Scolopendra longipleura Silvestri, 1895

Thofern, Detlef, Dupérré, Nadine & Harms, Danilo, 2021, An annotated type catalogue of the centipedes (Myriapoda: Chilopoda) held in the Zoological Museum Hamburg, Zootaxa 4977 (1), pp. 1-103 : 76

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Scolopendra longipleura Silvestri, 1895


129. Scolopendra longipleura Silvestri, 1895 View in CoL

Fig. 16 View FIGURE 16

Silvestri 1895a: 2 (as Scolopendra longipleura sp. n.)

Type locality and specimens. Hab. Argentina: Tucamani [Tucumán] .

Dimensions. Long. corp. mm. 60; lat. corp. mm. 4 [length 60 mm, width 4 mm].

Type material. Syntype ( ZMH-A0000878 ). ARGENTINA: Tucumán Province (“ Tucamani ”) [ca. 27°00’S, 65°30’W] GoogleMaps .

Preservation. 1 jar and 1 vial. Jar label: Scolopenda longipleura Silvestri ( Cormocephalus chilensis (Gervais)) 1 Expl. Paratypus (handwriting on a label with the imprint: Zoologisches Museum Hamburg). Vial label: Hemiscolop. chilensis G. (Typus zu H. longipleurus Silv. ) Mus. Turin C. 10.11.03 Tucuman. The gonopods are stored in a seperate microvial.

Old type catalogue. Weidner (1960), p. 71, No. 83. Paratype.

Collection remarks. The specimen was collected by the Italian zoologist Alfredo Borelli (1858–1943) and came from the collection of the Museum of Natural History in Turin (Museo Regionale die Scienze Naturali) where additional syntypes are likely preserved.

Current systematic position. Junior synonym of Akymnopellis chilensis (Gervais, 1847) . Synonymy established by Kraepelin (1903: 214, as Hemiscolopendra ). The South American species of Hemiscolopendra were recognised as a distinct genus Akymnopellis by Shelley (2010) who also lists longipleura as a junior synonym of A. chilensis .

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