Thubdora fruticosa Park, 2020

Park, Kyu-Tek, Mey, Wolfram, Koo, Jun-Mo, Prins, Jurate De, Akite, Perpetra & Cho, Soowon, 2020, Fourteen new species of the genus Thubdora Park, 2018 (Lepidoptera Gelechioidea: Lecithoceridae) from Uganda, and three new combinations in Ptilothyris Walsingham, 1897 from DR Congo, Zootaxa 4759 (4), pp. 451-487 : 458-459

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4759.4.1

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scientific name

Thubdora fruticosa Park

sp. nov.

4. Thubdora fruticosa Park View in CoL , sp. nov.

( Figs. 5 View FIGURE 5 A–I)

Type specimen. Holotype: male, Uganda, Kibale National Park, Biol. Field Station , 19–24 xi 2014, LF leg. W. Mey; gen. slide no. CIS-7022, COI barcode CBNU114, in MfN . Paratypes: 1♂, same data as the holotype; gen. slide no. CIS-7026 ; 2♂, same data as the holotype; gen. slide no. CIS-7040, COI barcode CBNU007; CIS-7056, COI barcode CBNU005 ; 1♀, same data as holotype; gen. slide no. CIS-7031, COI barcode CBNU049. All paratypes

above in MfN; 1♂, Uganda, Western, Kibale Forest, Kanyawara 1520 m, 0˚33ʹ39ʹʹN 30˚21ʹ27ʹʹE, 22 x 2014, D.J.L. Agassiz; gen. slide no. CIS-7271, deposited in NHMUK .

Diagnosis. This species can be distinguished from its allies by having a pair of extremely long hair-pencils arising near the middle of the abdomen and reaching the end of the abdomen. In addition, the male genitalia have a relatively short, narrow uncus with a slightly concave caudal margin and a short, trapezoidal caudal plate of the juxta, and the aedeagus narrowly produced apically, lacking a cornutus.

Description. Male ( Figs. 5 View FIGURE 5 A–C). Forewing length 8.0–9.0 mm. Head: Vertex covered with dark-brown scales, with orange-white erect scales laterally Antenna ( Fig. 5B View FIGURE 5 ) serrate, shorter than forewing, with basal segment elongated, orange white dorsally, dark brown anteriorly and ventrally; flagellum orange white, often with dark-brown annulations in basal half. Second segment of labial palpus thickened, saber-shaped, dark brown in basal 2/3 and gradually paler toward apex; 3 rd segment strongly upturned, as long as 2 nd segment brown, acute apically ( Fig. 5C View FIGURE 5 ).

Thorax: Notum and tegula dark brown. Hind tibia with brownish rough scales above; tarsi orange white with brown scales apically. Forewing ground color yellowish brown to dark brown uniformly; antemedian fascia large, usually well developed, with black scales; costa slightly arched in basal 1/3 and beyond 2/3, with a small, crescent, yellowish costal patch; apex obtuse; fringe concolorous with ground color, with narrow, orange-white basal line. Hind wing pale yellowish brown, with a bundle of hair-like scales at base.

Abdomen ( Figs. 5G, H View FIGURE 5 ): Spinous zones on tergites broadly developed, with a pair of extremely long hair-pencils, arising from segment V and extending to segment VIII; sternite VIII narrowed in anterior 1/3, trapezoidal with acute lateral processes, concave on caudal margin; tergite VIII heavily sclerotized, Y-shaped. Male genitalia ( Figs. 5 View FIGURE 5 D–F, F′): Uncus short, broadened distally, with slightly concave caudal margin medially, width about 2/3 the basal plate of gnathos. Basal plate of gnathos strongly convex medially on posterior margin; median process strongly curved downward, nearly right angled, beyond 2/3. Tegumen with V-shaped incision on posterior and anterior margins. Valva with costa slightly expanded dorsally in basal 1/3; cucullus elongated, upturned, slightly concave on costal margin, with round apex, with long, hair-like scales around ventro-proximal margin. Juxta large, trapezoidal, more or less variable, with short, broad caudal plate, nearly flat on caudal margin. Vinculum band-like, narrow, heavily sclerotized. Aedeagus much shorter than valva, slightly curved downward, with apex pointed dorsally; cornutus absent. Female genitalia ( Fig. 5I View FIGURE 5 ): Abdominal sternite VII deeply incised medially, as long as 1/3 the length of segment. Ostium bursae deeply emarginated with latero-caudal processes. Antrum funnel-shaped, sclerotized. Ductus bursae constricted posteriorly, shorter than corpus bursae. Corpus bursae large, ovate; signum plate-like, obtuse-elliptic, longitudinally asymmetrical, weakly sclerotized, with a lanceolate flap anteriorly and posteriorly, posterior flap about 1.5 times larger than anterior flap.

Distribution. Uganda (Kabarole Distr.).

Etymology. The species name is derived from Latin, frutex, - icis (= shrub, bush), referring to the well-developed coremata at the end of the abdomen.


Museum für Naturkunde


Natural History Museum, London















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