Stenotrella analamazaotra, Gorochov, 2023

Gorochov, A. V., 2023, Taxonomy of Podoscirtinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). Part 16: the genera Fryerius and Stenotrella from Madagascar, Russian Entomological Journal 32 (2), pp. 129-137 : 135-137

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.32.2.01

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scientific name

Stenotrella analamazaotra


Stenotrella analamazaotra Gorochov, sp.n.

Figs 42 View Figs 42–50 –54.

MATERIAL EXAMINED. Holotype — ♂, Madagascar, Toamasina Prov., Moramanga Distr., Analamazaotra Forest Station near Andasibe Vill. (18°56´S, 48°25´E), ~ 900 m, primary forest, on leave of bush, 8–20.III.2013, A. Gorochov ( ZIN). Paratypes: 2 ♂♂, 6 ♀♀, same data as for holotype, but 11.II—20.III.2013, A. Gorochov , L. Anisyutkin ( ZIN) GoogleMaps .

DESCRIPTION. Male (holotype). General appearance more or less similar to that of S. lucens but with following characteristic features: coloration almost uniformly greyish brown with dark brown eyes and light greyish brown mouthparts having distal part of apical segment of each maxillary palpus greyish brown, with light greyish brown legs (except for tarsi and apex of hind femur) and membranes of tegmina, and with almost yellowish tegminal venation and hind wings (but membranes in latter wings transparent) as well as body venter including genital plate ( Figs 42–46 View Figs 42–50 ); head rather strongly flattened dorsoventrally, with slightly concave dorsum behind lateral ocelli, not large and almost round eyes, a pair of distinct and strongly convex lateral ocelli located rather far from each other (median ocellus absent), and rather long and almost angular (in profile) rostrum which approximately twice narrower than scape ( Figs 42, 43 View Figs 42–50 ); pronotum almost as wide as head, slightly narrowed in subanterior part, with concave anterior and straight posterior edges of disc, low transverse keel on disc near (along) its posterior edge, and rather low and rounded each lateral lobe having distinct fold around oblique concavity in middle part of upper half ( Figs 42, 43 View Figs 42–50 ); metanotal gland undeveloped ( Fig. 42 View Figs 42–50 ); tegmina rather long, distinctly protruding beyond abdominal apex and approximately reaching apices of hind femora, with venation as in Fig. 45 View Figs 42–50 ; hind wings somewhat protruding beyond apices of these femora; legs unspecialized, with outer tympanum oval and moderately large, without inner tympanum (but with narrow longitudinal concavity on inner side of fore tibia), with rather insignificantly widened (thickened) proximal half of hind femur, as well as with spines and denticles of hind tibia almost as in some representatives of genus Fryerius from subgenus Dentitrella subgen.n. ( Fig. 44 View Figs 42–50 ); anal plate also similar to that of this subgenus but almost uniform in coloration; genital plate approximately 2.5 times as long as anal plate, strongly narrowing to narrow distal third and with very narrowly rounded (almost angular) apex ( Fig. 46 View Figs 42–50 ). Genitalia and spermtophore as in Figs 51–54: epiphallus similar to that of S. lucens , but longer, with longer distal (narrowed) part and clearly deeper posteromedian notch (compare Figs 51–52 and 58); epiphallic ectoparameres stick-like and distinctly not reaching epiphallic apices (almost as in S. sceleton , but in S. lucens , they practically reaching epiphallic apices; see Figs 52, 56, 58); rachis not protruding beyond epiphallic apices (clearly protruding beyond them in both

Figs 51–58. Stenotrella , male: 51–54 — S. analamazaotra sp.n.; 55–57 — S. sceleton ; 58 — S. lucens ; 51–53, 55–58 — genitalia; 54 — spermatophore; 51, 55, 58 — dorsal view; 52, 56 — ventral view; 53–54, 57 — lateral view; [55–57 — after Gorochov , 2004; 58 — after Chopard, 1952].

Рис. 51–58. Stenotrella , самец: 51–54 — S. analamazaotra sp.n.; 55–57 — S. sceleton ; 58 — S. lucens ; 51–53, 55–58 — гениталии; 54 — сперматофор; 51, 55, 58 — сверху; 52, 56 — сниЗу; 53–54, 57 — сбоку; [55–57 — по Gorochov , 2004; 58 — по Chopard, 1952]. aforementioned congeners; see Figs 51–53, 55–57 and 58); dorsal oval plate of rachis similar to that of S. sceleton ; see Figs 52 and 56); formula and its apodeme as in Figs 52, 53; spermatophore with ampulla somewhat more globular than in Dentitrella subgen. n., and with anchor distinctly lower than in latter taxon (Fig. 54).

Variations. Other males sometimes barely lighter, with lighter rostral apex, darker low transverse keel on disc near (along) its posterior edge, or lighter most part of narrow area between R and M in each tegmen.

Female. Coloration and structure of body as in males, but dorsal tegminal field sometimes with slightly darker (almost greysh brown) membranes, this field also with 9–10 slightly oblique longitudinal veins as well as rather dense and partly irregular (reticular) crossvenation ( Fig. 47 View Figs 42–50 ), lateral tegminal field with 10–11 oblique and slightly arcuate Sc branches as well as very narrow Sc-R area and rather numerous and more or less regular crossveins in all areas, anal plate short and simple as well as with rounded apex, genital plate and distal part of ovipositor as in Figs 48–50 View Figs 42–50 .

Length in mm. Body: ♂ 18–20, ♀ 18.5–21; body with wings: ♂ 22–25, ♀ 24–28; pronotum: ♂ 3.3–3.7, ♀ 3.6–4.1; tegmina: ♂ 15–17; ♀ 17–19.5; hind femora: ♂ 12.5–14, ♀ 13–15; ovipositor 15.2–17.5.

COMPARISON. The new species is most similar to S. lucens but differs from it in some characters of the male genitalia listed above. From S. sceleton , the new species is distinguished by a more uniform coloration, longer wings and much longer male genitalia having a distinctly narrower (in profile) distal part of the epiphallus (compare Figs 51–53 and 55–57), and from S. seyrigi , by a significantly larger body, much longer wings and the presence of outer tympana on the fore tibiae ( S. seyrigi lacks tympana, and its generic belonging is in need of examination).

ETYMOLOGY. This species is named after the Analamazaotra Forest Station located very near its type locality.

Acknowledgements. This study was performed in the frames of the state research project No. 1021051302540-6 ( Russian Federation).


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum













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