Stenaptinus montanus Fedorenko, 2020

Fedorenko, D. N., 2020, Stenaptinus (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Brachininae) of Vietnam. Note 1, Russian Entomological Journal 29 (4), pp. 361-376 : 368

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.29.4.03


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Stenaptinus montanus Fedorenko

sp. nov.

Stenaptinus montanus Fedorenko View in CoL , sp.n.

Figs 6 View Figs 1—15 , 21 View Figs 16—30 , 39, 46–47 View Figs 31—45 View Figs 1—15 View Figs 16—30 View Figs 46—53 , 62, 66 View Figs 54—69 , 75 View Figs 70—75 . MATERIAL. Holotype ♀ ( ZMMU) and two paratypes, ♂ ♀, labelled:‘ Vietnam, Gia Lai Province,~ 40 km ENE of Pleiku, 14º13´21´´N / 108º19´55´´E, Kon Ka Kinh Nat [io]n[al]. Park , h= 1490 m, 21– 30.V.2017, D. Fedorenko leg.’. GoogleMaps

Aedeagus compared with those of the male holotype of S. similis , seven males of S. bidoupensis and two males of S. ngoclinhensis .

DIAGNOSIS. As specified in the key. For comparison see also Tab. 1.

DESCRIPTION.BL 13–14 mm. Body ( Fig. 75 View Figs 70—75 ) moderately shiny; pronotum dark brown to almost black, elytra dark brown to medially brown, pro-, meso-, metapleura, and abdomen rather dark brown; entire head, prosternum, meso- and metaventrites, mouthparts, antennae basally and legs reddish yellow, antennae toward apices brownish, apical halves of mandibles infuscated, antennomere 3 in basal half less so; apices of elytral ridges reddish. Vertex with a subquadrate, slightly transverse, cloudy, brown to dark brown spot not well separated from reddish brown or (♂) merged into dark brown neck.

Microsculpture isodiametric superficial on head and pronotum, longitudinal over elytra,superficial along ridges and coarse in between. Elytra densely longitudinally carinulate between ridges, carinulate sculpture transformed into nearly aciculate one at base.

Dorsum subglabrous, with a group of setigerous punctures just behind supraocular seta. Pronotum with very few short setae basally. Elytra distinctly pilose along sides and in interval 1 in basal third, sparsely setulose close to apices, with very few short setae here and there. Venter densely pilose, prosternum less so, propleura and notopleura impunctate and glabrous.

Head smooth, coarsely rugose across neck, more so laterally, with large and moderately convex eyes; genae nearly indistinct, smoothly extended into neck.Clypeus more or less sinuate apically. Labrum truncate, with widely rounded angles.

Pronotum cordate, as wide as long, barely wider than head, broadest almost a third from apex. Base barely wider than apex, basal and apical margins barely concave.Sides evenly S-shaped, rounded in apical half, sinuate in front of and diverging toward acute and blunt basal angles. Reflexed lateral margin narrow, distinct throughout its length. Transverse impressions vague, basal straight, apical V-shaped, median line fine between them, otherwise obliterate.

Elytra fairly short. Ridges narrowly costate, entire basally, ridges 6–8 carinate or almost so, ridges 7 and 8 sharply carinate toward base, ridge 8 shortened apically. Long setae: a few in interval 2, one in interval 3 just preapically and in interval 5 in basal third, occasionally interval 4 with 1–2 setae at middle.

Abdomen ( Figs 6 View Figs 1—15 , 21 View Figs 16—30 ): Tergite VII finely and densely punctate and setulose, dull due to coarse isodiametric microsculpture, with 16–21 long and straight apical setae in female; tergite VIII very sparsely and finely punctate, with isodiametric microsculpture obliterate in basal half and rather superficial in apical half. Sternites IV—VI at apex with one pair of obligatory median setae; sternite VII with two pairs of long obligatory setae and several shorter setae in between.

Legs: as for the subgenus. Profemora tumid laterally in male.

Aedeagus ( Figs 62, 66 View Figs 54—69 ): apex of median lobe almost symmetrical, pointed, very gently concave at left margin and convex at right margin, and thence very slightly curved; internal sac similar to that of S. bidoupensis .

Female gonocoxite IX short, straight, clavate, similar to that of S. ngoclinhensis in shape ( Figs 39, 46–47 View Figs 31—45 View Figs 1—15 View Figs 16—30 View Figs 46—53 ).

GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. Only known from the type locality.

NAME. Refers to the collecting circumstance of the specimens taken near the highest point of a mountain ridge.

HABITATS AND HABITS. All the three specimens have been collected in pitfall traps in a broad-leaved monsoon forest at about 1500 m elevation. Another sympatric species, S. obliteratus , has only been found to inhabit similar biotopes at 700–900 m altitudes in the locality.


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University













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