Quedius (Raphirus) egregius, Tephens, 2014

Tephens, 2014, Contributions to the knowledge of the Quediina (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Staphylinini) of China. Part 48. Genus Quedius STEPHENS, 1829. Subgenus Raphirus STEPHENS, 1829. Section 12., Linzer biologische Beiträge 46 (2), pp. 1813-1818 : 1816-1817

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scientific name

Quedius (Raphirus) egregius

sp. nov.

Quedius (Raphirus) egregius View in CoL nov.sp. ( Figs 6-10 View Figs 1-10 )

T y p e l o c a l i t y. CHINA: Yunnan, Nabanhe Nature Reserve, Huazhulianshan, Bennganghani, 2300 m.

T y p e m a t e r i a l. Holotype (male): CHINA: " China: Yunnan Prov. Nabanhe N. R. Huazhulianshan / Bennganghani alt. 2300 m, 29-V-2009 Jia-Jao Hu & Zi-Wei Yin leg.". In SNUC.

D e s c r i p t i o n. In all characters similar to Q. schneideri SMETANA, 2012 , but different by some external characters, and by the differently shaped aedoeagus. Body more slender than in average specimens of Q. schneideri ; pronotum less voluminous; scutellum relatively coarsely, extensively punctate (with a few fine punctures in Q. schneideri ), elytra relatively longer, at sides as long as pronotum at midline (shorter than pronotum at midline in Q. schneideri , ratio 0.87), and more coarsely punctate; abdominal tergite 2 (in front of first entirely visible tergite) entirely glabrous (with some punctures on apical portion in Q. schneideri ), tergite 7 (fifth visible) with fine apical seam of palisade setae (seam missing in Q. schneideri ).

Male. First four segments of front tarsus markedly dilated, slightly less so than those of Q. schneideri , each densely covered with tenent setae ventrally, segment 2 about as wide as apex of tibia, segment 4 narrower than preceding two segments. Abdominal sternite 5 without male secondary sexual characters; sternite 6 with apical margin not modified, but medial portion with narrow area of dense punctuation and pubescence, extending from near base to near apical margin; sternite 7 with slight medioapical sinuation, area before it impunctate, followed by narrow medial area of denser and finer punctuation and pubescence; sternite 8 with wide and deep, obtusely triangular medioapical emargination, moderately large triangular area before emargination depressed and smooth. Genital segment with tergite 10 narrow, markedly narrowed toward subacute apex, with numerous setae at and near apical margin, otherwise asetose ( Fig. 6 View Figs 1-10 ); sternite 9 with large, characteristic, sharply delimited basal portion, apical portion subarcuate apically, setose as in Fig.7 View Figs 1-10 . Aedoeagus ( Figs 8-10 View Figs 1-10 ) similar to that of Q. schneideri , but dagger-like apical portion shorter; paramere longer, with subacute apex reaching close to apex of median lobe; four fine apical setae and a pair of similar setae at each lateral margin below apex; sensory peg setae on underside of paramere more numerous (8 and 9), arranged into longitudinal row along each lateral margin of apical portion of paramere ( Figs 8,10 View Figs 1-10 , and Figs 10 View Figs 1-10 and 12, in SMETANA 2012: 307, 311).

Female unknown.

Length 10.5 mm. E t y m o l o g y. The specific epithet is the Latin adjective egregius, - a, - um (distinguished, eminent). It referes to the two unique character states of the species.

G e o g r a p h i c a l d i s t r i b u t i o n Quedius egregius is at present known only from the type locality in southernYunnan (coordinates: 22°10’N 100°38’E).

B i o n o m i c s.Nothingisknown about the collecting circumstances of the holotype.

R e c o g n i t i o n a n d c o m m e n t s. Quedius egregius is a species distinctive from all remaining members of the Pluvialis- group based on the external characters listed at the beginning of the description above. The two characters: the entirely glabrous abdominal tergite 2, and the presence of a fine apical seam of palisade setae at the apical margin of abdominal tergite 7 are most conspicuous.

The aedoeagus of Quedius egregius is to some extent also similar to that of Q. oui SMETANA, 2010 , but the ventral lamina of median lobe is much shorter, the apex of paramere does not reach as close to apex of median lobe, and the sensory peg setae on underside are more numerous in Q. oui .


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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