Sinonissus daozhenensis Chang & Chen

Chang, Zhi-Min, Yang, Lin, Long, Jian-Kun & Chen, Xiang-Sheng, 2019, Three new species of the planthopper genus Sinonissus Wang, Shi & Bourgoin, 2018 from southwest China (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Issidae), ZooKeys 870, pp. 117-135 : 117

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scientific name

Sinonissus daozhenensis Chang & Chen

sp. nov.

Sinonissus daozhenensis Chang & Chen View in CoL sp. nov. Figs 3 View Figures 1–8 , 4 View Figures 1–8 , 13-22 View Figures 13–22 , 23-31 View Figures 23–31

Type material.

Holotype: ♂, China: Guizhou, Daozhen County, Sanqiao Town (29°03'N, 107°30'E, 1300-1600 m), 22-24 May 2004, B Zhang and P Xu leg.; paratypes: 3♀♀, same data as holotype; 1♂, Guizhou, Daozhen County, Sanqiao Town (29°03'N, 107°30'E, 1500 m), 23 May 2004, X-S Chen leg.; 2♀♀, Guizhou, Daozhen County, Dashahe National Nature Reserve (26°38'N, 108°03'E, 600-700 m), 25-27 May 2004, B Zhang and P Xu leg.; 1♀, Guizhou, Daozhen County, Sanqiao Town (29°03'N, 107°30'E, 600-900 m), 16 Sept. 2005, Q-Z Song leg..


This species is similar to S. brunetus , but it differs from the latter by phallobase with ventral lobe with lobe-like process near middle in lateral view ( Fig. 21 View Figures 13–22 : a); aedeagus with long flexuous process near middle in lateral view ( Fig. 21 View Figures 13–22 : b); posterior connective lamina of gonapophysis IX with median field with symmetrical ear-shaped prominences ( Fig. 28 View Figures 23–31 ).


Body length: male 3.85-4.04 mm, female 4.14-4.4 mm. Forewing: male 3.27-3.33 mm, female 3.38-3.54 mm.

Coloration. General color brown ( Figs 3 View Figures 1–8 , 4 View Figures 1–8 ). Vertex, pronotum and mesonotum ( Fig. 13 View Figures 13–22 ) yellow brown. Eyes brown to black ( Fig. 14 View Figures 13–22 ). Forewings ( Fig. 3 View Figures 1–8 ) pale brown, longitudinal veins pale brown, transverse veins pale white. Hindwings brownish black. Legs yellow brown, with tips of spines on hind tibiae and tarsi black.

Head and thorax. Head ( Fig. 13 View Figures 13–22 ) including eyes slightly narrower than pronotum (0.80: 1.00). Vertex ( Fig. 13 View Figures 13–22 ) shorter in middle than the wide at base (1.00: 2.52). Frons ( Fig. 15 View Figures 13–22 ) longer in midline than the widest breath (1.15: 1.00), median carina with the apical margin straight, nearly reaching to frontoclypeal suture. Clypeus ( Fig. 15 View Figures 13–22 ) triangular, with distinct median carina. Pronotum ( Fig. 13 View Figures 13–22 ) with median carina obscure, lateral carina reaching to the posterior margin. Mesonotum ( Fig. 13 View Figures 13–22 ) triangular, with median carina obscure. Forewings ( Fig. 16 View Figures 13–22 ) elongate, 1.67 times as long as maximum breadth. Hindwings ( Fig. 17 View Figures 13–22 ) reduced, small, with one vein. Hind tibiae each with two lateral spines, spinal formula of hind leg (8-9) –(8-9)– 2.

Male genitalia. Anal tube ( Fig. 19 View Figures 13–22 ) irregularly pentagonal in dorsal view, the widest in apical 1/3, longer in midline than the width (1.49: 1.00). Anal style ( Fig. 19 View Figures 13–22 ) sturdy and long, located at the base 1/3 of anal tube. Pygofer ( Fig. 18 View Figures 13–22 ) with dorsal margin slightly narrow than ventral margin, posterior margin convex in middle. Genital styles ( Fig. 18 View Figures 13–22 ) relatively rectangular, dorsal margin and ventral margin nearly parallel. Capitulum of genital styles relative long, irregularly triangular, neck obvious ( Fig. 20 View Figures 13–22 ). Phallobase ( Figs 21 View Figures 13–22 , 22 View Figures 13–22 ) with dorsal lobe cystiform at apical part, with stout rod-like process in apical half in lateral view; lateral lobe splitting into two stout branches; ventral lobe with one lobe-like process near middle in lateral view ( Fig. 21 View Figures 13–22 : a), in ventral view, looking like three obvious lobes ( Fig. 22 View Figures 13–22 : a), short, the apical margin arced convexly, reaching to 2/3 of dorsal lobe. Aedeagus with long flexuous process at middle in lateral view ( Figs 21 View Figures 13–22 : b, 22: b).

Female genitalia ( Figs 23-31 View Figures 23–31 ). Anal tube ( Fig. 26 View Figures 23–31 ) nearly oval, longer in middle than the widest breadth (1.61: 1.00), the apical margin arced, with unobvious membranous triangular protuberance, the widest at the basal 1/2. Anal style long, located at the basal 1/4 of anal tube ( Fig. 26 View Figures 23–31 ). Anterior connective lamina of gonapophysis VIII with obviously sclerous triangular process in basal dorsal margin, with three lateral teeth bearing three keels in lateral group and three apical teeth ( Fig. 27 View Figures 23–31 ). Posterior connective lamina of gonapophysis IX ( Figs 28 View Figures 23–31 , 29 View Figures 23–31 ) relative broad, median field symmetrical, with two ear-shaped prominences (medial dorsal process) ( Fig. 28 View Figures 23–31 ); ventroposterior lobes bent at obtuse angle (posterior ventral lobes) ( Fig. 29 View Figures 23–31 ). Gonoplacs ( Fig. 30 View Figures 23–31 ) without keels. Hind margin of sternum VII median slightly concaved in ventral view ( Fig. 31 View Figures 23–31 ).


The new species is named for its collecting location in the Daozhen County (Guizhou Province).

Host plant.

Bamboo ( Qiongzhuea communis Hsueh & Yi).


China (Guizhou).


This species is similar to S. brunetus , but it differs from the latter by: 1) the width of vertex ( Fig. 13 View Figures 13–22 ) as long as 2.52 times in middle line; 2) phallobase with ventral lobe with lobe-like process near middle in lateral view, in ventral view ventral lobe tree lobes ( Figs 21 View Figures 13–22 , 22 View Figures 13–22 ); 3) aedeagus with long flexuous process near middle in lateral view ( Fig. 21 View Figures 13–22 ); 4) female genitalia with posterior connective lamina of gonapophysis IX with median field with symmetrical ear-shaped prominences ( Fig. 28 View Figures 23–31 ).











