Puccinia linosyridis-caricis E. Fisch.

Kakishima, Makoto, Ji, Jing Xin, Hosaka, Kentaro & Hosoya, Tsuyoshi, 2024, Rust fungi (Pucciniales) on Cyperaceae in Japan, with 2 new names, 5 new combinations and typifications, Phytotaxa 666 (4), pp. 229-256 : 246

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.666.4.1



persistent identifier


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scientific name

Puccinia linosyridis-caricis E. Fisch.


Puccinia linosyridis-caricis E. Fisch.

Type:—Location of the holotype specimen has not been found, but related specimens have been deposited in many fungal herbaria including BPI and NY.

Description:—See Kakishima & Sato (1980) and Hiratsuka et al. (1992).

Hosts and distribution in Japan:—0, I on Aster scaber Thunb. (Hon), II, III on Carex humilis var. nana (H. Lév. & Vaniot) Ohwi (= C. nanella Ohwi ) (Hon). (Kakishima & Sato 1980, Hiratsuka et al. 1992).

Notes:—Life cycle of this species was proved by Kakishima & Sato (1980) ( Hiratsuka et al. 1984). Zwetko (1993) treated this species as P. extensicola var. linosyridis-caricis (E. Fisch.) Zwetko. Hiratsuka et al. (1992) also treated spermogonial and aecial stages of this species as Aecidium linosyridis Lagerh. , but its identity should be re-examined. This species has been reported from Europe ( Hiratsuka et al. 1992).


"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University

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