Pterostichus (Wraseiellus) stictopleurus stictopleurus (Fairmaire, 1888)

Shi, Hongliang, Sciaky, Riccardo, Liang, Hongbin & Zhou, Hongzhang, 2013, A new subgenus Wraseiellus of the genus Pterostichus Bonelli (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Pterostichini) and new species descriptions, Zootaxa 3664 (2), pp. 101-135 : 117-118

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Pterostichus (Wraseiellus) stictopleurus stictopleurus (Fairmaire, 1888)


Pterostichus (Wraseiellus) stictopleurus stictopleurus (Fairmaire, 1888) View in CoL

( Figures 11 View FIGURES 7 – 12 , 35 View FIGURES 35 – 40 , 43 View FIGURES 41 – 56 , 63, 64 View FIGURES 57 – 66 , 72 View FIGURES 67 – 84 , 104 View FIGURES 98 – 106 )

Fairmaire 1888: 10 (Original: Omaseus ; syntype possibly deposited in MNHN); Tschitschérine 1897: 299 ( Feronia ( Pterostichus )); Jedlička 1962: 234 ( Pterostichus ( Morphohaptoderus )); Sciaky 1994: 4 ( Pterostichus ( Neohaptoderus )); Bousquet 2003: 510 ( Pterostichus ( Neohaptoderus )); Lorenz 2005: 278 ( Pterostichus ( Neohaptoderus )).

Type locality. No detailed locality but "Yunnan" was mentioned in the original literature. According to our knowledge of the type materials of other species of Pterostichini described in the same paper, we believed that the type series of this species could be collected by Père Delavay from northeast to Dali in Yunnan Province (detailed discussions are provided in remarks).

Notes on types. This species was described on an uncertain number of specimens, but both sexes were mentioned in the original description. Later, Tschitschérine (1897) redescribed this species on a male of the type series. The Fairmaire's collection should be in MNHN, but even after a carefully search in the collection of MNHN we failed to find any specimen belonging to the type series of this species. The male mentioned by Tschitschérine (1897) was probably transferred to him from Fairmaire. We have tried to look for it in the collection of ZRAS with the kind help of Dr. B. Kataev, but failed. The type of this species might be absent both from MNHN and ZRAS.

Non-type materials examined. 1 female (MNHN), "Yunnan, R.P.Delavay". 2 males (MNHN), "Yunnan, Tapin-tze, R.P.Delavay"; "Muséum Paris Coll. R. Oberthür 1952" [ Figs. 11 View FIGURES 7 – 12 , 35 View FIGURES 35 – 40 , 43 View FIGURES 41 – 56 , 63, 64 View FIGURES 57 – 66 , 72 View FIGURES 67 – 84 , 104 View FIGURES 98 – 106 ].

Diagnosis. From the subspecies Pterostichus stictopleurus cangshanensis n. ssp., the nominotypical subspecies is different in the 5th tarsomere glabrous beneath. From other allied species of Pterostichus diversus species group, Pt. stictopleurus can be easily distinguished by the apex of right paramere narrow and sharp, dirkfrom. From the external characters, this species is most similar with Pt. kambaiti Andrewes. Their comparison is provided in the diagnosis section under Pt. kambaiti . This species is strictly allopatric with other species of this subgenus except for Pt. diversus . Their differences are provided in the diagnosis section under Pt. diversus .

Description. Body length 10.8–13.1 mm; dorsal side black, shining in males; tibiae dark brown, tarsi brown; ventral side black or dark brown. Males with elytral microsculpture isodiametric. Head. Frons and vertex impunctate, few punctures present in frontal furrows; antennae reaching elytra basal eighth; 3rd antennomere glabrous except apical setae; males with terminal labial palpomere similar as in females, slightly expanded and truncate. Pronotum rounded, widest at about middle, PW/PL = 1.35–1.40; lateral margins fully rounded near the middle and then gradually curved posteriorly, almost straight before hind angles; hind angles obtuse, not pointed; one mid-lateral seta present at about anterior third; basal fovea shallow, faintly defined; inner groove of basal fovea weak, subparallel to median line, gradually disappeared posteriorly, ended at a distance from the posterior margin of pronotum; outer groove of basal fovea about two-thirds length as the inner one, somewhat more distinct than the inner one, reaching the basal margin of pronotum; ridge between outer groove and lateral margin very weak; area between inner and outer basal foveal grooves slightly convex and slightly rugose; basal fovea area densely punctate, some sparser punctures usually present on the area between two basal foveae. Elytra with base slightly depressed between 3rd and 5th intervals; elytral shoulders slightly narrowed, humeral teeth small but distinct; intervals feebly convex; striae moderately deep, with very faint punctures; scutellar striae long, nearly complete, located between 1st stria and elytral suture; umbilical pore series on 9th interval sparse in the middle, composed of 16–18 pores (5–7, 3, 7–8). Ventral side. Proepisterna and metaepisterna densely punctate; terminal sternum of males without special structure. Legs. 5th tarsomere without seta beneath. Male genitalia. Median lobe of male genitalia bent at a 90 degrees angle at about basal two-fifths, ventral margin almost straight in the middle ( Fig. 35 View FIGURES 35 – 40 A); apical part slightly bent to the ventral side and then the apical lamella gradually bent to the dorsal side ( Figs. 63 View FIGURES 57 – 66 B, 64B); apical orifice large, slightly turned to the left side, apical lamella twisted to the left ( Fig. 35 View FIGURES 35 – 40 B); apical lamella laminar, about twice as its basal width, apex slightly capitate and rounded, hardly bent to the left ( Fig. 43 View FIGURES 41 – 56 ). Right paramere dirk-form, elongate and curved, right margin straight, narrowed apically, apex sharp. Female genitalia not studied.

Distribution. The only known detailed locality of this species is "Ta-pin-tze" (= Dapingdi, N25.91º, E100.24º, northeast of Erhai lake, near Jizushan Mt.) ( Figs 110, 111 View FIGURES 110 – 111 ).

Variation. A male from "Ta-pin-tze" is much smaller and narrower than the other two examined specimens. But the male genitalia show that they are exactly the same species.

Remarks. Fairmaire (1888)described eight Pterostichini species from Yunnan. We found the types of four of them in the collection of MNHN. The types of two species ( Stobeus collucens , Steropus scuticollis ) are clearly labeled as "Yunnan, R.P. Delavay", while the other two (Aurisma delavayi, Steropanus forticornis ) only have Fairmaire's handwritten labels "yunnan". Based on these, we inferred that most species described in this paper from Yunnan (including Omaseus stictopleurus ) were collected by Père Delavay, a famous French missionary and botanist, but Fairmaire ignored the information of collector (as usual he did) when transcribing labels and describing. Moreover, from our examined specimens of these species, we believe that, the type locality of these species could be not far from Delavay's parish, northeastern Dali in Yunnan Province. In the present paper, we recognize this species mainly based on the examination of three specimens from MNHN, which were collected by Père Delavay from Yunnan (probably are topotypes) and accorded with the description of Pt. stictopleurus .

















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