Salicarus concinnus V. G. Putshkov, 1977

Konstantinov, Fedor V. & Hosseini, Reza, 2024, Review of the genus Salicarus (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Miridae), ZooKeys 1211, pp. 57-100 : 57-100

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1211.129660

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scientific name

Salicarus concinnus V. G. Putshkov, 1977


Salicarus concinnus V. G. Putshkov, 1977 View in CoL

Figs 1 A – F View Figure 1 , 4 A – C View Figure 4 , 7 A, B View Figure 7 , 9 A – C View Figure 9 , 10 A, B View Figure 10

Salicarus (Salicarus) concinnus V. G. Putshkov, 1977: 365. View in CoL

Salicarus concinnus View in CoL : Konstantinov (2023): 874 (phylogenetic placement, figures, discussion).

Material examined.

Holotype: Tajikistan • ♂ Kondara Canyon, Valley of Varzob River , 38.83333 ° N, 68.83333 ° E, 1100 m, 08 Jul 1955, Lopatin, ( AMNH _ PBI 00233863 ) ( ZISP) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: Kazakhstan • South Kazakhstan Prov.: Daubaba nr Tyul’kubas, Shimkent Dist ., 42.46666 ° N, 70.26666 ° E, 18 Jun 1966, Unknown collector, Salix sp. ( Salicaceae ), 1 ♂ ( AMNH _ PBI 00233874 ) ( ZISP) GoogleMaps . Kyrgyzstan • Gava , 41.26666 ° N, 72.83333 ° E, 03 Aug 1937, A. N. Kiritshenko, 2 ♂ ( AMNH _ PBI 00233872 , AMNH _ PBI 00233873 ) ( ZISP) GoogleMaps . Tajikistan • Kondara Canyon, Valley of Varzob River , 38.83333 ° N, 68.83333 ° E, 1100 m, 19 Jun 1937, Gussakovskiy, 1 ♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00233768 ) ( ZISP) GoogleMaps 30 Jun 1943, A. N. Kiritshenko, 2 ♂ ( AMNH _ PBI 00233866 , AMNH _ PBI 00233867 ), 4 ♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00233761 - AMNH _ PBI 00233764 ) ( ZISP) 05 Jul 1943, A. N. Kiritshenko, 1 ♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00233760 ) ( ZISP) 10 Jun 1955, Zakieva, 1 ♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00233769 ) ( ZISP) 16 Jun 1955, Lopatin, 1 ♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00233758 ) ( ZISP) 08 Jul 1955, Lopatin, 1 ♂ ( AMNH _ PBI 00233864 ), 2 ♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00233756 , AMNH _ PBI 00233757 ) ( ZISP) 09 Jul 1955, Lopatin, 1 ♂ ( AMNH _ PBI 00233865 ), 1 ♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00233759 ) ( ZISP) 13 Jun 1956, Denisova and Ivanova, 3 ♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00233765 - AMNH _ PBI 00233767 ) ( ZISP) 28 Jun 1956, Kiriyanova, 2 ♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00233770 , AMNH _ PBI 00233771 ) ( ZISP) . Uzbekistan • Angren River, 15 km NO Angren , 41.1 ° N, 70.3 ° E, 18 Jun 1966, I. M. Kerzhner, 4 ♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00233868 - AMNH _ PBI 00233871 ), 8 ♂ ( AMNH _ PBI 00233868 - AMNH _ PBI 00233871 ) ( ZISP) GoogleMaps Karzhantau Mt. Ridge , 41.73333 ° N, 70.03333 ° E, 01 Jul 1939, Obukhova, Salix wilhelmsiana ( Salicaceae ), 1 ♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00233773 ) ( ZISP) GoogleMaps Tugay Ugama, Karzhantau Mt. Ridge , 41.73333 ° N, 70.03333 ° E, 17 Jul 1939, Obukhova, Salix sp. ( Salicaceae ), 4 ♂ ( AMNH _ PBI 00233875 - AMNH _ PBI 00233878 ), 1 ♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00233772 ) ( ZISP) GoogleMaps .

Other specimens examined: Tajikistan • 6 km W Kuibyshevsk, Valley of Vakhsh River , 37.96666 ° N, 68.75 ° E, 14 Jul 1943, A. N. Kiritshenko, 1 ♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00233774 ) ( ZISP) GoogleMaps . Turkmenistan • Charshanga, 30 km W Kelif , 37.5 ° N, 66.015 ° E, 07 Jun 1934, Bregetova, 2 ♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00233775 , AMNH _ PBI 00233776 ) ( ZISP) GoogleMaps . Uzbekistan • Karzhantau Mt. Ridge, 41.73333 ° N, 70.03333 ° E, 01 Jul 1939, Obukhova, Salix wilhelmsiana ( Salicaceae ), 1 ♂ ( AMNH _ PBI 00233879 ) ( ZISP) GoogleMaps .


Recognized by the following combination of characters: Body oval, total length 3.0–3.7; antenna uniformly pale yellow, with thin segment II (Fig. 4 A, B View Figure 4 ), coloration of dorsum variable, ranging from entirely or largely brown to pale yellow with darkened basal margin of pronotum (Fig. 1 A – F View Figure 1 ); hemelytron clothed with a mixture of short adpressed simple setae and scarce, narrow, apically acuminate, silvery scale-like setae (Fig. 4 C View Figure 4 ); pronotum and scutellum with short simple setae only; apical blades of vesica robust, almost straight, and parallel each other (Fig. 7 A, B View Figure 7 ).

