculum opened below; costal cell with very few setae; basal vein absent; cubital and median veins inconspicuous; tri-radiating veins present but not well defined.

Metasoma ( Figs 5e View FIGURE 5 , 7b,c View FIGURE 7 ) with Gt 1 smooth and polished, other tergites dull and alutaceous; Gt 1–2 glabrous, without setae; Gt 3‒5 each with row of setae laterally. Metasoma 1.7–1.9× as long as broad; petiole transverse; Gt 1 – 5 medially shallowly incised; Gt 1–2 broadly rounded with respect to other tergites; Gt 1 covering most of Gt 2 dorsally; tip of hypopygium reaching the tip of gaster. Ovipositor 0.4–0.5× as long as body and 1× as long as metasoma, OI = 1.3–1.4; ovipositor with decumbent setae shorter than sheath width.

MALE. Unknown.

Distribution. Mexico (Querétaro, Puebla).

Biology. All specimens were reared from unidentified non-detaching unilocular leaf galls caused by Cecidomyiidae ( Diptera ) ( Fig. 8e View FIGURE 8 ) on Quercus diversifolia Née , Q. rugosa Née , Q. obtusata Humb. & Bonpl. (section Quercus ).

Taxonomical remarks. According to Grissell (1976) the females of only three species out of four species of advenus subgroup, T. advenus , T. solidaginis , and T. umbilicatus have Gt 1–3 with obvious, though small, incisions. The females of new species described here, T. papularis , has also tergite incision, specifically on Gt 1‒5. The last species of the group, T. prunicola , has all gastral segments entire, with no median incision. Within the three abovementioned species with incised tergites, Torymus papularis differs from T. advenus by not having the prespiracular carinae, from T. solidaginis by having differently sculptured disc of mesoscutellum and frenum, and from T. umbilicatus by having sparse punctures on mesoscutellum with distances between punctures longer than their diameter ( Fig. 6d,f View FIGURE 6 ). In addition, the females of T. papularis can be differentiated from the females of T. umbilicatus in length of the ovipositor (1.0× as long as metasoma length and OI = 1.4 in T. papularis while 2.0× as long as metasoma length and OI = 3.5 in T. umbilicatus ), in coloration of head and mesosoma (reddish purple and bluish reflections in T. papularis , metallic blackish green to bluish in T. umbilicatus ), metacoxa (golden to light green reflections in T. papularis , metallic blackish green to bluish in T. umbilicatus ), and in length of frenal area in respect to mesoscutellum (1/4 of its length in T. papularis , 1/ 3 in T. umbilicatus ).

Both later species can also be differentiated based on the biological association. The host of T. umbilicatus is reported from different groups of galling Diptera ( Cecidomyiidae and Tephritidae ) on several host plants ( Atriplex ( Amaranthaceae ), Ambrosia ( Asteraceae ), Clematis ( Ranunculaceae ), Senecio ( Asteraceae ), Celtis ( Cannabaceae ), etc.) while T. papularis , has been reared from unknown oak galls caused by Cecidomyiidae ( Diptera ) on Quercus .


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