Terminalia alata-glabra

Turner, Ian M., 2015, The botanical legacy of Thomas Hardwicke’s journey to Srinagar in 1796, European Journal of Taxonomy 108, pp. 1-25 : 9-11

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Terminalia alata-glabra


Terminalia alata-glabra

Hardwicke’s description is brief.

Terminalia Alata-glabra . — Grows to a very lofty tree in the vallies of these mountains. Stem streight, and clear from branches to a great height. The characters given to the genus Chuncoa , in Gmelin’s edition of the Systema Naturae, agree well with this plant.”

Gmelin’s description of Chuncoa cannot be cited to validate a species name as it refers to a genus (ICN Art. 38.11(c), McNeill et al. 2012). The remaining descriptive statement does not seem adequate to validate the name.

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