Stoebe capitata Bergius (1767: 338)

Koekemoer, Marinda, 2016, A monograph of Stoebe and Seriphium (Gnaphalieae, Asteraceae) in southern Africa and neighbouring islands, Phytotaxa 242 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.242.1.1

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Stoebe capitata Bergius (1767: 338)


3. Stoebe capitata Bergius (1767: 338) View in CoL . Type :— SOUTH AFRICA. Grubb s.n. SBT herb no. 113 (SBT!, lectotype, designated here).

= Perotriche tortilis Cassini (1818: 75) View in CoL . Type not found.

= Seriphium capitatum Lessing (1832: 252) View in CoL .

= Seriphium perotrichoides Lessing (1832: 352) View in CoL . Type :— SOUTH AFRICA. In arenosis fructicetis prope Seekuhvallei in planitie capensis, February 1827, Ecklon (1828: 73) (P!, lectotype, designated here; K!, G!, E!, PRE!, isolectotypes).

= Seriphium capitatum var. kraussii Schultz Bipontinus (1844: 694) View in CoL . Type :— SOUTH AFRICA. Zoetendalsvalley , Zwellendam , December, Krauss 546 (P!, lectotype, designated here).

= Stoebe affinis Moore (1920: 77) View in CoL . Type :— SOUTH AFRICA. Ceres, Rogers 17605 (BM!, holotype; PRE!, J!, isotypes).

= Stoebe mossii Moore (1920: 76) View in CoL . Type:— SOUTH AFRICA. Cape, Caledon div., Steenbras , January 1918, Moss & Rogers 1583 (BM!, holotype; J!, isotype).

Multi-stemmed, well branched shrub, up to 0.5 m tall, erect or suberect. Branches often candelabrum-like, cobwebby or somewhat woolly when young, very densely to sparsely leafy. Leaves 2–10 mm long, linear-subulate, strongly involute, spirally twisted, occasionally lanceolate and not tightly involute, adpressed or ascending; abaxial surface frequently glabrescent; loosely woolly or cobwebby when young; tips pungent. Synflorescences terminal, globose or subglobose to oblong or cylindrical. Capitula homogamous, discoid, 1-flowered. Receptacle reduced to short stalks on an inflated stem apex. Involucral bracts 6–8, not differing greatly in size and texture; chaffy; outermost with a green keel; innermost scarious, acute, acuminate or mucronate, as long as or a little longer than the corolla tube. Florets bisexual, with well developed, spreading corolla lobes, pink or white. Style bifid, swollen at the base. Nectaries present. Cypselas with rather short, shaggy, adpressed hairs. Pappus setae 10–12; mostly present, sometimes poorly developed or occasionally absent; somewhat shorter than the florets; setae flattened and slightly fused at the base with a few spreading barbs, plumose from close to the base; plumes inclined to spreading, relatively short; tips not tufted. Flowering January to March, occasionally in November, December, April and May.

Distribution and habitat: — Western Cape, with a northern extension into the Cederberg, eastwards to Albertinia, with disjunct records from Knysna and Humansdorp (Eastern Cape). Figure 21 View FIGURE 21 .

Ecology: —Sandy flats and hills, often in disturbed areas, at elevations of 0–900 m.

Conservation status: —Least Concern.

Notes: —This species can be confused with St. fusca , which has yellow involucral bracts, or alternatively with St. phyllostachya , which has flatter leaves and long, rigid hairs towards the base of the abaxial leaf surface. Although the variation in St. capitata is extremely wide, there is no justified reason to subdivide the species.

