Rudiaeschna jarzembowskii, HUANG & CORENTIN & NEL, 2022

HUANG, DI-YING, CORENTIN, JOUAULT & NEL, ANDRÉ, 2022, The second species of Rudiaeschna (Odonata, Rudiaeschnidae) discovered in the Lower Cretaceous of Inner Mongolia, Northeast China, Palaeoentomology 5 (3), pp. 240-245 : 241

publication ID 10.11646/palaeoentomology.5.3.6

publication LSID


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scientific name

Rudiaeschna jarzembowskii

sp. nov.

Rudiaeschna jarzembowskii sp. nov.

( Figs 2 View FIGURE 2 , 3 View FIGURE 3 )

Material. Holotype NIGP180347 View Materials (a complete imprint of a forewing), housed in the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Nanjing, China.

Etymology. Named in honor of our friend and colleague Edmund A. Jarzembowski. The specific epithet is to be treated as a noun in a genitive case.

Diagnosis. Forewing characters only. Eleven postnodal crossveins; discoidal triangle divided into four cells; three cells in subdiscoidal triangle; four cells between RP3/4 and MAa along wing margin; four crossveins in space between base of IR2, RP1/2, RP2 and first oblique crossvein; five rows of cells between MAa and MP; presence of a distal fork of RP2, below distal end of pterostigma.

Type locality and horizon. The locality near the Liutiaogou village , Dashuangmiao Township , Ningcheng County, Inner Mongolia, China; Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation (Barremian to Aptian) .

Description. A complete forewing, hyaline and very well-preserved; pterostigma dark brown; wing length 46.7 mm, 12.2 mm wide; distance between base and arculus 6.0 mm, between arculus and nodus 17.2 mm; distance from nodus to pterostigma 13.5 mm, from pterostigma to wing apex 6.5 mm; Ax1 is well preserved but Ax2 is weakened and very similar to the secondary antenodal crossveins; distance between Ax1 and wing base 5.0 mm; 20 antenodal crossveins; arculus angular; pterostigma elongate and narrow, 4.5 mm long and 1.0 mm wide, covering four cells, not basally recessed; pterostigmal brace strong, well aligned with basal side of pterostigma, moderately oblique; 11 postnodal crossveins not aligned with 11 postsubnodal crossveins; median space free; submedian space only traversed by CuP-crossing and one distal cubito-anal crossvein above PsA; PsA distinctly sigmoidal; hypertriangle with two oblique and weak crossveins; discoidal triangle elongate, four-celled; MAb straight, 3.9 mm long; a well-defined three-celled subdiscoidal triangle; base of IR2 4.7 mm basal of nodus; base of RP3/4 6.5 mm basal of nodus; four crossveins between RP and IR2 basal of first oblique vein ‘O’; first oblique vein ‘ O’ 0.5 mm distad subnodus and second oblique vein three cells distally; pseudo-IR1 very short, originating from RP1 below distal side of pterostigma; area between RP1 and RP2 rather narrow with two-three rows of cells between them; base of RP2 well aligned with subnodus, RP2 smoothly undulated in its mid part and with a strong fork below distal end of pterostigma; IR2 only slightly undulated, area between it and RP2 strongly widened at their undulated parts, with three rows of cells in its broadest part; IR2 and RP2 basally parallel, with only one row of cells; a well-developed and strongly curved Rspl with three rows of cells between it and IR2; two short convex oblique and undulating secondary veins anastomosing between IR2 and RP3/4 directly basal of origin of Rspl; RP3/4 and MAa parallel and smoothly undulated, with one row of cells between them basally, two rows of cells more distally, and four rows along posterior margin of wing; MAa and MP more or less parallel, postdiscoidal area weakly widened with five rows of cells at level of nodus; no Mspl; MA and CuA basally parallel with one row of rectangular cells between them, distally strongly divergent with at least three intercalary veins originating from MP; CuA with six posterior branches, cubito-anal area with seven rows of cells between CuA and posterior wing margin; two rows of cells in anal area.

















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