Scolopia hazomby H.Perrier
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Scolopia hazomby H.Perrier |
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4. Scolopia hazomby H.Perrier View in CoL
Mémoires du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, n.s., 13: 280 (1940).
— Type: Madagascar. Prov. Toamasina, Analamazaotra , X.1925 [?], fl., Louvel 51 (holo-, P [ P00077416 ]!) .
ADDITIONAL MATERIAL EXAMINED. — Madagascar. Prov. Antananarivo, Réserve spéciale Ambohitantely , 18°10’42”S, 47°17’00”E, 1530 m, 23-24.XI.1993, fr., Schatz et al. 3555 ( MO, P).
Prov. Antsiranana. Diego, Sava, Vohemar, Andrafainkona, forêt de Sorata, 13°44’28”S, 49°23’14”E, 1402 m, 28.X.2007, fr., Razakamalala et al. 3507 (MO). — Massif de la Montagne d’Ambre, crête entre les bassins de la rivière des Makis et de la rivière d’Ankazobe, 600-800 m, 26-27.V.1970, fl., Service Forestier 29188 (P×2).
Prov. Fianarantsoa. 7 km SW of Ranomafana , in proposed Ranomafana National Park , 21°16’S, 47°25’E, 1000-1100 m, 5.II.1990, Kremen et al. 62 (MO). — 7 km W of Ranomafana, just S of Namorona River , Duke University Primate Center study site, 21°16’S, 47°25’E, 1000 m, 27.X.1987, fr., Overdorff 34 (MO, P). — Fiv.and Fir.Ivohibe, Réserve Spéciale d’Ivohibe, 8 km E d’Ivohibe, piste entre campements II et III, sur la crête, 22°29’00”S, 46°58’06”E, 1210 m, 21.X.1997, fl., Rakotomalaza et al. 1441 (MO, P). — Ampamaherana (vallée), Fianarantsoa , 15.VI.1949, fr., Service Forestier 2043 (P). — Same loc., 29.II.1949, fl., Service Forestier 2065 (P). — Ampamaherana (versant), Fianarantsoa , 8.VIII.1949, fr., Service Forestier 2067 (P). — Same loc., same date, Service Forestier 2067bis (MO). — Andrambovato, Tolongoina B-15, 16.II.1954, fl., Service Forestier 9551 (P). — Ambodinifaka, Fort-Carnot , 22.VII.1953, Service Forestier 9678 (P). — Andraovato, district F-C, 28.IV.1954, fr., Service Forestier 10097 (P). — Andrambovato, F-C, 27.IV.1954, fr., Service Forestier 14453 (P). — Androrangavola, Ifanadiana , 24.VII.1954, fr., Service Forestier 14549 (P). — Andrambovato, Tolongoina , F-C, 14.III.1955, fr., Service Forestier 14677 (P). — Sahamaina, Ampasinambo , Nosy- Varika , 22.VII.1954, fr., Service Forestier 14737 (P). — Maindoha, forêt Ampasinambo-ouest, au S village Ampasimadinika , canton Ampasinambo , district Nosy-Varika , 750 m, 23.VII.1954, fr., Service Forestier 14740 (P×2). — Andrambovato, Fort-Carnot , 3.VIII.1955, fr., Service Forestier 15394 (P).