Additional specimens examined:— SOUTH AFRICA, Western Cape. Without locality: Drege PRE12011 (PRE); Sieber Fl. Cap. No. 23 (K); Zeyher 909 (BOL); Clanwilliam dist., Middelberg (3219AA), March 1940, Esterhuysen 2518 (BOL); Cederberg State Forest (3219AC), 17 May 1983, Le Maitre 376 (NBG); Olifants River Mt. , behind Porterville (3219CC), February 1912, Edwards 91 (BOL); Sandy flats E of Melkbosch Strand (3318CB), 5 February 1935, Acocks 4108 (S); Sandy flats E of Melkbosch Strand (3318CB), 5 February 1935, Acocks 4754 (S); Cape Town, Rondebosch (3318CD), February, Bolus 3290 (BOL, SAM); Indimis arenosis prope Cape Town (3318CD), February 1877, Bolus 3290 (K, PRE); Kenilworth Race Course (3318CD), January 1895, Bolus 7964 (BOL, SAM); Camps Bay (3318CD), February 1908, Dümmer 1161 (E, NBG); In graminosis, Kenilworth Race Course (3318CD), January 1882, Dümmer 986 (E); Pr. Cape Town (3318CD), 1941, Ecklon 237 (S); Cape Peninsula: Kenilworth Race Course, in sand, N end (3318CD), 5 January 1968, Esterhuysen 31856

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(BOL, S); Cape Peninsula, Kenilworth Race Course, N end (3318CD), 19 February 1970, Esterhuysen 32387 (BOL); Table Mountain (3318CD), 20 March 1898, Froembling 730 (NBG); Kennilworth (3318CD), 15 January 1894, Kuntze (K); Below block-house, Devils Peak (3318CD), January 1917, Page s.n. (BOL); Kaapstad (3318CD), March–April, Pappe S 16820 (SAM); Cape Peninsula, Wynberg Hill, roadside Torquay Avenue (3318CD), 29 March 1951, Penfold s.n. (NBG); Cape Peninsula, S edge of lower plateau, Table Mt. (3318CD), 23 February 1936, Pillans 8345 (BOL); Wynberg Hill, Torquay Avenue (3318CD), 30 March 1951, Salter 9037 (G, PRE, SAM); Near Cape Town, stony bushy hillsides (3318CD), March 1898, Thode 5854 (NBG); Afr. austr.: Rondebosch (3318CD), May, Wahlberg s.n. (S); Cape Peninsula, flats near Rondebosch (3318CD), 7 March 1896, Wolley Dod 908 (BOL, K); Cape Flats near Salt River, a little SE of the Windmills (3318DB), 31 January 1811, Burchell 707 (K, P, PRE); Paarlberg (3318DB), November–December, Drege SAM16829 (P, PRE, S, SAM); Paarlberg (3318DB), November–December, Ecklon & Zeyher (S); Drakenstein Mts., Dal Josafat (3318DB), January 1882, Tyson 884 (E, SAM); Cape, Kanonberg, Tygerberg (3318DC), 2 April 1944, Compton 15616 (NBG); Durbanville, a few miles from Kraaifontein on langeberg road to Durbanville (3318DC), 25 March 1956, Esterhuysen 25483 (PRE); Tygerberg Nature Reserve, NE section, rhenosterbosveld (3318DC), 22 March 1979, Low 831 (NBG); Belleville Div., near summit of Kanonberg (3318DC), 5 April 1935, Salter 5237 (K); Stellenbosch mountains, middle slopes (3318DD), 10 February 1931, Galpin 10611 (K, PRE); Stellenbosch mountain, Blaauwklip (3318DD), January 1926, Gillett s.n. (NBG); Jonkershoek, Langrivier Catchment


