Smicromyrme dusmeti ( Mercet, 1905 )

Parejo-Pulido, Daniel & Romano, Marcello, 2024, Notes on Iberian Mutillidae (Hymenoptera) part I: a new species, new records and some taxonomic and faunistic remarks, Zootaxa 5477 (5), pp. 501-536 : 520-523

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5477.5.1

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scientific name

Smicromyrme dusmeti ( Mercet, 1905 )


Smicromyrme dusmeti ( Mercet, 1905) , stat. resurr.

( Fig. 12 View FIGURE 12 )

Mutilla rufipes var. dusmeti Mercet, 1905: 495 , ♂; Dusmet 1915: 85.

Smicromyrme rufipes var. dusmeti : Giner Marí 1944: 95; Mingo & Compte 1963: 91.

Smicromyrme verhoeffi Suárez, 1959: 296 , ♂; Lelej 2002: 67; Pagliano et al. 2020: 189, syn. Mingo & Compte 1963: 91.

Smicromyrme rufipes dusmeti : Lelej 2002: 72; Pagliano et al. 2020: 192.

Redescription. Holotype ( Fig. 12 View FIGURE 12 ). Body length: 8.0 mm. Colouration. Body black except for red mesonotum, scutellum, propodeum, external margin of tegulae and preapical part of mandibles; brownish tibiae and tarsi.

Pubescence. Head, including mandibles and the scape, covered with long white-silvery setae, more concentrated between anterior ocellus and antennal tubercles. Mesosoma with long white-silvery setae on pronotum, propodeum and a tuft of hair on scutellum. Mesonotum with short and recumbent white-silvery setae. Tergites with long apical fringes of white-silvery pubescence ( Fig. 12A–B View FIGURE 12 ). T2 with long erect and recumbent white-silvery setae laterally, in addition to short recumbent brown setae dorsally. Legs covered with white-silvery setae. Tegulae with very few pale hairs located basally. Felt lines yellowish; felt line of T2 is 5.9 times longer than that of S2 and 0.4 times lateral length of T2.

Shape, punctuation and structure. Head squared, 1.5 times wider than long, well-developed behind the eyes with converging rounded sides. Frons, vertex and genae with large, and dense punctures, sparser on the posterior part of the vertex ( Fig. 12C View FIGURE 12 ). Mandibles bidentate, with a large tooth beneath. Clypeus flat, shiny, with few, small punctures and with the anterior border notched in the centre ( Fig. 12D View FIGURE 12 ). Eyes slightly projecting from the head profile; inner eye margin with deep notch; distance between posterior eye line and posterior headline 0.8 times eye length. Ocelli small, POL/OOL = 1.1; OL:MOD:LOD = 1.0:0.8:0.7; diameter of anterior ocellus 0.8 times smaller than the distance between it and posterior one ( Fig. 12C View FIGURE 12 ). First flagellomere length 1.9 times the pedicel. Mesosoma elongated, narrower anterior; pronotum rounded anteriorly, thinner than mesonotum. Mesoscutum densely punctate. Tegulae shiny, with some very sparse punctures. Wings hyaline, slightly darkened at the apex; veins brown-yellowish; opaque, dark brown pterostigma; radial vein with a great thickening; second transverse cubital vein angled, also thickened ( Fig. 12E View FIGURE 12 ). Propodeum elongate, with a smooth decline and posteriorly narrowing; reticulate, with larger cells in the anterior margin ( Fig. 12A View FIGURE 12 ). T1 elongated, campanuliform with two pointed teeth on each side of the base; apical width as long as medial length; rough-looking dorsally, with strongly and coarsely punctate. S1 with a low medial, straight carina. T2 elongated, 0.8 times longer than wide, with sparse, small and superficial punctures, denser laterally ( Fig. 12F View FIGURE 12 ). S2 with coarse punctures, denser than T2. Genitalia is shown in Fig. 12G View FIGURE 12 .

Female. Unknown.

Type material. SPAIN. Holotype, ♂, Albarracín / july 1904 / Dusmet leg. / as Mutilla rufipes var. dusmeti [ MNCN _Ent 95154] . Holotype and paratypes of Smicromyrme verhoeffi : FRANCE. 3♂, Dieulefit, Drôme, Francia / 15-21.VII.1957 / P. M. F. Verhoeff leg. / Smicromyrme verhoeffi J. Suárez det. 1959 / Colección J. Suárez [ MNCN _ Ent 96042–44] .

Distribution. France, Spain ( Pagliano et al. 2020; this study).