Prov. Toamasina. Fiv. Ambatofinandrahana, fir. Itremo , sommet à l’E d’Antsirakambiaty, à l’W d’Ambatoandrano, 17°33’33”S, 48°53’38”E, 697 m, 15.VII.2004, fr., Andriamihajarivo et al. 311 (MO). — Réserve Naturelle Intégrale de Betampona, piste Sahabefoza , 17°55’S, 49°13’E, 300-400 m, 1.XII.1994, fr., Andrianarisata et al. 257 (MO, P). — Fiv. Maroantsetra, comm. Anjahana , fok. Andranofotsy , Farankaraina forest, 15°26’30”S, 49°51’00”E, 20.VI.2003, fr., Antilahimena 1960 (MO). — Fiv. Maroantsetra, comm. Antsirabe Sahatany , fok. Anjiahely , 1 km N Anjiahely on way to Ambinanitelo , 15°24’01”S, 49°30’46”E, 392 m, 29.VI.2004, fr., Antilahimena 2605 (MO, P); — Alaotra-Mangoro region, fivondronana Moramanga , commune Andasibe , fokontany Menalamba , Ambatovy forest, 18°48’29”S, 48°15’50”E, 1060 m, 16.XII.2004, fr., Antilahimena et al. 3008 (MO, P). — Same loc., 18°50’15”S, 48°18’44”E, 1300 m, 20.XII.2004, fr., Antilahimena et al. 3063 (MO, P). — Same loc., Berano village, 18°50’36”S, 48°19’55”E, 979 m, 16.I.2005, fl., Antilahimena & Félix 3179 (MO, P). — Alaotra-Mangoro, Moramanga , Ambohibary , Ampitambe , Antaniditra , Ambatovy forest, 18°49’14”S, 48°17’27”E, 1025 m, 9.X.2008, fr., Antilahimena et al. 6637 (MO). — Alaotra- Mangoro, Moramanga, Ambohibary, Ambatovy forest , clearing zone 6, 18°51’59”S, 48°18’19”E, 1048 m, 17.XII.2008, fr., Antilahimena et al. 6968 ( G, MO). — Alaotra-Mangoro, Moramanga, Andasibe, Menalamba, Morarano PK 18, 18°50’25”S, 48°22’12”E, 1022 m, 25.VII.2009, fr., Antilahimena et al. 7149 ( G, MO). — Ambatoharanana près d’Antsevabe, 1000 m, 5.III.1951, fl., Cours 4049 (MO, P). — Near Andasibe , forest of Mantadia , beyond graphite mine, 18°55’S, 48°25’E, 900 m, 5.XI.1994, fr., McPherson & van der Werff 16503 (MO). — Same loc., 6.XI.1994, fr., McPherson & van der Werff 16518 (MO). — Same loc., 950-1150 m, 7.XI.1994, fr., McPherson & van der Werff 16536 (MO). — Parc National de Zahamena, Antanandava , Ankosy , piste vers Bemoara , 17°28’58”S, 48°44’10”E, 997 m, 14.VII.2000, fr., Rakotonandrasana et al. 418 (MO, P). — Parc national de Zahamena, Antanandava , Ankosy , piste vers Antenina , 17°28’45”S, 48°44’09”E, 900 m, 17.VII.2000, fr., Rakotonandrasana et al. 427 (MO, P). — Parc National de Zahamena, Manakambahiny- Est , Andranomalaza , 3 km NE d’Antoby, 17°38’25”S, 48°38’34”E, 989 m, 28.III.2000, post-fl., Randrianasolo et al. 163 (MO, P). — Forestry station of Analamazaotra, sides of road between Andasibe and intersection from RN2, c. 500 m NW of forestry office, 18°56’S, 48°26’E, 900 m, 18.VII.1996, Randrianasolo 445 (MO, P). — Ambodimangavalo, Mahasoa, Ambatoharanana, Mongo , 17°33’57”S, 48°53’45”E, 740-1200 m, 25.X.2000, fr., Ratovoson et al. 318 (MO, P). — Ambatondrazaka, Antanandava , Ankosy , 2 km SW (PN Zahamena ), 17°29’07”S, 48°44’02”E, 1107 m, 26.I.2001, fr., Ratovoson et al. 377 (MO, P). — RN I [Betampona], canton Ambodiriana , district Tamatave , sommet, 16.XI.1953, fr., Réserves Naturelles 