Phytotaxa 242 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press • 55 (3318DD), 6 March 1975, Haynes 1025 (NBG, PRE); Jonkershoek, Langrivier Catchment, contour path (3318DD), 26 February 1973, Haynes 777 (NBG, PRE); Jonkershoek, The Valley (3318DD), Kruger 151 (NBG, PRE); Jonkershoek, path from top bridge to upper contour path towards Dwarsberg (3318DD), 1 March 1980, Taylor 10091 (NBG, PRE); Jonkershoek, Jakkalsvlei (3318DD), 6 March 1963, Taylor 4639 (K, NBG, PRE); Ceres, Inkruip, Witzenberg (3319AA), 19 April 1956, Esterhuysen 25761 (BOL, PRE); Tulbagh, Saronsberg, E slopes (3319AA), 6 May 1956, Esterhuysen 25805 (BOL); Tulbach, Sneeugat, Gt. Winterhoek (3319AA), April 1916, Phillips 1769 (SAM); Ceres, Schurfteberg, steep S slope above Gydo Pass (3319AB), 15 February 1953, Adamson 4923 (BOL); Caledon div., Caledon hills (3319AB), 18 March 1916, Purcell SAM46164 (SAM); Gt. Winterhoek, Tulbagh (3319AC), 14 February 1934, Compton 4644 (BOL); 25km N of Wellington, Elandsberg Nature Reserve, flowers pink (3319AC), 23 January 1986, De Villiers 1 (NBG); Tulbagh div., Great Winterhoek (3319AC), January 1839, Drege (K); Tulbagh dist., Gt. Winterhoek, on E side along base of cliffs on sloping ledge on steep rocky slopes (3319AC), 17 April 1960, Esterhuysen 28468 (BOL, K, S); Tulbagh dist., Gt. Winterhoek, growing at base of rock and spreading over rock in steep rocky places (3319AC), 31 March 1973, Esterhuysen 33157 (BOL, K, S); Tulbach, Witzenberg, firebelt at foot of mountain (3319AC), 10 March 1970, Haynes 311 (NBG, PRE); Wolseley, Sevenfontein Nature Reserve (3319AC), 26 February 1936, Hubbard 357 (NBG); Wolseley, Sevenfontein Nature Reserve (3319AC), 26 February 1936, Hubbard 369 (NBG); Tulbach Div., Witzenberg Vlei (3319AC), March 1938, Thorne SAM52795 (SAM); Ceres Valley, Schoonvlei (3319AD), 19 February 1989, Cillie 48 (NBG); Ceres, Castle Rock (3319AD), 13 February 1960, Esterhuysen 28444 (BOL); Worcester Dist., Waaihoek Peak. On steep rocky SE slope (3319AD), 25 February 1961, Esterhyusen 28895 (BOL, E, S); Ceres, C.P. (3319AD), November 1919, Rogers 17605 (BM, K, PRE, SAM); Ceres, Michells Pass (3319AD), March 1926, Smith 2701 (PRE, K); Hawequas SF, Limietberge, Baviaanskloof area (3319CA), 1 February 1987, Forsyth 417 (NBG, PRE); Bainskloof (3319CA), 4 February 1897, Schlechter 10244 (BOL, E, G, K, P, PRE, S); Bainskloof (3319CA), 4 February 1897, Schlechter 1989 (PRE); Worcester Div., Du Toits Kloof (3319CA), 26 December 1953, Stokoe SAM65926 (SAM); Du Toitskloof (3319CA/CC), Cummings 311 (BOL, K); Paarl, French Hoek Pass (3319CC), 26 February 1948, Compton 20478 (NBG); Lower S slopes of Frensch Hoek mts. (3319CC), 10 February 1945, Esterhuysen 11422 (BOL); Worcester, Du Toits Kloof, granite slopes (3319CC/CA), 28 December 1952, Esterhuysen 20988 (BOL, PRE); Cape Flats prope Claremont (3319CD), 4 February 1892, Schlechter 294 (P); Cape Flats prope Claremont (3319CD), 4 February 1893, Schlechter 297 (G); Poesjenels River, Robertson (3319DC), 11 April 1936, Levyns 5451 (BOL); Bergendal Klaasvoogds West, Robbertson, N-S ridge (3319DD), 24 March 1986, Moffet & Steensma 4149 (PRE); Montagu, Tradouws Pass, near toll house on Sleeping Beauty trail (3320DC), 26 January 1990, Koekemoer 338 (BOL, PRE); Swellendam Div., Tradouws Pass (3320DC), March 1940, Lewis SAM56628 (SAM); Riversdale, Garcias For. St. (3321CC), 25 May 1950, Esterhuysen 17225 (BOL); Riversdale Dist., Garcias Pass, in stony places, corolla white (3321CC), 21 January 1961, Esterhuysen 28792 (BOL, S); Riversdale, Garcias Pass, S side (3321CC), 3 April 1959, Lewis 5377 (NBG); Garcias Pass, Riversdale (3321CC), December 1904, Luyt s.n. (BOL); Riversdal, Garcias Pass, S side (3321CD), 31 March 1984, Bohnen 8434 (NBG, PRE); Sandy lower slopes at Tierbos, Hout Bay (3418AB), April 1934, Acocks 2839 (S); Cape Peninsula, Arends Kop (3418AB), 2 January 1941, Compton 10315 (NBG); Cape Peninsula, Oude Schip (3418AB), 18 February 1942, Compton 13029 (NBG); Cape Peninsula, Oude Schip (3418AB), 18 February 1942, Compton 13189 (NBG); Cape Peninsula, Karbonkelberg (3418AB), 7 March 1943, Compton 14402 (NBG, PRE); Cape Peninsula, Constantiaberg (3418AB), 28 January 1945, Compton 16946 (NBG); Cape Peninsula, Chapmans Peak (3418AB), 6 February 1940, Compton 8493 (NBG); Hout Bay, dry slopes (3418AB), 2 January 1923, Compton s.n. (BOL); In montis Tafelberges, suprio Constantiaberg (3418AB), Ecklon & Zeyher (P); Cape Peninsula, Table Mt., plateau S of Grootkop (3418AB), 13 February 1944, Esterhuysen 10031 (BOL); Cape, slopes from Millers Pt. to top of mt. (3418AB), 9 February 1929, Gillett 3439 (BOL); Diepriver Station (3418AB), 17 January 1894, Kuntze (K); Cape Peninsula, Steenberg plateau (3418AB), 22 February 1945, Leighton 1040 (BOL); Top of Sir Lowrys Pass (3418AB), March 1935, Levyns 4861 (BOL); Tokai flats, burnt area (3418AB), 12 November 1935, Levyns 5251 (BOL); Tokai flats (3418AB), 12 November 1935, Levyns 5252 (BOL); Tokai flats (3418AB), 22 December 1935, Levyns 5328 (BOL); Klaver valley, Simonstown (3418AB), 23 March 1936, Levyns 5522 (BOL); Klaver valley, Simonstown (3418AB), 23 March 1936, Levyns 5523 (BOL); In arenosis Capensis prope Princess Vley (3418AB), February 1896, MacOwan 1621 (G-DC, K, P, UPS); In arenosis plantini Cap. pr. Princess Vley (3418AB), February 1896, MacOwan 3060 (G); Simonstown Mountains (3418AB), January 1936, Minicki SAM52013 (SAM); W slopes of Chapmans Peak (3418AB), January 1951, Pillans 10747 (UPS, BOL); Cape Peninsula, sandy

