Thysananthus appendiculatus Stephani (1912a: 794)

Sukkharak, Phiangphak, 2015, A systematic monograph of the genus Thysananthus (Lejeuneaceae, Marchantiophyta), Phytotaxa 193 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.193.1.1

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scientific name

Thysananthus appendiculatus Stephani (1912a: 794)


3. Thysananthus appendiculatus Stephani (1912a: 794) View in CoL . Thysanolejeunea appendiculata Stephani (1896: 138) , nom. inval. Lectotype (designated by Verdoorn 1934a): PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Western: Fly River Branch, Bäuerlein 85 (lectotype G!); Icon. Steph. nr. 10166.

Plants dioicous, with projecting growth, turning upwards and becoming ascending to erect, yellowish brown in herbarium specimens, up to 10 cm long × 2–2.2 mm wide. Stems rather rigid; ventral merophyte 9–12 cell rows wide; stem in cross section orbicular, 228–260 µm high × 188–250 µm wide, 13–14 cell layers high, composed of 41–55 epidermal cells surrounding 95–118 medullary cells, epidermal cells as large as medullary cells. Leaves imbricate, when dry suberect and convolute, when moist weakly convex, apical part plane, not recurved; dorsal lobe symmetrically oblong-falcate, 1.1–2.5 × 0.8–1.4 mm, apex apiculate, dorsal base auriculate, auricle 77–225 × 75–250 µm, dorsal margin with 3–5 triangular teeth, the teeth consisting of 3–7 cells, being 2–3 cells wide at base and ending in a row of 1–2 cells, ventral margin incurved 1/2 × leaf length, with 8–10 triangular teeth, the teeth consisting of 3–8 cells, being 2–3 cells wide at base and ending in a row of 1–2 cells; cells elongate-hexagonal with acute ends, vitta absent, marginal cells 7–13 × 5–8 µm, median cells 17–35 × 5–10 µm, basal cells 30–57 × 12–15 µm, trigones cordate, often coalesced, intermediate thickenings 0–1 per cell; oil bodies unknown. Lobules oblong-rectangular, 0.4–0.5 × 0.1–0.2 mm, 1/5–1/3 × lobe length; appendage on surface of lobule base not developed; keels with appendages on one side where leaves and underleaves are free and opposite to adnate ones; lobule apex oblique, free margin continuing into the ventral lobe margin, apex with 1–2 triangular teeth, the first tooth consisting of 3–6 cells, being 2–3 cells wide at base and ending in a row of 1–2 cells, the second tooth of one cell only, often absent. Underleaves imbricate, slightly squarrose, broadly spathulate, 0.9–2.2 × 0.5–0.9 mm, 2 × stem width, apex truncate to emarginate, plane, margin with 9–11 triangular teeth, the teeth consisting of 3–6 cells, being 2–3 cells wide at base, apex of one cell, bases cuneate or auriculate, underleaf bases adnate with leaves on one side, on left-hand side for right branches and right-hand side for left branches; cells 15–20 × 5–7 µm. Androecia terminal-intercalary on lateral branches, bracts and bracteoles in 4–13 pairs, bracts hypostatic, 0.6–0.9 × 0.4–0.6 mm, apex acute, margins entire; antheridia 2 per bract. Gynoecia with 2 lejeuneoid innovations forming a dichasial pattern; lobe ovate, 2.2–2.4 × 1–1.1 mm, apex apiculate, margins in upper 1/3 with triangular teeth, the teeth consisting of 3–8 cells, being 2–3 cells wide at base and ending in a row of 1–3 cells; lobules broadly ovate, 1/2 × lobe length, apex apiculate, margin with triangular teeth, the teeth consisting of 3–5 cells, being 2–3 cells wide at base and ending in a row of 1–2 cells; bracteoles spathulate, 1.8–1.9 × 0.9–1.1 mm, apex emarginate, 1/3 × bracteole length with triangular teeth, the teeth consisting of 3–7 cells, being 2–3 cells wide at base and ending in a row of 1–2 cells, margins slightly recurved. Perianths oblong-cylindrical, 1.9–2.1 × 0.8–0.9 mm, keels in upper 1/ 3 with numerous laciniate teeth, the teeth consisting of 3–6 cells, being 2–3 cells wide at base and ending in a row of 2–4 cells; beak 62–65 µm (5 cells) in length. Fig. 11. View FIGURE 11 View FIGURE 12 View FIGURE 13 View FIGURE 14 View FIGURE 15 View FIGURE 16 View FIGURE 17 View FIGURE 18 View FIGURE 19 View FIGURE 20 View FIGURE 21 View FIGURE 22 View FIGURE 23 View FIGURE 24

24 • Phytotaxa 193 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press


Distribution and ecology:— Endemic to Western Melanesia: Western New Guinea ( Indonesia) and Papua New Guinea; 400–2600 m; on trunks, branches, large vines, stems of treelets in old garden sites, grasslands with regrowth species, understory of lowland rain forests (secondary forests) and montane forests. Fig. 5J View FIGURE 5 .

