Thevenetimyia cingulata Yao, Li & Yang, 2022

Yao, Gang, Luo, Jun, Li, Xuankun & Yang, Ding, 2022, First records of the subfamilies Ecliminae and Lomatiinae (Diptera, Bombyliidae) from China with description of two new species, Zootaxa 5094 (3), pp. 396-408 : 405-406

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Thevenetimyia cingulata Yao, Li & Yang

sp. nov.

Thevenetimyia cingulata Yao, Li & Yang View in CoL , sp. nov.

( Figs 1 View FIGURE 1 , 6–9 View FIGURE 6 View FIGURE 7 View FIGURE 8 View FIGURE 9 )

Diagnosis. Face with long dense white hairs laterally on clypeus; antenna with flagellum conical and with golden yellow pollinosity; wing with anterior part infuscated including entire cells c, sc, br, r 1, r 2+3, r 4, and r 5, and most parts of cells bm, cua 1, and a 1; tergites with a row of long dense golden yellow recumbent hairs posteriorly; epiphallus elongated, with a medial opening at apex in dorsal view, distiphallus arrow-like and slightly acute apically in lateral view.

Description. Male ( Fig. 6 View FIGURE 6 ). Body length: 9 mm; wing length: 7 mm.

Head: black except mouth opening with apical part yellow, with white pollinosity and black, white and yellow setae; ocellar tubercle black with long black setae; face with white pollinosity, denser beside eyes, face with dense long black setae, except margins of clypeus with dense long white setae, eyes holoptic, contiguous nearly 2/3 length from vertex to antennae; occiput with dense erect yellowish setae. Antenna yellow except flagellum black; scape nearly 6× longer than wide, with white pollinosity and long black hairs; pedicel 2× longer than wide, with white pollinosity and short black hairs; flagellum conical, almost bare, with golden yellow pollinosity, apex with one-segmented subapical stylus; antennal length ratio of scape:pedicel:flagellum is 4:2:3. Proboscis black with rather short black hairs, nearly 2× longer than head; palpus black with long black hairs, nearly as long as head, two-segmented, first segment long-cylindrical, 2× longer than second segment, second segment elongate, slightly broader medially. Thorax: black with black and white hairs, black and yellow bristles; postpronotal lobe with long black hairs, mesonotum with dense long black hairs on anterior margin and around wing and sparse long white hairs medially, postalar callus with three yellow bristles and dense long black hairs; scutum with sparse black and white hairs around, and sparse black hairs dorsally. Pleura with anepisternum, anatergite, katepisternum and katatergite with white pollinosity and long yellowish setae; scutellum reddish brown with long sparse white hairs dorsally and a row of dense white bristle-like hairs on posterior margin. Legs yellow except coxae and apex of tarsi black, with black, white, and yellow hairs; bristles black; coxae with long dense white hairs and long sparse black hairs; fore femur with dense short black recumbent hairs and with dense long black hairs anteroventrally; fore tibia with four pd, six pv, and dense short yellow hairs; tarsi with short black and yellow hairs; mid femur with short dense black recumbent hairs and with three av apically; hind femur with four av and short dense yellow hairs; mid tibia with five ad, five pd, five av and five pv; hind tibia with eight ad, 10 pd, seven av and six pv. Wing ( Fig. 7 View FIGURE 7 ): nearly half hyaline and half infuscated, anterior half infuscated, including entire cells c, sc, br, r 1, r 2+3, r 4, and r 5, and most of cell bm with only a small hyaline spot anteriorly, infuscation bm and cua 1 basally, anterior margin and apex of cell cup, and extreme apex of cell a 1. Base of vein C with short dense black hairs; crossvein r-m at basal 1/4 of discal cell; haltere brown, yellowish at apex of knob. Abdomen: black with black and yellow hairs; long erect black hairs dorsally and laterally; tergites with a row of long dense golden yellow recumbent hairs posteriorly; sternites with long erect black hairs and with a row of long dense recumbent golden yellow hairs posteriorly. Male terminalia ( Fig 8 View FIGURE 8 ): Epandrium subquadrate, with black bristles apically, almost as long as wide, and with distinct basal extension in lateral view; cercus exposed in lateral view; epandrium subquadrate, basally with black hairs laterally, nearly 2× wider than long in dorsal view; gonocoxa with many short black hairs anteriorly, convex, narrowed from base to apex and 2× wider near base than apex in ventral view, and with a bulge on each gonocoxite near apex medially; gonostylus uniformly thick from base to apex, except remarkably acutely curved apically in lateral view; epiphallus elongate, with a tiny medially opening at apex in dorsal view, distiphallus arrow-like and slightly acute apically in lateral view.

Type material. Holotype ♂ CHINA: Liaoning Fushun Donggualing Village (N 41°20’15.8’’ E 124°47’36.9’’) 14.V.2020, Tao Li (sweep netting). GoogleMaps

Observations. Live photographs taken by Shichun Li in Baoqing County, Heilongjiang province ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 ).

Distribution. China (Heilongjiang, Liaoning).

Etymology. The word “ cingulata ” comes from the Latin “ cingulum ” which means belt and refers to the row of dense long golden yellow recumbent hairs present posteriorly on each abdominal tergite.

Remarks. The new species is similar to T. zerrinae (Hasbenli) , but can be separated from the latter by the distinctive pattern of the wing with the anterior half infuscated, including the entire cells c, sc, br, r 1, r 2+3, r 4, and r 5, and most of cell bm with only a small hyaline spot anteriorly placed, bases of cells bm and cua 1 infuscated, anterior margin and apex of cell cup and extreme apex of cell a 1. In T. zerrinae , the wings are mostly yellowish and infuscated around veins, with cells sc, R 4, R 5, and apex of cells R 1 and R 2+3 brownish.















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