Salicarus concinnus is most similar in size, body proportions, vestiture, and vesica structure to S. roseri and S. urnammu . The vestiture of the dorsum in all three species is mainly composed of short, adpressed simple setae, with the addition of scarce, narrow, apically acuminate scale-like setae on the hemelytron in the case of S. concinnus and S. urnammu . In S. roseri , scale-like setae are present on the thoracic pleura only. The color pattern of the dorsum in these species is highly variable, although in S. concinnus , it tends to be more uniform, frequently being either dark brown with a yellowish vertex or whitish yellow with a darkened posterior margin of the pronotum. In contrast, in dark specimens of S. urnammu and pale specimens of S. roseri , the anterior part of the pronotum is most frequently darkened, and the hemelytron usually has a more or less darkened endocorium (Figs 2 F – I View Figure 2 , 3 A – D View Figure 3 ). The vesica in these species is relatively large, with short and robust, knife-shaped apical blades. However, in both S. roseri and S. urnammu , the apical blades of the vesica are apically diverging (Fig. 7 G – J View Figure 7 ), while they are parallel to each other in S. concinnus (Fig. 7 A, B View Figure 7 ).


Male. Coloration. Variable, ranging from entirely or largely brown to pale yellow with darkened basal margin of pronotum (Fig. 1 A – C View Figure 1 ). Head: Brown, with narrow whitish edging along eyes gradually expanding towards vertex to whitish yellow, with large brown spot on frons, sometimes uniformly whitish yellow; vertex always whitish entirely or along posterior margin; antenna uniformly pale yellow; labrum dirty yellow; entire labium brown even in pale specimens, with dark brown segment IV. Thorax: Pronotum dorsally ranging from brown, darker towards base, to pale yellow, with narrowly brown posterior margin; lateral sides of pronotum uniformly brown to pale yellow with narrow brown edging; exposed part of mesonotum and scutellum from uniformly brown to pale yellow, sides of mesonotum sometimes with orange tinge. Hemelytron uniformly brown, pale brown or whitish yellow; membrane pale brown, semitransparent. Coxae entirely or basally brown; femora always brown in basal two-thirds, with pale yellow apices; tibiae and tarsi uniformly pale yellow. Thoracic pleura always brown to dark brown. Abdomen: Uniformly brown to dark brown.

Surface and vestiture. Dorsum smooth, shiny. Pronotum, scutellum, and hemelytron with short, subequal in length to scale-like setae on hemelytron, adpressed simple setae, usually dark brown, sometimes yellowish; hemelytron additionally with silver scale-like setae; thoracic pleurites clothed with dense scale-like setae only (Fig. 4 A – C View Figure 4 ); appendages and abdomen with thin and short, adpressed, whitish simple setae; tibial spines black.

Structure. Body oval, 2.4–2.8 × as long as posterior width of pronotum, total length 3.0–3.7; head vertical, rather vide, slightly protruding beyond eyes anteriorly and ventrally; vertex flat, posteriorly attenuate and covering anterior margin of pronotum, 2.1–2.3 × as wide as eye; frons weakly convex; clypeus flat, not visible in dorsal view; antennal segment II thin and short, 0.5–0.6 × as long as posterior width of pronotum, 0.9 × as long as width of head; pronotum with broadly rounded anterior and posterior corners, 1.9–2.1 × as wide as long, 1.5–1.6 × as wide as head.

Genitalia. Right paramere oval, ~ 1.9 × as long as wide, with basal part broadly rounded and expanded proximally beyond basal process; apical process comparatively short, subrectangular (Fig. 9 A View Figure 9 ). Left paramere with long, thin, and straight apical process and relatively thin, apically broadly rounded sensory lobe (Fig. 9 B View Figure 9 ). Vesica relatively large, with almost straight, robust and parallel subapical blades (Fig. 7 A, B View Figure 7 ).

Female. Coloration, surface and vestiture. As in male (Fig. 1 D – F View Figure 1 ). Structure. Similar to male, body 2.3–2.6 × as long as posterior width of pronotum; total length 3.0–3.5; vertex 2.3–2.6 × as wide as eye; antennal segment II 0.5 × as long as posterior width of pronotum, 0.8–0.9 × as long as width of head; pronotum 2.0–2.2 × as wide as long, 1.5–1.7 × as wide as head.

Genitalia. Dorsal labiate plate with large and broadly oval sclerotized rings (Fig. 10 A View Figure 10 ). Vestibulum S-shaped, thin (Fig. 10 B View Figure 10 ).


Central Asia. Known from Southern Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan ( Putshkov 1977).


Feeds on fructiferous Salix spp. ( Putshkov 1977).


American Museum of Natural History


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences














Salicarus concinnus V. G. Putshkov, 1977

Konstantinov, Fedor V. & Hosseini, Reza 2024

Salicarus concinnus

Konstantinov FV 2023: 874

Salicarus (Salicarus) concinnus V. G. Putshkov, 1977: 365 .

Putshkov VG 1977: 365