Representative specimens:— Indonesia. MOLUCCAS: Mt. Gunung Nona, Balázs & Pócs 95/6 ( NICH) .— WESTERN NEW GUINEA: Papua, Cycloop Mts., van Royen & Sleumer 6006 ( JE, L); West Papua, Arfak Mts. , October 1872, Beccari s.n. ( JE, L) . Papua New Guinea. CENTRAL: K. B. Sawmill, Streimann & Naoni 16567 ( JE, LAE) .— EASTERN HIGHLAND: Daulo Pass, Streimann 18124 ( JE) , Streimann & Bellamy 18093 ( JE) , Streimann & Kairo 18138 ( LAE) ; track to Mt. Michael , Streimann 18807 ( JE) .— GULF: Bema-Kaintiba road, Streimann 33647 ( JE) .— MOROBE: Wau, Mt. Kaindi , Gradstein 3875 ( U) , Kunai creek, Gradstein 3962 (G); Ogeramnang, Clemens 5414 ( JE, PC, S, W); Slate creek & Gumi creek divide, Streimann 13829 ( JE) , 13826, 13838 (LAE), 13834, 13859 (JE, KLU, LAE); Bulolo-Watut divide, Streimann 25022 ( JE) ; Kaisenik logging area, Shea 6336 ( JE) , 6364 (NICH); Upper Watut river , Streimann 23092 ( JE, LAE) ; Aseki-Bulolo road, Streimann 23191, 26124 ( JE, LAE) , 23195 (LAE); Pouyu village, Streimann & Tamba 12674 ( JE, LAE) ; Oomsis logging area, Streimann 25836 ( JE, LAE, W); Aiuwa-Bakia track, Streimann & Tamba 12358 ( JE, KLU, LAE) , 12276, 12362, 12377, 12413 (LAE).— SIMBU: Dirima mission, Toia 171 ( LAE) .— SOUTHERN HIGHLANDS: Margarima- Tari road, Streimann 24378, 24388 ( JE, LAE, W); Onim forestry station, Streimann 24628, 24740 ( JE) ; Komo-Tari road, Streimann 32618, 32631 ( JE) ; Kengaput, Streimann 26902 ( JE) , 23702 (LAE); Lama Sawmill logging area, Streimann 26422, 26562 ( JE) ; Tari gap, Streimann 32730 ( JE) .— WESTERN HIGHLAND: Kum Magei Mts. , Streimann 20679 ( JE, LAE) .

The report of Thysananthus appendiculatus from India by Daniels & Raja (2011 a, 2011b) is erroneous according to Sukkharak & Gradstein (2011).

Taxonomic notes:— The most outstanding character of Thysananthus appendiculatus is the foliar appendage, which is developed on the keels of leaves on one side of the stem only, on the side where leaves and underleaves are free and opposite to adnate ones. This character is otherwise found in T. anguiformis , T. convolutus var. laceratus , T. discretus , T. fruticosus , and T. gottschei var. continuus . Differences are discussed under T. discretus . Thysananthus appendiculatus is similar to T. spathulistipus , the latter species differing essentially by the absence of the appendage and by the triangular, 1–2 cells long perianth teeth.

The epithet “ appendiculatus ” is derived from the foliar appendage which is found on the keels of leaves as described by Stephani in the original description. The original drawing of Thysananthus appendiculatus in Stephani’s “Icones Hepaticarum Ineditae” is erroneous in showing a foliar appendage on both sides of the stems. The illustrated left-hand side appendages are probably parts of the dissected underleaves. Note that the illustration of the species in Gradstein et al. (2002: Fig. 44) does not show the foliar appendage.


Hattori Botanical Laboratory


Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena


Papua New Guinea Forest Research Institute


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Non-vascular Plants and Fungi


University of Malaya

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