Thrypticomyia unisetosa unisetosa ( Alexander, 1929 )

Podenas, Sigitas, Podeniene, Virginija, Seo, Hong-Yul, Kim, A-Young, Park, Sun-Jae, Byun, Hye-Woo, Kim, Heung-Chul & Aukštikalnienė, Rasa, 2017, Limoniinae crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) new to Korea II, Journal of Species Research 6 (3), pp. 258-279 : 275-277

publication ID 10.12651/JSR.2017.6.3.258

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Thrypticomyia unisetosa unisetosa ( Alexander, 1929 )


Thrypticomyia unisetosa unisetosa ( Alexander, 1929) View in CoL

Thrypticomyia arcuata Alexander, 1920: 4 View in CoL .

Limonia (Thrypticomyia) unisetosa Alexander, 1929: 248 View in CoL .

Thrypticomyia unisetosa Savchenko, Krivolutskaya, 1976: 123-124 View in CoL ; Savchenko, 1983: 115; 1989: 345.

General: Body brown with yellow pleuron and white tarsi. Male body length 4.3-6.9 mm, female 4.1-5.0 mm.

Head: Dark brown to black dusted with gray, postero-lateral margins indistinctly yellowish. Eyes widely separated dorsally. Antenna ( Fig. 7A) 1.1-1.4 mm long in male, 1.0- 1.3 mm in female, reaching slightly before wing base if bent backwards. Both basal segments yellowish brown, flagellum dark brown. Scape slightly longer than wider, pedicel subglobular, approximately as long as scape. Basal flagellomeres spindle-shaped with distinct apical pedicels, getting more elongate towards apex. Apical segment 1.7 times as long as preceding. Verticils arranged unilaterally, on 1-6 flagellomeres twice as short as respective segments, on 7-11 flagellomeres up to 1.8 times as long as respective segments. Rostrum grayish yellow, sparsely dusted with light gray. Basal palpomere yellow, remaining segments dark brown.



Thorax: Cervical sclerites and pronotum dorsally dark brown, laterally pale brown to yellowish. Mesonotal prescutum polished, grayish brown without stripes, lateral margin and area around pseudosutural fovea yellowish. Scutal lobe concolorous, area separating scutal lobes paler. Scutellum and mediotergite yellowish gray. Pleuron light yellow, just katepisternum somewhat brownish yellow.

Wing ( Fig. 7B): Length of male 5.3-7.3 mm, of female 4.4-6.2 mm. Hyaline, apex slightly darkened. Stigma oval, brown. Veins dark brown. Venation: Sc short, Sc 1 ending slightly beyond base of Rs. Sc 2 some distance from tip of Sc 1, at base of Rs. Rs long, arched or angulat- ed at base. R 1 has no connection with C. R 2 transverse. R 4 + 5 distinctly arched. Cross-vein r-m distinct, distinctly beyond base of discal cell. Discal cell elongate, approximately 3.5 times as long as wide. Basal deflection of CuA 1 at middle of discal cell. First anal vein straight, second, slightly arched. Cell a 2 long and narrow, anal lobe missing. Halter black, stem pale brown at base. Length of male halter 0.9-1.3 mm, female 0.7-1.1 mm.

Legs: Coxae and trochanters pale. Femur dark brown with paler base. Tibia dark brown, paler at base indistinctly darker at apex. Tarsomeres white, just very base of first tarsomere brownish. Male femur I: 3.7-4.9 mm long, II: 3.8-5.7 mm, III: 4.2-6.2 mm, tibiae I: 4.5-7.2 mm, II: 4.6-6.2 mm, III: 4.9-7.3 mm, tarsus I: 3.8-6.6 mm, II: 3.7-5.4 mm, III: 3.6-5.6 mm. Female femur I: 3.3-3.8 mm, II: 3.7-4.4 mm, III: 4.0- 4.9 mm, tibiae I: 4.5- 5.2 mm, II: 4.1-4.9 mm, III: 4.2-5.2 mm, tarsus I: 4.0- 5.2 mm, II: 3.7-4.0 mm, III: 3.4-4.3 mm. Claw dark brown.

Abdomen: Elongate. Tergites dark brown. Sternites brown.

Genitalia: Male terminalia ( Fig. 7C) dark grayish brown. Ninth tergite transverse, widely concave at posterior margin. Gonocoxite elongate, with very long setose subapical ventro-mesal lobe directed caudad and extending beyond tips of gonostyles. Outer gonostylus long and narrow, strongly sclerotised, slightly arched at distal end. Inner gonostylus subglobular with narrow unarmed rostral lobe. Paramere with extended narrow postero-mesal angle. Penis long and narrow. Ninth sternite small simple, posterior margin rounded. Ovipositor ( Fig. 7D) with tenth tergite dark brown, elongate. Cercus long and narrow, slightly arched, dark grayish brown. Hypovalva dark brown and wide at base, getting yellowish and distinctly narrower distally, apex reaching to about one-third of cercus length.