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KOEKEMOER flats E of Steenberg (3418AB), 16 February 1918, Pillans 2995 (BOL, PRE); Muizenberg near False Bay (3418AB), 4 December 1946, Prior (K); Constantia, farm Bergvliet, sandpit camp (3418AB), 28 January 1918, Purcell SAM90462 (SAM); Constantia, farm Bergvliet, Sweet Valley (3418AB), 12 October 1919, Purcell SAM90463 (SAM); Constantia, farm Bergvliet, sand pit at large Gethyllis camp (3418AB), 3 February 1919, Purcell SAM90464 (SAM); Noordhoek (3418AB), September 1914, St. Clair Caporon (BOL); Simonstown, Froggy farm, lower mountain slopes (3418AB), 24 February 1965, Taylor 6225a (NBG); Cape Peninsula, Westlake (3418AB), 7 March 1951, Thomas s.n. (NBG); Hout Bay, Constantiaberg, WNW-aspect (3418AB), 27 February 1982, Viviers 158 (NBG, PRE); East slopes of Constantia Berg (3418AB), 26 December 1896, Wolley Dod 2262 (BOL, K); Simonstown, CGHNR, near circle route turn-off (3418AD), 30 January 1990, Koekemoer 356 (BOL, PRE); Cape Point (3418AD), February 1920, Michell s.n. (BOL); Between Platbank and end of road at Cape Point (3418AD), 14 June 1967, Taylor 7050 (NBG, PRE); Cape Flats (3418BA), 1841, Ecklon 236 (S); Cape Flats (3418BA), 1841, Ecklon 2376 (S); Cape Flats (3418BA), April 1918, Page s.n. (BOL); Cape Flats (3418BA), February 1887, Thode 8018 (NBG); Sir Lowrys' Pass (3418BB), 28 January 1893, Guthrie 2791 (NBG); Sir Lowry’s Pass (3418BB), 16 February 1936, Levyns 5358a (BOL); Sir Lowrys, Pass, Elgin side (3418BB), 18 February 1936, Levyns 5399 (BOL); Steenbras river (3418BB), February 1918, Moss & Rogers 1583 (BM, BOL); Slopes NW of Steenbras Reservoir (3418BB), 14 February 1935, Salter 5216 (BOL, K); Steenbras (3418BB), 14 February 1935, Salter s.n. (BOL); Stellenbosch Div., foot of Sir Lowrys Pass (3418BB), 8 March 1952, Stokoe SAM65924 (NBG, SAM); Caledon, Houw Hoek (3419AA), 2 February 1933, Gillett 672 (NBG); Caledon, Theewaterskloof area, Graymead farm (3419AA), 20 February 1979, Hugo 1513 (NBG, PRE); Between Houwhoek & Elgin (3419AA), 18 February 1936, Levyns 5400 (BOL); Elgin, near Railway bridge (3419AA), 6 March 1925, Smith 2561 (PRE, K); Elgin, old quarry alongside railway (3419AA), 6 March 1926, Smith 2566 (PRE); Caledon div., Palmiet River near Elgin (3419AA), February 1942, Stokoe SAM58110 (SAM); Caledon Div. top of Viljoens Pass (3419AA), March 1951, Stokoe SAM65925 (SAM, PRE); On Donkerhoek Mt., Caledon div. (3419AB), 9 March 1915, Burchell 7974 (K); 12 miles SE of Bot River (3419AB), 20 December 1934, Salter 5186 (BOL); Caledon/Swartberg (3419AB), 1 February 1986, Van der Kooy 2011 (NBG); Onrust (3419AC), Champion US 8721 (NBG); Coastal slopes of Palmietberg near