Thinophilus inaequalis Samoh & Grootaert

Samoh, Abdulloh, Satasook, Chutamas & Grootaert, Patrick, 2019, New marine Thinophilus species (Diptera: Dolichopodidae: Hydrophorinae) from the Thai Andaman Sea coast and new records from peninsular Thailand, European Journal of Taxonomy 505, pp. 1-20 : 4-7

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scientific name

Thinophilus inaequalis Samoh & Grootaert

sp. nov.

Thinophilus inaequalis Samoh & Grootaert View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs 2–4 View Fig View Fig View Fig


A small species from the ‘ Thinophilus simplex -group’. Fore coxa entirely yellow with a single short black bristle near middle. Legs yellow, but apical tarsomere of all legs black. Fore femur with a few long ventral bristles near base and a row of about eight posteroventral bristles in apical 2 / 3. Mid femur with a row of five to six strong black bristles in apical third. Hind femur with three to four ventral bristles on basal quarter and a row of fine anteroventral bristles over entire length about half as long as femur is wide. Sternite 3 and 4 with very long pale bristles at side near tip. Left surstylus pointed, right surstylus blunt.


The name ‘ inaequalis ’ alludes to the asymmetric surstyli: the left surstylus is pointed while the right surstylus has a blunt tip.

Type material

Holotype THAILAND – Phang Nga Prov. • 1 ♂; Ko Phra Thong, Andaman Sea ; 9°03′58.6″ N, 98°15′09.9″ E; 25 Apr. 2018, A. Samoh leg.; sweep netting; PSUNHM. GoogleMaps


THAILAND – Phang Nga Prov. • 12 ♂♂, 14 ♀♀; same data as for the holotype; PSUNHM (1 ♂ PSUZCDIP0011, 1 ♀ PSUZCDIP0012) GoogleMaps Ko Phra Thong, Andaman Sea ; 9°03′29.5″ N, 98°15′02.4″ E; 15 Sep. 2017, A. Samoh leg.; sweep netting; 11 ♂♂, 13 ♀ ♀ PSUNHM, 1 ♂, 1 ♀ RBINS GoogleMaps .


Male ( Fig. 2 View Fig )

MEASUREMENTS. Small species. Body 2.5–2.7 mm; wing 2.2–2.6 mm.

HEAD. Ocellar bristles long, vertical bristles half as long as ocellars. Postvertical bristle indistinct. Upper postoculars small, black, uniseriate; lower postoculars a little longer and paler than upper, uniseriate, but with a few longer bristles behind the row. Antenna yellow, postpedicel dusky yellow and arista black. Palpus large, about half as long as height of an eye, covered with a few thin bristles. Proboscis black, rather long.

THORAX. Shining metallic green. Four equally long dorsocentrals preceded by a small bristle. Wing clear with pale yellowish veins. Squama white with a few white cilia. Haltere white.

COLOUR OF LEGS. Yellow, including fore coxa, but mid and hind coxae brown. Apical tarsomere of all legs black.

FORE LEG. Coxa with a single short black bristle near middle. Femur with a few long ventral bristles near base and a row of about eight posteroventral bristles in apical 2 / 3. Tibia with a short dorsal and posteroventral bristle near middle, lacking spine-like ventral bristles.

MID LEG. Coxa with one long exterior. Femur with a row of five to six strong black bristles in apical third. Tibia with one anterodorsal and one posterodorsal bristle at basal quarter and one anterodorsal and one posterodorsal bristle just beyond middle.

HIND LEG. Coxa with an exterior bristle. Femur with about three to four ventral bristles on basal quarter and a row of fine anteroventral bristles over entire length about half as long as width of femur. One distinct anterior bristle before middle and a longer anterodorsal on apical third. Tibia with two anterodorsal and two dorsal bristles.

ABDOMEN. Tergites subshining metallic greenish black, set with short black bristles. Sternite 3 and 4 with long, fine pale bristles at side near tip. Terminalia ( Fig. 4 View Fig ). Cerci widely separated over more than half their length, joining at base but not fused ( Fig. 4D View Fig ). Cercus with only a few long bristle at apex, the rest of the cercus sparsely set with bristles. Left surstylus pointed ( Fig. 4C View Fig ), right surstylus blunt ( Fig. 4B View Fig ). A distinct epandrial bristle present ( Fig. 4C View Fig ).

Female ( Fig. 3 View Fig )

Body 2.4–2.9 mm; wing 2.2–2.4 mm. Similar to male but lacking the posteroventral bristle on the fore femur while posteroventrals in apical half of mid femur are present. Hind femur also lacking the row of long ventral and anteroventral bristles. Apical three tarsomeres of all legs more dusky than in male and thus tarsomere 5 is not so contrastingly darkened. Sternites with minute white hairs only.


The new species belongs to the ‘ Thinophilus simplex -group’ sensu Grootaert (2018). Having entirely yellow fore coxa with only a single short black bristle, the new species runs to couplet 27 leading to T. evenhuisi Grootaert, 2018 and T. minor Grootaert, 2018 . It is, however, very distinct from both species in that T. evenhuisi has two very long, black ventral bristles near middle of the fore femur (twice as long as femur is wide), not present in the new species. Thinophilus minor has a row of very long ventral bristles on the fore tibia.


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences















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