5890 (P). — R.N. I, canton Ambodiriana, district Tamatave , 24.VI.1954, fl., Réserves Naturelles 6269 (P). — Perinet, 17.VII.1952, fr., Service Forestier 139-B-R-172 (P). — Réserve Naturelle no I (Betampona) ( Dct de Tamatave ), vers 400 m d’alt, 6.XI.1953, fl., Service Forestier 8594 (P). — Km 7 Antaniditra , Perinet, Moramanga , 5.VI.1954, fr., Service Forestier 10375 (P×2). — Perinet, 11.VIII.1954, fr., Service Forestier 12182 (P). — Antsampandrano, canton Perinet, dist. Moramanga , forêt primaire sur le flanc, 5.XI.1962, Service Forestier 21292 (P). — Village proche Ambalaharongana, canton Ampasina , district Fénérive , sommet, 600 m, 21.VI.1964, fl., Service Forestier 21782 (P). — Environs de Sandrangato, au S de Moramanga , 13.XII.1964, fl., Service Forestier 24001 (P). — Perinet, village Analamazaotra , canton Perinet, district Moramanga , II.1966, Service Forestier 25727 (P×2). — Same loc., II.1966, Service Forestier 25728 (P×2). — Same loc., II.1966, Service Forestier 25729 (P×2). — Same loc., II.1966, Service Forestier 25777 (P×2). — Same loc., 25.V.1966, Service Forestier 25934 (P×2). — Au N de la Pisciculture, Perinet, canton Perinet, district Moramanga , III.1966, Service Forestier 25769 (P×2). — Belahindolo, village plus procheToby-Andasimanara, canton Moramanga , district Moramanga , 900 m, 6.II.1968, fr., Service Forestier 26659 (P). — Vangaranana, canton Marovoay, district Moramanga , II. 1970, fr., Service Forestier 26952 (P).
Prov. Toliara. Manantenina, Fort-Dauphin , 5.IV.1954, fr., Service Forestier 9667 (P).
Unknown province. S. l., 8.XII.1908, fl., Envoi du Gouvernement de Madagascar 30 (P×2). — Forêts montagneuses de l’est, s.d., fl., Louvel 112 (P).
SPECIMENS AFF. S. HAZOMBY . — Madagascar. Prov. Antsiranana, DIANA, Nosy Be , Lokobe AP, 13°24’53”S, 48°19’00”E, 100 m, 30.XII.1995, fr., Antilahimena & Devigny 268 (MO). — Antsahabe, Vohemar , 13.V.1955, post-fl., Service Forestier 14057 (MO, P).
Prov. Fianarantsoa. Fiv. Farafangana, Réserve spéciale de Manombo , parcelle #1, 23°01’42”S, 47°43’27”E, 30 m, 21.VIII.1995, fr., Rakotomalaza et al. 432 (MO, P). — Ambohinihaonana, Mananjary , 3.VI.1954, fr., Service Forestier 14477 (P). — J. B. no 16 Manombo, village Manombo , canton Ihorombe , district Farafangana , station forêt côtière orientale, 28.VI.1956, imm. fr., Service Forestier 16274 (P).
Prov. Toliara. Anosy region, Tôlagnaro , Sarisambo , Amboavola , forêt d’Ambatotsirongorongo, 25°05’S, 46°47’E, s.d., fr., Ramison et al. 345 (MO). — Anosy, Tôlagnaro, Sarisambo, Ambohivola, forêt d’Ambatotsirongorongo , 25°05’00”S, 46°46’41”E, 151 m, 22.II.2009, fl., fr., Razakamalala et al. 4291 ( G, MO).
DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. — Scolopia hazomby is widely distributed in low to middle elevation humid forests of eastern Madagascar ( Fig. 5 View FIG ); it is reported on brown soil and quartzite. A few atypical specimens, discussed below, occur in littoral or sublittoral forests.
