Taeniogonalos flavoscutellata (Chen, 1949) Chen, 1949

Chen, Hua-yan, van Achterberg, Cornelis, He, Jun-hua & Xu, Zai-fu, 2014, A revision of the Chinese Trigonalyidae (Hymenoptera, Trigonalyoidea), ZooKeys 385, pp. 1-207 : 85-87

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scientific name

Taeniogonalos flavoscutellata (Chen, 1949)

comb. n., re-instated

Taeniogonalos flavoscutellata (Chen, 1949) comb. n., re-instated Figs 361-371

Poecilogonalos flavoscutellata Chen, 1949: 14; He and Chen 1986: 231; Weinstein and Austin 1991: 423; He and Chen 1992: 1291. Synonymized by Tsuneki 1991 with Taeniogonalos sauteri Bischoff, 1913.

Type material.

Lectotype here designated, ♀ (IZCAS) "[China: Shandong,] Tsinanfou, Long-tong, 500 à 700 m, Musée Heude", " Poecilogonalos flavoscutellata n. sp.". Paralectotypes: 3 ♀ (IZCAS), topotypic and with identical locality label.

Additional material.

1 ♀ (ZJUH), "[China:] Beijing, Mt. Xiang, 22.VII.1972, Ji-kun Yang, No.178"; 1 ♂ (ZJUH), "[China:] Fujian, Mt. Jin, 5.IV.1999, 20003722"; 1 ♀ + 1 ♂ (ZJUH), "[China:] Hunan, Changsha, VI.1984, Ming-de Han, 864555, primary host: Phanerotoma flava ( Braconidae ), det. He & Chen, 24.XII.1984"; 1 ♂ (ZJUH), "[China:] Hunan, Changsha, VI.1982, Jian-wen Peng, 840754, reared from Locastra muscosalis ( Pyralidae ), det. He & Chen, 24.XII.1984"; 1 ♂ (ZJUH), "[China:] Zhejiang, Songyang, 5.IX.1982, Han-lin Chen, reared from Locastra muscosalis ( Pyralidae ), det. He & Chen, 24.XII.1984".


Supra-antennal elevations 0.1-0.4 times as long as scapus and outer side of elevations oblique and at least partly yellow (Fig. 363); head posteriorly with extensive yellowish or orange-brown pattern, including a V-shaped yellow or orange pattern behind stemmaticum (Fig. 363); head dorsally often densely reticulate-punctate (Fig. 363); mesopleuron with extensive yellowish pattern (Fig. 368); scutellum antero-medially yellow; anterior half of fore wing subhyaline except for isolated subapical dark patch (Fig. 365); second metasomal sternite with distinct medio-apical protuberance (Fig. 371), in ♀ resulting in circular or rectangular opening between second and following sternites in lateral view (Fig. 370); third sternite of female flat medio-apically in lateral view (Fig. 370).


Lectotype, female, length of body 8.1 mm (of fore wing 6.8 mm).

Head. Antenna with 24 segments; frons reticulate-punctate (Fig. 362); vertex reticulate-punctate behind stemmaticum, becoming spaced punctate (interspaces much wider than width of punctures) posteriorly (Fig. 363); temple largely smooth, with sparse fine punctures (Fig. 363); head gradually narrowed behind eyes, eye in dorsal view 0.9 times as long as temple (Fig. 363); occipital carina narrow, non-lamelliform and smooth medio-dorsally (Fig. 366); supra-antennal elevations medium-sized (about 0.2 times as long as scapus) and their outer side oblique (Fig. 363); clypeus moderately concave and thick medio-ventrally.

Mesosoma. Length of mesosoma 1.3 times its height (Fig. 368); mesopleuron densely and coarsely reticulate-rugose anteriorly, densely and finely punctate posteriorly; transverse mesopleural groove narrow, shallow and weakly crenulate; notauli narrow, deep and weakly crenulate; mesoscutum reticulate-rugose (Fig. 367); scutellar sulcus narrow, but complete and weakly crenulate; scutellum densely and finely reticulate-rugose, rather flat and anteriorly near level of mesoscutum; metanotum medially slightly convex, not protruding and finely rugose (Fig. 367); propodeum densely reticulate-rugose (Fig. 367); posterior propodeal carina thick lamelliform and strongly arched, foramen medially 0.7 times higher than wide basally.

Wings. Fore wing: vein 1-M 1.5 times as long as vein 1-SR (Fig. 365).

Metasoma. First tergite 0.7 times as long as apically wide, smooth and with distinct elliptical depression medially (Fig. 369); second–sixth tergites densely reticulate-punctate; sternites densely punctate; second sternite distinctly convex in lateral view, medio-apical protuberance triangularly protruding behind apical margin of sternite and posteriorly truncate (Fig. 370); third sternite about 0.2 times as long as second sternite (Fig. 371); hypopygium triangular in ventral view.

Colour. Yellow with black markings; frons largely yellow, area above and between supra-antennal elevations largely black but with a heart-shaped yellow spot below anterior ocellus, black marks medio-ventrally extending to base of clypeus; clypeus entirely yellow; mandible yellow with teeth dark brown; vertex largely black with a V-shaped yellow patch posteriorly and postero-lateral area above occipital carina yellow; temple entirely yellow; mesosoma laterally black with following yellow markings: broad oblique stripe on lower propleuron, stripe on upper pronotum and lower pronotum, broad oblique but medially interrupted stripe on mesopleuron and metapleuron; mesosoma dorsally yellow with following black markings: broad median stripes on middle lobe of mesoscutum, lateral lobes of mesoscutum, broad median stripe on propodeum; metasoma yellow with following black markings: anterior half of first tergite and sternite, anterior 0.7 of second tergite except for broad median patch, anterior 0.8 of third tergite, small median patch on fourth and fifth tergites, broad antero-lateral patches on second sternite, anterior half of third sternite, entirely fourth and fifth sternites; palpi yellowish brown; antenna dark brown; dorsal coxae, trochanters and trochantelli, base and apex of femora yellow, remainder of legs dark brown; pterostigma dark brown, marginal cell more or less dark brown, remainder of wing membrane subhyaline.

Variation. Length of body 7.0-8.4 mm, of fore wing 6.7-7.5 mm; antenna of ♀ with 25 segments; length of vein 1-M of fore wing 1.4-1.6 times as long as vein 1-SR; palpi yellow; antenna yellowish brown; legs paler; dark brown patch of marginal cell of fore wing weakly to distinctly pigmented.

Male. Length of body 7.6-8.5 mm, of fore wing 6.0-6.7 mm; antenna with 25-26 segments, tyloids linear, 0.7 times as long as antennal segment on 11 th– 14th segments and about half as long on 10th and 15th segments with a remnant on 16th segment; genitalia internal.


Hyperparasitoid of Phanerotoma flava ( Hymenoptera : Braconidae ) in Locastra muscosalis caterpillars ( Lepidoptera : Pyralidae ) ( He and Chen 1986). Collected in April, June and July; reared in December.


China (Beijing, Shandong, Zhejiang, Fujian, Hunan).