Iberian distribution. Teruel ( García Mercet 1905)

Remarks. García Mercet (1905) described Mutilla rufipes var. dusmeti , based solely on the specimen presented in this work, as a colour variety of Smicromyrme rufipes ( Fabricius, 1787) , from which it differs in having a completely reddish mesosoma. Garcia Mercet’s description lacks sufficient detail to accurately characterize the species or confirm its status as a subspecies of S. rufipes . Years later, Mingo & Compte (1963), based on personal comments from Suárez, mentioned S. rufipes var. dusmeti and assigned it a new synonym, S. verhoeffi Suárez, 1959 . However, they did not provide any justification for this synonymy. Surprisingly, this fact has been overlooked in subsequent works (e.g. Lelej 2002; Pagliano et al. 2020). To clarify this situation, we studied the type specimens of Mutilla rufipes var. dusmeti and S. verhoeffi reaching the following conclusions.

Mutilla rufipes var. dusmeti exhibits notable differences with the typical form, rendering its taxonomic status inaccurate within the complex of species currently considered as S. rufipes (sensu Schmid-Egger & Schmidt 2021, 2022). Mutilla rufipes var. dusmeti is characterized by a slender appearance, a predominantly red mesosoma (including the propodeum) ( Fig. 12A–B View FIGURE 12 ), a flat clypeus surface ( Fig. 12D View FIGURE 12 ), and a great thickening in the radial vein ( Fig. 12E View FIGURE 12 ). In contrast, species within the S. rufipes complex, are not typically as slender, they exhibit a central carina on the clypeus, a black propodeum, and no thickening in radial nerve (see key to the males of Smicromyrme below). Genitalia of both species also differ in the apex of the volsella (ventral view), curved outwards in S. dusmeti ( Fig. 12E View FIGURE 12 ; see Suárez 1959a: 103, Fig. 2B View FIGURE 2 for an illustration of S. rufipes genitalia). Based on observational evidence, we propose upgrading Mutilla rufipes var. dusmeti (henceforth S. dusmeti stat. resurr.) to a valid species distinct from S. rufipes .

The aforementioned features position S. dusmeti as a well-distinguishable species within the Iberian Smicromyrme (see key to males Smicromyrme below), comparable only in appearance, colouration and radial vein thickening to S. merceti ( André, 1903) . Differences between the two species lie in the pubescence of T3, with S. merceti having a band of dense pale pubescence covering T3, while S. dusmeti has only long fringes; internal notch of the eye, very superficial in S. merceti ; and distinct genitalia.

Moreover, we confirm the synonymy proposed by Mingo & Compte (1968) when comparing S. dusmeti with S. verhoeffi, They share a slender appearance, body colour pattern ( Fig. 13A–B View FIGURE 13 ); head dimensions ( S. verhoeffi range head width/length = 1.4–1.5, N = 3; Fig. 13D View FIGURE 13 ); clypeus sculpture ( Fig. 13E View FIGURE 13 ); the great thickening in radial vein ( Fig. 13C View FIGURE 13 ); sparse punctuation on T2 ( Fig. 13F View FIGURE 13 ); pubescence pattern on metasoma ( Fig. 13A View FIGURE 13 ); and genitala structure ( Fig. 13G View FIGURE 13 ). For a more detailed description of S. verhoeffi see Suárez (1959b). The only difference between Spanish and French specimens is the size of ocelli, larger in S. verhoeffi (range POL/OOL = 1.3–1.4, OL:MOD:LOD = 1.0:1.3– 1.6:1.2–1.3, N= 3; Fig. 13D View FIGURE 13 ). Differences in ocelli size may be attributed to intraspecific variability.


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Smicromyrme dusmeti ( Mercet, 1905 )

Parejo-Pulido, Daniel & Romano, Marcello 2024

Smicromyrme verhoeffi Suárez, 1959: 296

Pagliano, G. & Brothers, D. J. & Cambra, R. & Lelej, A. S. & Lo Cascio, P. & Palmerini, M. M. & Scaramozzino, P. L. & Williams, K. A. & Romano, M. 2020: 189
Lelej, A. S. 2002: 67
Mingo, E. & Compte, A. 1963: 91

Smicromyrme rufipes dusmeti

Pagliano, G. & Brothers, D. J. & Cambra, R. & Lelej, A. S. & Lo Cascio, P. & Palmerini, M. M. & Scaramozzino, P. L. & Williams, K. A. & Romano, M. 2020: 192
Lelej, A. S. 2002: 72

Smicromyrme rufipes var. dusmeti

Mingo, E. & Compte, A. 1963: 91
Giner Mari, J. 1944: 95

Mutilla rufipes var. dusmeti

Dusmet, J. M. 1915: 85
Garcia Mercet, R. 1905: 495
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