Scolopia hazomby is a large tree (to 20 m, 60 cm dbh) with relatively smooth, whitish or grayish bark; its leaves are usually oblong-elliptical to elliptical and usually have acuminate (to cuspidate, or rarely obtuse to rounded) apices. The leaves, which are variously stated to be persistent or caducous, generally dry brownish with the surfaces differently colored; the adaxial surface is sometimes olive and the abaxial surface sometimes reddish. The leaves never dry strongly red, which is one means of distinguishing this species from the similar-looking Ludia scolopioides Capuron & Sleumer ; another is that its fruits never exceed 1.5 cm in diameter, whereas those of L. scolopioides may be over 2 cm and conspicuously bumpy. The long-pedicelled flowers are greenish white and the fruits red; the inflorescences are often relatively large. Most specimens have been labelled as S. madagascariensis , which represents a misapplication of that name following Sleumer’s (1972a) excessively broad and heterogeneous circumscription (see discussion below); true S. madagascariensis is broader-leaved, with leaves usually cuspidate and drying greenish, and is consistently littoral.
Several specimens mentioned above as having affinities to Scolopia hazomby may represent variants of that species, hybrids, or a cryptic taxon;the available material does not suffice to clarify their status.They have leaves drying greenish, which is atypical of this species, and were collected in coastal or near-coastal forests, whereas S. hazomby is usually found at higher elevations farther inland. The leaves of these specimens are shaped like those of typical S. hazomby , usually with weak veins; flowers are only present on one specimen but are not obviously distinctive. This coastal form is easily mistaken for S. orientalis , a perhaps closely related species, except that the leaves are usually acuminate. One specimen (Service Forestier 14057), from the north, has a somewhat unusual leaf shape and very large styles; this may represent a distinct species or subspecies, but the specimen is in poor condition and would not serve as an adequate type.Further investigation of these populations would be highly desirable.
The wood of Scolopia hazomby is used for the manufacture of boards and railroad ties (Ratovoson et al. 318; Service Forestier 14740, 21782, 26659) and for heating and charcoal (Service Forestier 14740). Leaves are used to treat stomachache (Cours 4049). The fruit is eaten by lemurs (Overdorff 34).
Ankamorika (Ratovoson et al. 318); Faritraty (Overdorff 34); Fasitraly (Kremen et al. 62); Hazomalany (Antilahimena et al. 3008); Hazomamiala (Service Forestier 21782); Hazomby (Louvel 51); Longotra mena (Envoi du Gouvernement de Madagascar 30); Menavahatra (Antilahimena et al. 3063; Service Forestier 2043, 9551, 10097, 10375, 14453, 14677, 15394, 21292, 25729, 25769, 25934, 26659 [general dia- lect], 26952); Menavahatra à F. M. (Service Forestier 139-B- R-172); Menavahitra (Service Forestier 25727, 25728, 25777) Nenavahatra (Service Forestier 2065); Pitsikahidambo (Service Forestier 14740); Pitsikahitra (Service Forestier 14740); Pitsikahitra à g[randes] f[euilles] (Service Forestier 14737, 14740); Ravinavetro (Antilahimena 1960); Ravinaviotra (Service Forestier 2067, 2067bis, 12182); Ravinavoatra (Service Forestier 9678); Sandramimena (Service Forestier 14549); Sary (Réserves Naturelles 5890, 6269); Tamenaka (Service Forestier 9667); Tavolosary (Réserves Naturelles 6269); Zora (Ramison 345).
The preliminary assessment of the conservation status of Scolopia hazomby is Least Concern (LC). The species is widespread, with an Extent of Occurrence of 165 186 km 2, and recent collections have been made in several areas. It is known from the Protected Areas of Ambohitantely, Andasibe-Mantadia, Betampona, Ivohibe, Montagne d’Ambre, Périnet-Analamazaotra, Ranomafana, and Zahamena; specimens of doubtful identity are also known from Manombo.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Scolopia hazomby H.Perrier
Applequist, Wendy L. & Schatz, George E. 2016 |
H. Perrier 1940: 280 |