Elevation range in Korea: Sea level to nearly 1,700 m.

Period of activity in Korea: Beginning of June through September.

Bionomics: Mountainous river slopes covered by deciduous forests and shrubs. Species is attracted to light. Note by Dr. G. W. Byers on label says, that this species can hang from spider web and likes medium-shaded places.

Distribution: Species is recorded from Far East of Russia, including Kurile Islands, Japan and Southeastern China, including Taiwan.

Examined material: metatype, male (slide-mounted), Japan, Kibune, October 21, 1928, Ex Tokunaga (USNM); 1 specimen of unclear sex, N. Korea, Pontani Paiktusan , alt. 5500 ft., VII-19, 1940, Yankovsky ( USNM) ; 1♂, 1$ (pinned), S. Korea, #17, Central National Forest , 18 miles NE of Seoul, alt. 350-500 ft., 20 June, 1954, G. W. Byers ( USNM, SMEK) ; 2♂♂ (pinned), S. Korea, #20, 2 mi. S. Pup’yong-ni, 16 mi. NE Seoul , alt. 300-450 ft., 11 July, 1954, G. W. Byers ( SMEK) ; 1$ (pinned), S. Korea, #25, Central National Forest , 18 miles NE of Seoul, alt. 350-500 ft., 14 August, 1954, G. W. Byers ( SMEK) ; 2♂, 2$$ (pinned), S. Korea, #35, Cheju-do [Jeju], Halla-san (volcano), alt. 1500 ft., 9 September, 1954, G. W. Byers ( SMEK) ; 1♂ (pinned), S. Korea, #39, Central National Forest , 18 miles NE of Seoul, alt. 350-500 ft., 26 September, 1954, G. W. Byers ( SMEK) ; 1$(pinned), S. Korea, #40, 6 mi. E of Seoul , 30 September, 1954, G. W. Byers (U-M) ; 4♂♂ (pinned), S. Korea, Gyeongsangnam-do, Geoje-si, Nambu-myeon, Dapo-ri , Geojedo Island , N 34.72538, E 128.62608, alt. 52 m, 2014.08.30 (2), S. Podenas ( NIBR) GoogleMaps ; 2♂♂ (in EtOH), S. Korea, Gyeongsangnam-do, Masanhappo-gu, Jindong-myeon, Dagu-ri , N 35.11149, E 128.53142, alt. 11 m, 2014.08.31 (1), S. Podenas ( NIBR) GoogleMaps ; 1$(in EtOH), S. Korea, Gyeongsangnam-do, Masanhappo-gu, Jindong-myeon, Dagu-ri , N 35.11309, E 128.53067, alt. 20 m, 2014.08.31 (2), S. Podenas ( NIBR) GoogleMaps ; 1♂ (in EtOH), S. Korea, Gyeongsangnam-do, Masanhappo-gu, Jindong-myeon, Dagu-ri , N 35.11149, E 128.53142, alt. 11 m, 2015.07.04, S. Podenas ( NIBR) GoogleMaps ; 1$(in EtOH), S. Korea, Gyeonggi-do, Gapyeong-gun, Buk-myeon, Jeokmok-ri , Garim-gyo ( Br. ), GREC-F, 2015-VI-23 ~ 29, Malaise trap ( KU) ; 5♂ ♂, 1$ (in EtOH), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri , Piagol valley , N 35.27177, E 127.57146, alt. 490 m, 2016.06.03 (2), S. Podenas ( NIBR) GoogleMaps ; 1$ (in EtOH, wing and antenna slide-mount- ed), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri , Piagol valley , N 35.26586, E 127.58090, alt. 448 m, 2016.06.03 (4), S. Podenas, at light ( NIBR) GoogleMaps .


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


National Institute of Biological Resources


Biodiversity Institute, University of Kansas














Thrypticomyia unisetosa unisetosa ( Alexander, 1929 )

Podenas, Sigitas, Podeniene, Virginija, Seo, Hong-Yul, Kim, A-Young, Park, Sun-Jae, Byun, Hye-Woo, Kim, Heung-Chul & Aukštikalnienė, Rasa 2017

Thrypticomyia unisetosa

Savchenko, E. N. 1989: 345
Savchenko, E. N. 1983: 115
Savchenko, E. N. & G. O. Krivolutskaya 1976: 124

Limonia (Thrypticomyia) unisetosa

Alexander, C. P. 1929: 248

Thrypticomyia arcuata

Alexander, C. P. 1920: 4
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