Stenaptinus obliteratus ( Fedorenko, 2013 )

Fedorenko, D. N., 2020, Stenaptinus (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Brachininae) of Vietnam. Note 1, Russian Entomological Journal 29 (4), pp. 361-376 : 373-376

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.29.4.03

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Stenaptinus obliteratus ( Fedorenko, 2013 )


Stenaptinus obliteratus ( Fedorenko, 2013) View in CoL

Figs 5 View Figs 1—15 , 23 View Figs 16—30 , 41 View Figs 31—45 , 52 View Figs 46—53 , 54, 58 View Figs 54—69 , 74 View Figs 70—75 .

Fedorenko, 2013: 280 ( Pheropsophus ; Chu Yang Sin NP, southern Vietnam).

MATERIAL. Holotype ♂ ( ZMMU): ‘ Vietnam, Dak Lak Prov., Chu Yang Sin Natn. Park, 12°23´48´´N / 108°20´59´´E, upper flow of Krong Kmar riv., h= 1000 m, 30.III–14.IV.2012, D. Fedorenko leg’. GoogleMaps

Additional material ( SIEE): 3♂♂, ♀, same locality, except for 12°25´25´´N / 108°21´23´´E, h= 970 m, 15–30.V.2014 (D. Fedorenko, N.Poyarkov) GoogleMaps ; 2♂♂, ♀, Kon Tum Province, 14°26´1´´N / 107°43´14´´E, Chu Mom Ray N.P., 28 km SW of Dak To, Bar Goc Station , h= 710 m, 1–10.V.2014 (A. Abramov) GoogleMaps ; 5♂♂, 7♀♀, Gia Lai Province, ~ 40 km ENE of Pleiku , 14º12´11´´N / 108º18´54´´E, Kon Ka Kinh Natn. Park, h= 890 m, 9–22.V.2016 (D. Fedorenko) GoogleMaps ; 2♀♀, same data, except for ~ 55 km ENE of Pleiku , 14º18´40´´N / 108º26´37´´E, Kon Ka Kinh Natn. Park, h= 730 m, 8–20.V.2017 GoogleMaps .

Aedeagus examined in five males.

REDESCRIPTION. Very similar to S. dissolutus except as follows: BL 11–14 mm. Body ( Fig. 74 View Figs 70—75 ) robust, dorsally black or brown black. Head pattern very similar, pale colour mostly reduced to imperceptible patch across clypeus and slightly more distinct yellowish cloudy patch on frons at about mid-eye level, the latter patch varying from small spot to larger U- or V-shaped macula. Microsculpture rather coarse. Propleura distinctly punctate and pilose in apical half.

Head: frontal foveae slightly deeper than in S. dissolutus , slightly converging on frons, diverging on clypeus and running outside clypeal seta. Labrum convex apically.

Pronotum short, nearly as wide as long, barely wider than head, broadest a third from apex. Base as wide as apex. Sides finely or very finely beaded, slightly sinuate in front of and diverging toward basal angles; these more or less acute, with apices projecting laterobasad or slightly basad,


Elytra rather short. Ridges fairly wide, ridge 6 reaching base,

more seldom interrupted just behind base, ridge 8 entire or barely shortened apically.

Abdomen ( Figs 5 View Figs 1—15 , 23 View Figs 16—30 ): tergite VII with a row of 10–16 apical setae in female, more or less densely and rather finely punctate and pilose in basal half; larger punctures becoming slightly coarser and sometimes also sparser toward middle of apical margin; minute punctures extremely sparse, very shallow and thence nearly indistinct.

Profemora in dorsal view slightly tumid in male.

Aedeagus ( Figs 54, 58 View Figs 54—69 ), including internal sac, similar,

except that apex of aedeagus median lobe is very distinctive in dorsal view, subquadrate in basal two thirds while triangular and blunt just apically, and distal basal bulb long cylindric

(vs. short triangular).

Female gonocoxite IX short, wide and nearly straight ( Fig. View Figs 31—45

41). Receptacle similar ( Fig. 49 View Figs 46—53 ).

GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. The southernmost species of the group, occurring in central part of the Tay Nguen

Plateau ( Central Highlands ) within Gia Lai and Kon Tum provinces, central Vietnam, as far south as the Dak Lak Plateau

(the northern part of the Dalat Plateau). Common in northern parts of the species range, rare in the Dalat Plateau.

HABITATS AND HABITS. The species is more or less frequent in piedmont monsoon broad-leaved forests at 700–

1000 m altitudes.

Stenaptinus glabricollis Fedorenko , sp.n.

Figs 11 View Figs 1—15 , 26 View Figs 16—30 , 43 View Figs 31—45 , 48 View Figs 46—53 , 57, 61, 76–78 View Figs 54—69 View Figs 1—15 View Figs 16—30 View Figs 31—45 View Figs 46—53 View Figs 70—75 View Figs 76—78 .