Kleinmond (3419AC), 18 March 1983, CM van Wyk 1132 (NBG); Kleinmond, voet van berg W van Heuningklip (3419AC), 20 February 1949, De Vos 1238 (NBG); Caledon, foot of Onrust River Mountains (3419AC), 8 February 1941, Esterhuysen 4913 (BOL, NBG, PRE); Hermanus, foot of mountain (3419AC), 14 January 1933, Gillett 531 (NBG); Hermanus, foot of mountain (3419AC), 14 January 1933, Gillett 533 (NBG); Caledon div., Hermanus, slopes below mountain (3419AC), 1 February 1933, Gillett 627 (K); c. 5 km outside Elim (3419AC), 16 March 1988, Joffe 486 (PRE); Hermanus, Sandbaai (3419AC), January 1962, Walters 209 (NBG); Shaw’s Mt. (3419AD), 20 March 1932, Acocks 166 (S); Caledon, Mosselrivier (3419AD), 18 February 1951, Heginbotham 179 (NBG, S); Hermanus, Die Mond (3419AD), 1 May 1933, Jordaan 850 (NBG); Shaws mt. (3419AD), 4 April 1931, Levyns 3529 (BOL); Shaws mt. (3419AD), 18 February 1936, Levyns 5401 (BOL); Hermanus, Shaws mt. (3419AD), 18 February 1936, Levyns 5403 (BOL); Caledon, Hermanus (3419AD), 11 February 1950, Martin 297 (NBG); c. 8 km from Stanford, Hermanus road (3419AD), 9 March 1983, Meyer 7160 (PRE); Fernkloof Nature Reserve (3419AD), 3 December 1975, Orchard 336 (K, NBG, PRE, S); Caledon Div., Klein River Mountains (3419AD), 18 February 1954, Stokoe SAM68754 (SAM); Stanford, Paardeberg near Papiesvlei (3419AD), 27 June 1962, Taylor 3469 (NBG, PRE); Voëlklip, Hermanus, property Panavista above main road (3419AD), 20 March 1973, Taylor 8357 (NBG); Caledon, Vogelgat, west of base camp (3419AD), 8 February 1979, Williams 2721 (NBG); Mountains of Baviaanskloof near Genadendal (3419BA), 15 February 1815, Burchell 7641 (K); Greyton (3419BA), 12 March 1933, Gillett 884 (NBG); Bredasdorp (3419BA), 4 April 1931, Levyns 3526 (BOL); Stony hill near Ganze Kraal, Caledon Div. (3419BB), 12 February 1815, Burchell 7562 (K); Bredasdorp, Paardekloof (3419BC), 30 March 1970, Theron & Van der Schijff 2254 (PRE); Bredasdorp, Paardekloof (3419BC), 30 March 1970, Theron & Van der Schijff 2269 (PRE); Caledon div., limestone hills over Gans Bay (3419CB), January 1948, Lewis 2785 (SAM); Caledon, Gans Bay, Uitskraal River Mouth (3419CB), 12 March 1981, Parsons 142 (NBG); Bredasdorp, Baardscheerdersbosch (3419DA), 25 January 1948, Compton 20457 (NBG, S); Caledon, Buffeljagsberg, E end above vlei (3419DA), 13 March 1979, Hugo 1661 (NBG, PRE); Caledon, Baardscheerdersbos, slopes W of settlement (3419DA), 14 March 1977, Hugo 813 (K, NBG, PRE); Caledon, 10 km E of Baardscheerdersbos (3419DA), 14 March 1977, Hugo 817 (K, NBG, PRE); Bredasdorp, road between Pearly Beach and Viljoenshof, near Viljoenshof (3419DA), 29 January 1986, Simpson 210 (NBG); Caledon, Koueberge, S of Papiesvlei


