Psithyristria paratenuis, Lee, Young June, 2010

Lee, Young June, 2010, Checklist of cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Luzon, Philippines, with six new species and revised keys to the species of Oncotympana Stål and Psithyristria Stål, Zootaxa 2621, pp. 1-26 : 17-19

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scientific name

Psithyristria paratenuis

sp. nov.

22. Psithyristria paratenuis View in CoL sp. nov.

( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 )

Type material. Holotype: male ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 ), N. Luzon, CAR border Abra/Kalinga, E. of Malibcong Basiwag, 1,660 m, 17°30.191’N 120°58.942’E, 3–4 IV 2008, J.H. Lourens ( IRSNB). Paratypes: 2 males, same data as holotype ( IRSNB).

Etymology. The specific name refers to the morphological similarity of this species to P. tenuinervis .

Measurements of types (in mm, 3 males). Length of body: 22.2 (21.2–23.5); length of forewing: 29.1 (28.7–29.3); width of forewing: 9.2 (9.1–9.3); width of head including eyes: 5.6 (5.5–5.6); width of pronotum: 7.1 (7.0–7.1); wing span: 63.1 (61.7–64.7).

Diagnosis. This species is closely allied to P. tenuinervis as it has a very slender forewing and the least developed medial and cubital cells, but it differs as follows: body larger (about 22.2 mm long versus 16.0– 19.0 mm long in tenuinervis ); forewing nodal line indistinct or absent in medial cell (distinct in other Psithyristria species except for P. specularis ); M2 derived from ulnar cell 2 (from ulnar cell 3 in other Psithyristria species except for P. specularis , P. nodinervis , P. crassinervis and P. moderabilis , of which latter two have unstable M2 divergence); M1+2 and M3+4 becoming distinctly closer to each other distally (not becoming distinctly closer in other species except for P. paraspecularis ); M along medial cell short, about half as long as M along ulnar cell 3 (about as long as M along ulnar cell 3 in tenuinervis ); CuA1 about three times as long as CuA2 (less than twice as long as CuA 2 in tenuinervis ); timbal cover well developed, covering most part of timbal (very small, exposing most part of timbal in tenuinervis ); uncal lobes widely separated (narrowly separated in tenuinervis ) from each other at base; uncal lobe in lateral view thin with its inner margin considerably concave (rather thick with its inner margin slightly convex in tenuinervis ).

Description of male ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 ). Head light green with following marks: median large black spot enclosing ocelli, with its anterior end reaching frontoclypeal suture and posterior end reaching pronotum; pair of large oblique dark brown fasciae on sides of the median spot, narrowly connecting with the median spot and their lateral sides nearly reaching compound eyes; pair of dark brown spots on supra-antennal plates; one or two pairs of minute spots posterolaterally. Distance between lateral ocelli and compound eyes about 1.5 times as wide as distance between lateral ocelli. Postclypeus moderately swollen. Antennae mostly fuscous. Ventral part of head light green to greenish ochraceous. Postclypeus with pair of roundish dark brown patch on anterior part neighboring supra-antennal plates and dark brown fasciae along anterior four to five transverse grooves. Anteclypeus without marks. Lorum with black spot on inner margin of posterior part. Gena with minute dark brown to fuscous spot at about middle of lateral margin. Rostrum fuscous apically; slightly passing hind coxae.

Pronotum light green. Inner area of pronotum with following dark brown to fuscous marks: pair of central longitudinal fasciae broadened at both anterior and posterior ends; pair of fasciae between anterior parts of paramedian fissures and posterior ends of lateral fissures, often disconnected in the middle; pair of fasciae along lateral fissures; pair of curved fasciae along lateral margins of inner area. Pronotal collar with two pairs of, sometimes indistinct, dark brown spots at lateral inner corner. Anterolateral pronotal collar with or without minute tooth.

Mesonotum light green to greenish ochraceous, covered with silvery hairs especially on lateral and posterior parts and with following black to fuscous marks: median longitudinal fascia broadened posteriorly to reach posterior margin of cruciform elevation; pair of inwardly curved fasciae along parapsidal sutures; pair of small roundish spots enclosing scutal depressions; pair of broad longitudinal fasciae on lateral sides of the roundish spots all the way to anterior margin and to posterior margin of mesonotum; pair of longitudinal short fasciae between the inwardly curved fasciae and the broad longitudinal patch, with their anterior ends reaching anterior margin of mesonotum. Cruciform elevation green to greenish ochraceous with median longitudinal fuscous fascia and narrowly fuscous posterior margin. Thoracic sternites light green to greenish ochraceous.

Legs greenish ochraceous to ochraceous. Fore-femur primary and secondary spines dark brown to fuscous. Fore-tibia and fore- and mid-tarsi mostly dark brown. Fore-, mid- and hind pretarsal claws apically fuscous.

Wings hyaline. Forewing M2 derived from ulnar cell 2. M3 derived from ulnar cell 3. M4 derived from medial cell. Ulnar cell 3 about 1.3 times as large as ulnar cell 2. Medial cell about 1.2 times as large as ulnar cell 3. Medial cell about as large as cubital cell. CuA1 about three times as long as CuA2. Infuscation present on bases of apical cells 2–5 and on CuA2. Spot appearing on each hind margin of RA2, RP, M1–4 and CuA1, forming a series of spots on subapical margin of forewing. Smoky distal suffusion usually present along apical margins of apical cells 1–5. Basal membrane and hind wing jugum reddish orange.

Operculum light green or ochraceous, narrowly margined with fuscous laterally; semicircular. Lateral margin of operculum sinuate at base. Opercula widely separated from each other.

Abdomen longer than distance from head to cruciform elevation; covered with silvery or fuscous hairs. Tergites 2–6 ochraceous with median longitudinal dark brown to brown fascia, with its lateral margins usually darker than medial part. Tergites 7 and 8 dark brown to fuscous. Tergites 3–4 with pair of fuscous spots laterally. Tergites 5–6 with pair of small fuscous spots sublaterally. Caudal margin of tergite 3 slightly wider than anterior margin of mesonotum. Timbal cover ochraceous or brown; about as long as the median width, semicircular. Timbal mostly covered with timbal cover. Abdominal sternites mostly ochraceous except sternite VII, which is mostly black. Sternite VI brown to dark brown caudally. Sternite VIII entirely ochraceous.

Genitalia ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 C, D): Pygofer barrel-shaped in ventral view. Uncal lobes separated from each other at base; simple, without additional spine, in ventral view lateral margins curved first convexly then concavely, terminating in single acute apex pointing outward. Dorsal beak long, triangular.

Distribution. Philippines (N. Luzon).


Museo de Historia Natural La Salle


Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique

















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