MATERIAL. Holotype ♂ ( ZISP) labelled: ‘N. Vietnam, Tamdao ,

8.6.1995, Gorochov’. Paratypes ( ZISP): ♂, same data except 30.V.1995;

2♂♂, 2♀♀, ‘ Vietnam , Tam Dao, 8–13.IV.1986 , Gorokhov’ [handwritten in Russian]; ♂, ‘ VIETNAM,mountains near Tam-Dao , 900 m, 1.7.1962 g.,

Kabakov’[micrographinRussian]; ♂,withthesamelabelexcept 9.6.1963 g.

and label ‘ Pheropsophus beckeri Jedl. , 10.1965 g. Kabakov det.’ [handwritten]. Paratype ♂, ‘N-Vietnam, 40 km W of Cao Bang, Phia Oac Mt .,

22º36´30´´N / 105º52´20´´E, h~ 1600–1650 m, deciduous forest, 3–

11.X.2018, leg. D. Fedorenko’.

Genitalia examined in all specimens but two males.

DIAGNOSIS. See the key. In body appearance, including nearly impilose pronotum, the new species is superficially sim-

Table 1. Antennal ratio in the bidoupensis -group of Pheropsopus . Таблица 1. АнтеннальнаЯ формула в группе bidoupensis рода Pheropsopus .

Localities: BD — Bi Doup — Nui Ba NP; CYS — Chu Yang Sin NP; HB — Hon Ba Mt.

ilar to three species of the bidoupensis -group, S. scythropus , S. andrewesi , and S. nepalensis .

DESCRIPTION. BL 10.4–13.9 mm. Body ( Figs 76–78 View Figs 1—15 View Figs 16—30 View Figs 31—45 View Figs 46—53 View Figs 54—69 View Figs 70—75 View Figs 76—78 ) a little shiny, dorsally brown to black, mostly rather dark brown; head ventrally, legs, antennae, mouthparts, labrum, clypeus and frons anterior to eyes reddish yellow, with pale colour almost reaching mid-eye level medially; femoral apices (mostly apical edges only) slightly to indistinctly infuscated on sides. Sometimes either frons infuscated except laterally or neck reddish. Underside reddish medially, infuscated along sides. Abdominal sternites each dark brown along sides and apically, mostly deep red to reddish-brown in basal two thirds.

Dorsal microsculpture rather coarse, isodiametric over head and pronotum, consisting of slightly longitudinal meshes along elytral ridges and of longer meshes in between. Elytral carinulate sculpture distinct.

Pronotum and notopleura glabrous. Head with a few setigerous punctures behind and very few, if at all, just in front of supra-ocular seta; genae behind eyes impilose or with 1–2 short setae. Elytral disc with very few short setae far apart here and there. Venter densely pilose, propleura very sparsely to almost indistinctly pilose in apical half.

Otherwise similar to S. dissolutus , except as follows:

Head with frontal foveae deep and often parallel in front of eyes,informofshortobliqueimpressionsjustbehindfrontoclypeal suture, less deep on clypeus. Labrum convex apically.

Pronotum broadest 1/3–1/4 from apex.Base barely wider than apex, basal margin barely concave to subconvex, apical margin barely concave. Sides parallel in front of or slightly diverging toward basal angles; these right or slightly acute.

Elytra as for the group. Ridges fine, rather dull, not or slightly wider basally, 6th obliterate in basal 1/6–1/2 (entire in one specimen only).

Abdomen ( Figs 11 View Figs 1—15 , 26 View Figs 16—30 ): Tergite VII with moderately dense microscopic punctures between larger, medium-sized and moderately dense to rather sparse, setigerous punctures; with a row of 12–15 apical setae in female. Sternite VII with two apical setae on each side.

Aedeagus ( Figs 57, 61 View Figs 54—69 ): similar except that apex in lateral view is tapered, in dorsal view widely triangular, with margins straight and tip slightly pointed; internal sac with distal basal bulb large, as long as aedeagus apex in dorsal view.

Female gonocoxite IX similar yet more curved laterad ( Fig. 43 View Figs 31—45 ). Receptacle distinctly Y-shaped ( Fig. 48 View Figs 46—53 ).

GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. Only known from two localities in northern Vietnam.

Table 2. Body ratios in the bidoupensis -group and the dissolutus -group of Pheropsopus . Таблица 2. Индексы пропорций тела в видовых группах bidoupensis и dissolutus рода Pheropsopus .

Localities: BD — Bi Doup–Nui Ba NP; BX — Bat Xat NP; CYS — Chu Yang Sin NP; PH — Pu Hoat NP; PO — Phia Oac NP; TD —

Tam Dao; SP — Sa Pa; XS — Xuan Son NP.

NAME. Refers to the glabrous pronotum as one of the distinctive features.

HABITATS AND HABITS. The data labels show occurrence of the species at 900–1600 m altitudes in highlands. The fact that the only specimens has been taken at 1600 m altitude on the Phia Oac Mt., whereas S. tamdaoensis was very common there, may suggest that S. glabricollis sp.n. prefers living at lower heights.

Acknowledgements. I am deeply indepted to Dr. Boris Kataev (ZISP) and Dr. Kirill Makarov (MPSU) for the loan of material under their care, to Dr. Andrei Gorodinski (Moscow) for donating specimens and to Dr. Alexey Abramov (ZISP), Anton Shchinov, and Dr. Nikolay Poyarkov (The Moscow State University) for their assistance in collecting beetles in Vietnam. This study was funded by the Presidium of the Russian academy of sciences, Program No.41 “Biodiversity of natural systems and biological resources of Russia ”.


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences













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