Siccia chogoriae Kühne, 2007

Volynkin, Anton V., 2023, Contribution to the knowledge of the genus Siccia Walker (= Aemene Walker, syn. n.) in the Afrotropics with descriptions of seventy-three new species, three new subspecies, and a check-list of Asiatic taxa of the genus (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae: Lithosiini), Ecologica Montenegrina 64, pp. 1-184 : 87-88

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Siccia chogoriae Kühne, 2007


Siccia chogoriae Kühne, 2007 View in CoL

( Figs 236–239 View Figures 223–239 , 432, 433 View Figures 431–433 , 521 View Figures 521–525 )

Siccia chogoriae Kühne, 2007 View in CoL , Esperiana Memoir View in CoL , 3: 374, figs 82, 184 (Type locality: “ Kenya, Mt. Kenya East   GoogleMaps , Chong [a]ria Forest Station, 1800m, 0°15'S 37°34'E ”).

Type material examined. Paratype ( Fig. 235 View Figures 223–239 ): male, Kenya, Mt. Kenya, Chogoria Forest St. , 6.x.2001, 1650m, L. Kühne leg., gen. prep. No.: AV4840 ( MfN) .

Additional material examined: KENYA: 1 male, Nairobi , xii.1952, E. Pinhey, unique number: NHMUK010916010, gen. prep. No.: NHMUK010314606 (prepared by Volynkin) ( NHMUK) ; 4 males, Central Province, Nyeri District, 1960m, Naro Moru River Lodge, 0°09.04.60'S [ca. 0°9'19.77"S] 37°00.398'E, 1–4.xii.2008, A.J. Kingston leg., gen. prep. Nos.: AV6713, AV6714, AV6715, AV6717 ( AKW) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, Central Province, Thika District, 8 km SW Thika, Karamaini Estate , 1550m, 01°02.746'S 36°59.472'E, 4.viii.2011, A.J. Kingston leg., gen. prep. No.: AV6712 ( AKW) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, the same data as previous but 15.ix.2012, gen. prep. No.: AV6716 ( AKW) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, the same data as previous but 19.ix.2012 ( AKW) GoogleMaps ; TANZANIA: 1 male, Mt. Meru, Momella , 1600–1800m, 10–19.ii.1964, W. Forster leg., gen. prep. No.: ZSM Arct. 2019-171 (prepared by Volynkin) ( ZSM) ; 1 male, Kilimanjaro, Marangu , 1500m, 20.x.1952, Lindemann and Pavlitzki leg., gen. prep. No.: ZSM Arct. 2019-172 (prepared by Volynkin) ( ZSM) ; MOZAMBIQUE: 2 males, 22m, Maputo Special Reserve, West Gate ( Sand Forest ), 26˚30'14.2''S, 32˚42'59.6''E, 21–30.xi.2016, Light Trap, Aristophanous, M., Cristóvāo, J., László, G., Miles, W. leg. ( ANHRT) ; 1 male, the same data as previous but 3–13.xii.2016 ( ANHRT) ; 5 males, 1 female, the same locality as previous but 30.v.–, Actinic and MV Light Traps, Aristophanous, M., László, G., Miles, W., Vetina, A. leg., gen. prep. Nos.: AV3142, AV3143 (males), AV3161 (female) ( ANHRT) ; 1 female, the same locality as previous but 9–17.ii.2018, László, G., Mulvaney, J., Smith, L. ( ANHRT) ; 1 male, the same data as previous but 21–22.ii.2018 ( ANHRT) ; 1 male, the same data as previous but 24–25.ii.2018 ( ANHRT) ; 1 male, 9m, Maputo Special Reserve, Mangrove Camp ( Mangrove-Woodland Mosaic ), 26˚19'35.9''S, 32˚42'35.7''E, 7–9.xii.2016, Light Trap, Aristophanous, M., Cristóvāo, J., László, G., Miles, W. leg. ( ANHRT) .

Diagnosis. The forewing length is 6.5–7.5 mm in males and 7.0– 7.5 mm in females. Siccia chogoriae is externally reminiscent of S. pallidata but distinguished by the somewhat less elongate forewing apex, and the markedly shorter, elliptical or circular proximal spot in the cell whereas it is dash-shaped in the congener. The male genital capsule of S. chogoriae differs from S. pallidata in the thinner uncus, the markedly narrower valva with almost parallel margins (it is distally dilated in the congener), the unilobate, thin and apically pointed cucullus (whereas that of S. pallidata is bilobate with a ventral lobe almost fully fused with the distal membranous lobe of the valva), and the proximally broader and more distally tapered distal saccular process. The phallus of S. chogoriae is somewhat shorter and broader than in S. pallidata bearing a distal-lateral sclerotised serrulate plate. The vesica of S. chogoriae is markedly narrower than in S. pallidata and has a shorter, narrower and unilobate subbasal diverticulum lacking the sclerotised plate whereas it is bilobate in S. pallidata . Compared to S. pallidata , the medial diverticulum of the current species is shorter, straight and narrowly conical whereas it is sack-like and medially twisted in the congener. The distal diverticulum of S. chogoriae is markedly longer than in S. pallidata and with a distal section directed distally whereas it is distally recurved in the congener. As the female of S. pallidata is unknown, the female genitalia of S. chogoriae were compared with S. elgona , the differences are listed below in the diagnosis of the latter species.

Molecular data. The intraspecific divergence of COI-5P sequences calculated from five specimens from southern Mozambique is in the range of 0.00–0.15%. Siccia chogoriae diverges from other sequenced species in the species group by 4.75–6.25%.

Distribution. The species is currently known from Kenya ( Kühne 2007), Tanzania and Mozambique.


Museum für Naturkunde


Natural History Museum, London


Bavarian State Collection of Zoology














Siccia chogoriae Kühne, 2007

Volynkin, Anton V. 2023

Siccia chogoriae Kühne, 2007

Kuhne 2007
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