Shamshevia hoanibensis Grichanov, 2012

Grichanov, Igor Ya., 2012, Shamshevia, a new genus of long-legged flies from Namibia (Diptera: Dolichopodidae: Diaphorinae), Journal of Natural History 46 (9 - 10), pp. 557-563 : 561-562

publication ID 10.1080/00222933.2011.651631


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Shamshevia hoanibensis Grichanov

sp. nov.

Shamshevia hoanibensis Grichanov , sp. nov.

( Figures 1–5 View Figure 1 View Figure 2 View Figure 3 View Figure 4 View Figure 5 )

Type material

Holotype. Male (dried and mounted on pin), Namibia: Skeleton Coast, PK Hoanib River, yellow pans, 19 ◦ 28 ′ S, 12 ◦ 45 ′ E, 7–14 February 1999, E. Marais ( NMNW) GoogleMaps . Paratypes ( NMNW; ZIN): 15 males, same data as holotype (mainly in alcohol; one male dried and mounted on pin, two males in glycerol) GoogleMaps .


Male. Length (mm): body without antennae 1.5–1.6, antenna 0.8, wing 1.6 / 0.7, hypopygium 0.3.

Body and legs with all bristles and hairs white.

Head: vertex flat; upper occiput concave; frons black–brown; face black, densely grey pollinose; face under antenna as wide as basal height of postpedicel, slightly convergent ventrally. One pair of strong divergent ocellars; one strong vertical bristle on each side at eye margin; one postvertical on each side, half as long as vertical, not far from upper postocular seta. Antenna ( Figure 4 View Figure 4 ) mainly whitish-yellow, brownish along dorsal surface from base to middle of postpedicel; scape with subtriangular pointed ventral process; pedicel with short visible base, with ring of short setulae, with long concealed conus extending to basal third of postpedicel; postpedicel flat, band-like (possibly male secondary sexual characters)), with pointed apex, bearing short hairs. Arista-like stylus basodorsal, with long brownish segment 1 and short whitish segment 2. Length ratio of scape to pedicel (visible part) to postpedicel to stylus (segments 1 and 2), 8 / 3 / 33 / 25 / 15. Proboscis small, yellow; palpus large (possibly male secondary sexual characters), ovate, white, with short apical seta. Postocular setae relatively short, uniserial; two lower setae rather strong.

Thorax: entirely dark brown, mesepimeron with small triangular black spot below wing base; upper part of proepisternum with one weak seta; lower part of proepisternum with strong seta just above coxa; five pairs of strong dorsocentral bristles of equal length; five or six pairs of short acrostichals in regular rows; one humeral, one posthumeral, one short presutural, one short sutural, two unequal supra-alars, two unequal notopleurals and one postalar bristle on each side; scutellum with one pair of strong widely spaced medial bristles; metanotum with small round median mound.

Legs: including coxae yellow, simple; fore coxa with two or three setae apically; hind coxa with one seta at upper third; femora without strong bristles, ventrally bare; tibiae with short apicals, somewhat longer on mid tibia; fore tibia without strong bristles; mid tibia with one anterodorsal at one-third of length from base; hind tibia with three or four short dorsals; tibia and tarsomere (from first to fifth) length ratio: fore leg: 40 / 18 / 8 / 6 / 5 / 5, mid leg: 50 / 25 / 14 / 10 / 6 / 6, hind leg: 60 / 16 / 17 / 10 / 6 / 6.

Wing ( Figure 3 View Figure 3 ): colourless and transparent, with yellow veins; length ratio of costal segment between R and R and costal segment between R 4+5 and M 1+2, 17 / 11; R 4+5 and M 1+2 subparallel in middle part and slightly divergent on apical part of wing; M 1+2 broadly curved anteriorly in apical half; dm-cu faint, located at wing base, at level of r-m; length ratio of apical segment of CuA 1 to posterior cross-vein (dm-cu), 60 / 4; anal vein fold-like, anal lobe developed, anal angle obtuse; calypter yellow, with simple cilia; halter yellow.



Abdomen: dirty yellow, dark dorsally along anterior margins of terga 2–6; row of longish marginal bristles on tergum 1, otherwise shorter bristling on abdomen; sterna 5–6 weakly sclerotized; segment 7 concealed within tergum 6, ring-like, glabrous; segment 8 large, rounded, covered with setae and microscopic setulae; hypopygium ( Figure 5 View Figure 5 ) yellow, small, partly concealed; epandrium flattened laterally, with left lateral foramen; hypandrium weakly sclerotized, fused with epandrium, simple, short, triangular (ventral aspect), located in distal third of epandrium; parameral sheath sclerotized, projecting, long, narrow, simple, cylindrical; phallus long and thin, simple; a pair of symmetrical epandrial lobes originating from base of hypandrium, long and flat, broader in basal half, cleft at apex, with one strong seta on apex of each arm; one pedunculate epandrial seta at base of each epandrial lobe; surstylus bilobate, more or less straight, narrow, long, with one lobe distinctly wider than second; both arms bearing few short setae at base and at apex; postgonite exposed, reaching apex of surstylus, broader at base, greatly narrowed distally, hooked at extreme apex; cercus with rounded base covered with long cilia, with relatively long lateroventral lobe, sparsely covered with strong setae, somewhat stronger at apex.

Female. Unknown.


The species is named after the type locality.


National Museum of Namibia


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum















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