Phytotaxa 242 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press • 57 (3419DA), 9 March 1979, Thompson 3883 (NBG, PRE); Soetanysberg, farm Bergplaas, mountain foothills (3419DB), 26 March 1982, CM van Wyk 934 (NBG); Bredasdorp, 2 miles N of Elim (3419DB), 18 February 1951, Compton 22634 (NBG); Bredasdorp, 2 miles N of Elim (3419DB), 18 February 1951, Johnson 15 (NBG, BOL); Caledon, Uitvlugt, S slopes of Bredasdorp Mountains (3419DB), 16 March 1978, Thompson 3788 (K, NBG, PRE); Elim on the road to Die Dam (3419DC), 27 January 1990, Koekemoer 345 (BOL, PRE); Swellendam (3420AB), 9 April 1957, Levyns 10659 (BOL); National Bontebok Park, near 'ou tuin' (3420AB), March 1963, Liebenberg 7179 (NBG, PRE); Swellendam Plantation, Marloth Nature Reserve (3420AB), 19 March 1970, Taylor 7686 (NBG, PRE); De Hoop, on Elandspad road, opposite Potberg (3420BC), 29 January 1985, Fellingham 860 (PRE); Hillside near Bredasdorp (3420CA), April 1933, Bolus 20537 (BOL); Riversdale, Korente River, dam forest on hill (3421AD), 30 March 1979, Bohnen 5322 (K, NBG, PRE); Hillsides above Knysna (3423AA), 13 January 1921, Duthie 574 (BOL, NBG); Knysna, Concordia (3423AA), February 1922, Fourcade 2011 (K); Africa australis: Cap, Andersson 1853 (S); Mamre, Baur 1179 (K); Prope ‘Round Hill’, lower Albany, December 1885, Bolus 10641 (BOL); Firebelt, Jonkershoek, 18 February 1936, Borchardt 1545 (PRE); Sandy hills near landing place, Mossel Bay, 18 October 1814, Burchell 6243 (K); Afr. Austr.: Cap b. spei, Burmann (G-herb. Delessert); S. Africa, Drege (K); CBS, Drege (G-DC); Cap, Drege (G); Du Toitskloofberg, Langrivier, 30 January 1828, Drege 1707 (P); Ad pedem montis tabularis, November 1908, Dümmer 357 (E); Ad pedem montis tabularis for Constantiam, October–November 1908, Dümmer 504 (E); Uitenhaag, bei Ylandrivier, Ecklon & Zeyher 105 (S); Zeekoevalley, November, Ecklon & Zeyher SAM16828 (SAM); Unio itineraria in arenosis fructicetis prope Seekuhvallei in planitie capensi, February 1827, Ecklon 1828 (Ecklon 73) (E, G, K, P, PRE); CBS, Ecklon 502 (K); Kenilworth, Cape Town, March 1895, Flanagan 2448 (PRE); Wynberg flats, November, Flanagan PRE42374 (PRE); Knysna, January, Flanagan PRE44526 (PRE); CBS, Harvey 263 (E); CBS, Harvey 30 (K, E); CBS, Harvey s.n. (BOL); Between Caledon and Hermanus, 26 March 1929, Hutchinson 3161 (K); In arenosis planitici prope Zoetendals Valley, December 1838, Krauss 546 (P); Clanwilliam, Karooberg, 13 June 1945, Leipoldt 4173 (PRE); Greyton, March 1935, Levyns 4867 (BOL); Flats near Onrust, 18 February 1936, Levyns 5404 (BOL); Flats between Bonteberg and main road on burnt area, 19 January 1936, Levyns 5423 (PRE); Tokai flats, 2 February 1936, Levyns 5521 (BOL); Caledon div., River Zonder End Mountains, May 1950, Lewis 3088 (SAM); Caledon, River Zonder End Mts., 5 April 1950, Lewis SAM64109 (NBG, PRE); Riversdale, lower slopes of Langeberg, March 1923, Muir 2545 (BOL, PRE); Cape, Mundt (K); Cape, Mundt 27 (K); CBS, Mundt at Maire (G); CBS, Pappe (K); Cape Flats, March, Pappe (P); Summit of Table Mountain, 25 March 1899, Schönnberg 4888 (PRE); Cap, Sieber (G); Cap, Sieber Fl. cap. no. 23 (K, P); CBS, Sieber Flora mixta no. 47 (E); CBS, Sieber s.n. (K); Hout Bay mountain, February 1928, Smuts PRE44538 (PRE); Caledon, vley beyond Riviera, March 1924, Smuts s.n. (1219 in PRE) (NBG, PRE); Hermanus, March 1924, Smuts s.n. (Marloth nr. 11909) (PRE); Jakkalsvlei, Jonkershoek, 24 February 1964, Taylor 5703 (PRE); Swellendam, Zuurbraak, January–March 1930, Thode A2338 (PRE); Piquetberg, near Shaw, 16 June 1964, Thompson 19 (NBG); CBS, 1774, Thunberg (S); Bredasdorp, Ratelrivier along road from Dirkie Uys Kraal to Quoin Point, 13 March 1961, Van Breda 1529 (PRE); Riviersonderend along foothills, May 1956, Van Breda 441 (PRE); CBS, Wallich 909 (K); Hillside above Chapmans Peak, 6 January 1961, Whellan 1786 (PRE); Fish Hoek, 21 December 1927, Young 288 (PRE); CBS, Zeyher 196 (P). Eastern Cape. Humansdorp (3424BB), July 1932, Wagner US 16956 (NBG);














Stoebe capitata Bergius (1767: 338)

Koekemoer, Marinda 2016

Stoebe affinis

Moore, S. 1920: )

Stoebe mossii

Moore, S. 1920: )

Seriphium capitatum var. kraussii

Schultz Bipontinus, C. H. 1844: )

Seriphium capitatum

Lessing, C. F. 1832: )

Seriphium perotrichoides

Lessing, C. F. 1832: )

Perotriche tortilis

Cassini, H. 1818: )
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