Tegulaherpia cf. myodoryata Salvini-Plawen, 1988

Cobo, M. Carmen, Farris, William J. & Kocot, Kevin M., 2024, New data on the biodiversity of Solenogastres (Mollusca, Aplacophora) in the Mediterranean Sea: findings from the program “ Our Planet Reviewed ” Corsica 2019 - 2022, Zoosystema 46 (21), pp. 543-576 : 558

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Tegulaherpia cf. myodoryata Salvini-Plawen, 1988


Tegulaherpia cf. myodoryata Salvini-Plawen, 1988 View in CoL

Tegulaherpia myodoryata Salvini-Plawen, 1988: 377 View in CoL .

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — Corsica (France) • 1 specimen (preserved in 95% ethanol in two pieces, middle region used for sclerite preparations and DNA extraction); CORSICABENTHOS 1 ( Table 2 View TABLE ); 41 m depth; MNHN-IM-2019-16176; GenBank: OR456213 (1 microscope slide with sclerites, and tissue in ethanol).


Small (3.8 × 0.4-1 mm) bright white animal, anterior end wider than the posterior ( Fig. 4A View FIG , A’). Light brown color in the midgut region when alive ( Fig. 4 View FIG A’). With imbricate oval scales (30-40 × 20-25 µm) ( Fig. 7E View FIG ). Knife-like scales around the pedal groove (40 × 28 µm). With a small pallial cavity opening visible externally in the live specimen in which a protruding copulatory stylet was also observed.


The family Lepidomeniidae includes three genera that differ essentially, following the existent classification, in the shape of the sclerites ( Kowalevsky 1883; Kowalevsky & Marion 1887; Heath 1918; Salvini-Plawen 1983; García-Álvarez et al. 2000; Salvini-Plawen2003): Lepidomenia Kowalesky, 1883 with triangular scales; Nierstrazia Heath, 1918 with leaf-shaped scales and Tegulaherpia Salvini-Plawen, 1983 with oval scales ( Kowalevsky 1883; Heath 1918; Salvini-Plawen 1983). In addition, Lepidomenia hystrix Marion & Kowalevsky, 1885 lacks copulatory stylets ( Kowalevsky & Marion 1887), thus the lack of this structure is included in the diagnosis of the genus ( García-Álvarez & Salvini-Plawen 2007), as they exist in the other two genera. The Corsica specimen has oval scales and copulatory stylets. Based on this, it was placed in the genus Tegulaherpia . The identification of the specimen from Corsica as Tegulaherpia cf. myodoryata is justified by the external similarities (color, size and sclerites) of the examined specimen to published data on this species ( Salvini-Plawen 1988; Handl & Salvini-Plawen 2001: fig. 13) and the sclerites. The scales of the Corsica specimen correspond, in shape and size, with those described for Tegulaherpia myodoryata ( Handl & Salvini-Plawen 2001: 17; Salvini-Plawen 2003: fig. 7). Tegulaherpia includes another Mediterranean species, T. stimulosa Salvini-Plawen, 1983 that can be differentiated from T. myodoryata based on the sclerites: more oval in T. myodoryata ( Salvini-Plawen 1988; Salvini-Plawen 2003). Nevertheless, a study of the internal anatomy, especially the posterior organs, is important for confident identification. Due to the small size of the available specimen, we discarded histology, as a genus-level identification was adequate for the aims of this study. Moreover, the distinction between the genera in Lepidomeniidae is most likely in need of revision (personal observations) for which the analysis of the diagnostic characters, including a thorough and updated description of the sclerites of all the species is necessary.

T. myodoryata View in CoL has been recorded from the Mediterranean (Banyuls-sur-Mer and Livorno) and the North Atlantic Ocean ( Norway and Irish Sea). If the identification of the specimen from Corsica is confirmed, the distribution of this species would be extended to the Mediterranean Sea and the minimum depth at which it can be found would be decreased from 70 to 40 m. As with previous findings of T. myodoryata ( García-Álvarez et al. 2014) View in CoL , the specimen from Corsica was collected from a sandy bottom.
















Tegulaherpia cf. myodoryata Salvini-Plawen, 1988

Cobo, M. Carmen, Farris, William J. & Kocot, Kevin M. 2024

Tegulaherpia myodoryata

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